Gucci 1955 Horsebit馬銜包推出「珍奶色」!100周年4大經典包款推出限定寶石色
迎接品牌100周年,Gucci盛大推出Gucci Beloved經典摯愛系列,創意總監Alessandro Michele運用現代手法詮釋品牌典藏元素,打造出一款款Beloved經典摯愛系列包款。它有可能是陪妳與未來終身伴侶首次約會,也可能是參加一場重要面試或年度派對時所搭配的包款,同時還會是日常穿搭的重要元素,能夠讓人精神煥發,提升品味,成就個性風格。
1 雙虎頭扣飾的Dionysus包 2 馬銜鍊設計Gucci Horsebit 1955包 3 雙G標識的GG Marmont包 4 優雅復古Jackie 1961包
Beloved經典摯愛系列包款以寶石為靈感,設計出如同紅寶石、藍寶石和綠寶石色調,經細心雕琢,煥發全新光彩。搭配綠色、藍色或紅色皮革的Dionysus小型肩揹包、GG Marmont小型肩揹包及相機包,以及Gucci Horsebit 1955系列肩揹包和迷你包,典雅十足,又頗具街頭風範。包款飾邊則選用三組對比色調:電光藍色搭配石油藍飾邊、翡翠綠色皮革搭配深綠色飾邊,以及櫻桃紅色搭配淺玫瑰色飾邊。此外,Dionysus包款首次點綴白色琺瑯扣頭;GG Marmont的紐紋雙G花邊採用金色飾面,與同色皮革琺瑯相得益彰:琺瑯的色彩可與任意寶石的色彩相匹配,成為此包款的靈感源泉。
今年三月Gucci推出免費Line貼圖,其中有個貼圖悄悄出現Gucci Horsebit 1955珍奶色包款,暗示新成員即將登場。四月,Gucci正式公布全新上市珍珠奶茶色Gucci Horsebit 1955包,為即將到來的炎炎夏日,捎來一抹甜蜜清涼。
Horsebit 1955 奶茶色手提包 $73,800
Horsebit 1955 奶茶色肩背包 $92,300
Horsebit 1955 奶茶色迷你肩背包 $92,400
Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele為Gucci Beloved經典摯愛系列設計了一檔深夜「好萊塢」脫口秀,大玩脫口秀趣味梗。集結了一群明星,包括演員Awkwafina、演員兼電影製作人Dakota Johnson、演員Diane Keaton、音樂人兼演員Harry Styles、專業運動員暨企業家Serena Williams和演員Sienna Miller;演員暨主持人James Corden 將在Beloved 脫口秀與這些明星暢談他們的近期動態,當然,還有他們摯愛的包款。
Gucci Beloved經典摯愛系列 店中店資訊
台北地點:新光三越A4 Gucci專門店
台中地點:台中新光三越 Gucci專門店
Gucci Beloved經典摯愛系列 百周年重點包袋雲集太古廣場限定店
撰文: 張榮熹 最後更新日期: 2021-04-28 16:51
貴為今年踏入100周年的品牌,Gucci注定是本年度時裝世界最具話題性的名字。由年初與The North Face、Doraemon的聯乘別注,到最近與BALENCAIGA的破天荒合作,以至由Lady Gaga、Al Pacino主演電影《House Of Gucci》等,都引品牌相關的一舉一動,皆牽動着每位時裝人的神經。
最近品牌創作總監Alessandro Michele亦策動了另一個超轟動年度項目:Gucci Beloved經典摯愛系列,將Gucci近代最成功的手袋,以至這100年間的經典元素,以設計師獨到的設計觀點來一趟新舊糅合夢幻之旅。
雖然Gucci家族講明不喜歡Al Pacino飾演Aldo Gucci,但《House Of Gucci》注定是本年度時裝界最矚目的電影之一。(House Of Gucci)
為表對Gucci Beloved企劃的重視,品牌早前就以「荷里活」深夜清談節目作為靈感,邀請主持人James Corden以及一眾流行文化巨星,拍攝一系列概念廣告。只見奧斯卡金像影后Diane Keaton、Harry Styles、Serena Williams、Awkwafina等人,不但上James Corden節目談笑風生,每人也攜帶一個Gucci Beloved系列手袋進場,總共4大型號,大家又可知是哪4款?
女演員Dakota Johnson抱着Gucci Dionysus與James Corden談天說地。(Gucci)
於金鐘太古廣場Garden Court,開設的Gucci Beloved期間限定專櫃,展示了全新Gucci Dionysus手袋。(張榮熹攝)
第一款是Gucci Dionysus酒神袋。誕生於2015年的Dionysus是Alessandro Michele統領Gucci後,首款設計的手袋傑作,當時任職創作總監多年的Frida Giannini離開品牌,世人都對內部升遷的Alessandro Michele持觀望態度,誰不知第一個系列已大獲全勝,除了花俏復古風格夠迷人外,這枚靈感來自希臘天神狄俄尼索斯的Dionysus包袋同樣居功至偉。手袋上標誌性的虎頭配件裝飾,取材自狄俄尼索斯騎上宙斯所派來的老虎身上,越過底格里斯河之神話故事。
而來到Gucci Beloved系列,Alessandro Michele亦為Dionysus迎來畫龍點睛的改造,將銀器虎頭配件,改為陶瓷版本,既是經典,又耳目一新。
網球女王Serena Williams與她的GG Marmont手袋。(Gucci)
第二款GG Marmont同樣直接出自Alessandro Michele手筆,創作於2016年初秋女裝系列。參考自1970年代Gucci常見的Double G袋扣,舊版本一律以上下顛倒重疊的GG形式示人。
然而Alessandro卻藝高人膽大,一口氣將Double G袋扣改動成正向重疊方式,並全面應用在GG Marmont的所有款式之上,成就出品牌近年最熱賣的袋款,款式包括手提袋、肩揹袋、水桶袋、圓形及迷你袋款。
歷史最悠久的Gucci Horsebit 1955,當然要由最資深的影后級人馬Diane Keaton來演繹。(Gucci)
由於Gucci歷史悠久,經典設計多不勝數,因此整個Gucci Beloved系列,並非所有手袋都原創自Alessandro Michele的手筆,有些可是來自時間更遠久的歷史珍藏。Gucci Horsebit 1955正是一大代表,熟識高級時裝的人都知道,Gucci乃是以馬具起家的奢華品牌,因此好些與馬術運動相關的標記,如馬術扣Horsebit,就一直被Gucci設計團隊珍而重之,應用到服飾之上,1953年首次鑲嵌在Loafers皮鞋上,1955年更移植到手袋領域上,到近代則被Alessandro改造成多款包袋設計,歷久常新。
Jacqueline Kennedy側孭Gucci G1097手代(Retro Trend Vintage & Recycled)
Harry Styles與Jackie 1961。(Gucci)
至於Jackie 1961,更加取材自大名鼎鼎的Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis,先後作為美國總統John F. Kennedy和希臘船王Aristotle Onassis妻子的她,一直是流行文化界的傳奇Icon,品味毋庸置疑,更有着「點袋成金」之能力。話說1958年,Gucci參考馬鞍元素,創作出一款外觀如若馬鞍般的單肩手袋,名曰G1097,本來正常不過,誰不知卻叫Jacqueline Kennedy一見傾情,多次配帶G1097高調出席活動,使手袋愈來愈搶手。
隨後1961年1月20日John F. Kennedy就任美國第35任總統,身為第一夫人的Jacqueline Kennedy一舉手一投足更加成為全球焦點,有見及此Gucci就依據本來G1097的原型,製作出一款外觀相似但更趨簡約的袋款,並定名為Jackie Bag,開確時裝名牌以人物定名手袋型號的時代之後,也一直成為歷代Gucci設計師的重點設計單品,今次Gucci Beloved系列裡,Alessandro Michele就為它賦予了多種顏色、圖案、用料以至輪廓上的變奏,繼續將懷舊與潮流和創意完美合一。
4月26日起,金鐘太古廣場Garden Court已開設限定專櫃,展示Gucci Beloved一系列全新手袋。(張榮熹攝)
為慶祝GUCCI 100周年和Gucci Beloved系列誕生,品牌在全球多個地區都特意舉行與之相關的Pop-up Store,香港也不例外,由4月26起於金鐘太古廣場Garden Court,開設限定專櫃,展示Gucci Beloved一系列全新手袋,絕對值得前往朝聖。
Dakota Johnson, Harry Styles, & Serena Williams All Have The Same Taste In Bags
Just when it seems Gucci’s Creative Director Alessandro Michele couldn’t top his previous inventive campaign concept (remember the label’s Fall/Winter 2020 ads where models photographed themselves in their bedrooms?), he unveiled a new series that is wonderfully strange and quintessentially Gucci. For the Italian brand’s latest whimsical morsel of fashion content, Michele tapped Harry Styles, Dakota Johnson, and more to star in Gucci’s ‘Beloved’ campaign. It took the form as a talk show starring said guests and their beloved Gucci bags. If the imagined campaign is any indicator, a real talk show from Michele would feature lots of tongue-in-cheek quips, GG monograms, and a delirious minute of nonstop laughter from Styles.
The campaign, entitled ‘The Beloved Show,’ was lensed by cult-favorite director and photographer Harmony Korine and hosted by late-night entertainer James Corden. Through short, two-minute interviews and a series of photographs, the charismatic Gucci muses show off signature handbags from Gucci. Styles carried the Jackie 1961 handbag while Johnson opted for the Greek mythology-inspired Dionysus bag. Meanwhile, Serena Williams modeled the sleek, quilted GG Marmont. For Michele, the iconic Gucci bags inherently possess so much personality, and he utilizes ‘The Beloved Show’ to give the bags deserved airtime.
“We decided to show the concept of ‘beloved’ in an ironic way in the campaign, being inspired by the fact that bags are the protagonists in my life and in the lives of many other people,” explained Michele in a press statement. “We went back in time to the original TV talk shows, where the protagonist is the bag itself, the big star.” While there was only one celebrity sitting in the hot seat, Michele played with the idea that there were two stars: both the bag and the actual talent.
(+) Harry Styles with Gucci’s Jackie 1961 bag. Courtesy of Gucci/Shot by Harmony Korine (+) Dakota Johnson with Gucci’s Dionysus bag. Courtesy of Gucci/Shot by Harmony Korine (+) Serena Williams with Gucci’s GG Marmont bag. Courtesy of Gucci/Shot by Harmony Korine INFO 1/3
Actors Diane Keaton, Awkwafina, and Sienna Miller were also featured in the A-list heavy campaign. They sported the Gucci Horsebit 1955, the GG Marmont in an ivory colorway, and a Jackie 1961 handbag that matched Styles’ own bag, respectively. All four handbag designs featured in the campaign were designed by Michele and act as an homage to both Gucci’s history and the creative director’s work. “I truly love and adore my handbags,” said Michele. “It was therefore natural for me to call some of the ones I created ‘Beloved.’ The name comes from my own personal experience and my love for them.”
For a quick refresher on the Michele-designed bags, turn to Gucci’s runway archives. The Dionysus bag debuted at the Fall/Winter 2015 runway show (this was Michele’s first collection as Gucci’s creative director) and the GG Marmont was presented during the brand’s 2016 Pre-Fall womenswear collection. The other two bags were newer additions to the fashion house’s handbag inventory. The Horsebit 1955 bag first appeared during the Gucci’s 2020 Cruise collection, whereas the Jackie 1961 was unveiled at the Fall/Winter 2020 show.
Watch a few of the interview clips from the talk show, below, then shop the purses from Gucci’s ‘Beloved’ line.
Harry Styles In Gucci’s ‘Beloved’ Campaign
Dakota Johnson In Gucci’s ‘Beloved’ Campaign
Awkwafina In Gucci’s ‘Beloved’ Campaign
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