ヴィクトワール・ドゥ・ カステラ ーヌによる オリジナル の新コレクション「Gem Dio r( ジェム ディオ ール)」。メゾンの クリエ イティビティと匠の技が結集した タイム ピース7点とジュ エリー 11点で構成される独創的なコレクションが誕生しました。「具象的ではない タイム ピース&ジュ エリー コレクションを デザイン したかったのです」、ヴィクトワール・ドゥ・ カステラ ーヌは説明します。「コレクションのエスプリは モダン 。私が抽象-有機的と呼ぶ スタイル です。計算された無秩序な デザイン アトリエ にとってまさに技術的な挑戦となりました」。たとえば、時計の独特な ケース は自然に層を形成する鉱物を模しており、ブレス レット はムッシュ ディオ ールが オート チュー ルのコレクションの生地見本を紙にピン留めしていた手法から得たインスピ レーション を表現しています。 ディオ ール」の変則的な 幾何学 デザイン は、 リング 、バングル、イヤ リング など、ジュ エリー アイテム でも展開。カーラ・デルヴィーニュが「GEM DIO R」を着用した最新キャンペーンも公開中です。大胆さとエレ ガンス が共存する、魅惑のコレクションをご堪能ください。【お問合せ先】 ディオ ールTEL:0 120 -02-1947 ディオ ール # Dio r #Gem Dio
配信元企業:クリスチャン ディオール株式会社
Art Deco Dominates the High Jewelry Season
PARIS — For high jewelry, 2021 may be the beginning of a new era.
Although almost no traditional couture shows were scheduled this week, a handful of houses on Place Vendôme — Chanel, Van Cleef & Arpels, and Boucheron among them — planned viewings of high jewelry collections by appointment, and in keeping with local health guidelines.
But others, such as De Beers and Cartier, have mostly transitioned to the virtual realm. And a few, including Louis Vuitton, Dior, Repossi and Chaumet, have moved their collection debuts to March, following the fall 2021 ready-to-wear shows here.
It seems that many houses are leaving their connections to Couture Week behind and moving to their own calendars, much like fashion’s adaptation to months of lockdowns and distancing.
Will it continue in a post-pandemic world? Only time will tell.
Graphic Allure
One thing that has remained constant, however, is the lure of Art Deco, even 100 years on.
Everything you need to know about Amethyst, February’s purple gemstone
The mention ‘amethyst’ may bring to mind the picture of a jagged, purple rock, one of the many crystals that modern mystics claim to have healing properties.
Yet there was a time when the amethyst, also February’s birthstone, was considered just as valuable as diamonds, rubies and sapphires. Purple, after all, is a colour associated with royalty. That, along with its rarity made the amethyst a highly esteemed gemstone; frequently making an appearance in the jewels adorned by kings and queens, and other powerful figures like the Pope.
That is, until the early 19th century, when vast deposits of the violet treasure were discovered in Brazil. Now, relegated to a common crystal, the amethyst’s value is mostly determined by its hues; a quality that also sets it apart from other minerals within the quartz family.
Depending on the presence of iron or the effects of irradiation, the amethyst can come in quite a range of colours, from pinkish lavender to deep purple. The most prized shade is a strong purple hue with red undertones, which is also most prevalent in the finest jewellery creations.
Cartier bib necklace in diamond, amethyst, turquoise and gold (1947) (Photo credit: Nick Welsh, courtesy of Cartier)
In 1947, for example, Cartier famously designed an extravagant bib necklace for the Duchess of Windsor that spotlighted the amethyst — including a large, heart-shaped stone at the centre of it. The purple gem is also a favourite of Bulgari; the Italian jeweller often incorporates it into its bold designs, such as its Serpenti watches.
It’s clear that the amethyst is still highly regarded by some of the biggest luxury brands today. Below, we spotlight some jewellery brands that have taken artistic liberties with the gemstone, producing marvellous jewels that would make a perfect gift for those born in February.
Header image courtesy of Dior
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