Vogue有意識 / 超模Gigi Hadid和Hailey Bieber都超愛穿的永續羊絨套裝,有甚麼獨特之處?
Gigi Hadid Shared Intimate New Photos of Her, Zayn Malik, and Their Baby Girl Khai
Gigi Hadid did a Taurus season photo dump on Instagram today to mark her birthday month—and gave an intimate look into her life as a new mother. Hadid shared shots from her 26th birthday party in the gallery but notably included a rare, artsy kissing shot of her and boyfriend Zayn Malik and a photo of her and their daughter Khai in matching Isabel Marant heart tops.
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Hadid welcomed Khai in September. Malik spoke about his experience with fatherhood for the first time in March during an interview on iHeartRadio’s Valentine in the Morning. He gushed about Hadid in the interview.
Parenthood, “honestly, it’s amazing,” Malik began, via E!. “A lot of people that I was speaking to, obviously, before she was born and stuff were like, ‘It’s a big adjustment, and it’s going to be a massive change and stuff.’ But honestly, she’s an amazing baby. It’s been really easy for me and Gig to kind of just ease into it. She kind of made it easy for us, she sleeps really well, she loves her milk. It’s just feeding and changing diapers at the moment. It’s wicked. I’m enjoying it, for sure.”
Hadid is “good,” Malik said. “She’s a wicked mom. Obviously, she’s really a big help with everything, and she’s doing well.”
Hadid, meanwhile, spoke to Vogue earlier this year about getting advice from Blake Lively about how to navigate parenthood in the spotlight and her child’s privacy. Hadid and Malik have chosen to keep their daughter’s face hidden in photos after seeing how that decision positively affected their celeb friends’ children. “I have friends who are public figures and that’s how they’ve gone about it, and I see their kids really blossom in a different way,” Hadid said, referring to Lively’s three daughters with Reynolds.
Hadid’s sister Bella also spoke to the outlet about why Hadid won’t show full photos of her baby. “I think she wants to be real online, but until her child wants to be in the spotlight and can make the decision herself, she doesn’t want to put her in that position,” she said.
Alyssa Bailey News and Strategy Editor Alyssa Bailey is the news and strategy editor at ELLE.com, where she oversees coverage of celebrities and royals (particularly Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton).
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