2021名牌手袋Tote Bag︱Chloé、BURBERRY、LOEWE帆布袋價格親民
撰文: 程佩敏 最後更新日期: 2021-02-05 20:48
2021名牌手袋︱Chloé近年推出的C Bag、Daria Bag均大受歡迎,2020年12月品牌宣布創意總監一職由紐約設計師Gabriela Hearst接任。未知是否在Gabriela Hearst的加盟影響下,Chloé上月發布的Woody Tote Bag隨即在日本女生圈引起一陣搶購潮,Gabriela Hearst有何影響力?以及手袋有甚麼賣點打動少女心?
Gabriela Hearst為同名品牌Gabriela Hearst的創辦人與創意總監,2015年成立品牌後,以簡約、鮮明輪廓的設計見稱,實行永續時尚,使用自家牧場羊毛製作,採取小量生產監控品質。Nina Bag和Diana Bag為品牌其中兩個受歡迎袋款,Anne Hathaway、Meghan Markle也是品牌的忠粉,每每推出袋款,都被搶購,可謂一袋難求。
Gabriela Hearst為同名品牌Gabriela Hearst的創辦人與創意總監,其中Nina Bag更是得意之作,受許多名人追捧。(gabrielahearst@Instagram)
Chloé推新帆布袋即成IT Bag 親民價格值得入手?
Gabriela Hearst的加入讓時尚界關注Chloé接下來的動向,甚至更期待未來的IT Bag。Woody Tote Bag於上月一推出就受到日本女生熱捧,Chloé過往僅設皮製手袋,Woody Tote Bag則以防水棉帆布打造而成,米白色袋身綴以黑色或啡色小牛皮皮革以及印有Chloé Logo的手挽帶,低調地增加辨識度,為休閒感重的帆布袋款注入一份法式奢華。
Chloé Woody Tote Bag分成Small、Medium、Large 3個尺寸,一推出即受日本女生熱捧。(chiekaaa6@Instagram)
Woody Tote Bag分成Small、Medium、Large 3個尺寸,如坊間的帆布袋款一樣,主隔層以外,設有內貼袋供擺放小物,實用度頗高,無論是喜歡精緻小手袋還是大袋的女生,都能按照自己喜好而選擇,日本女生相對鍾情於Small Size與Medium Size,方正形狀感覺並不累贅,容易搭配造型。
▼▼▼Chloé Woody Tote Bag於近期受日本女生追捧?按圖看價格與設計細節。▼▼▼
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名牌帆布Tote Bag價格相宜 精緻外觀與實用度並存
其實帆布Tote Bag成追捧款式已非第一次,BURBERRY、GIVENCHY等品牌均有推出過帆布Tote Bag,即使不是主打款式,但同樣極高詢問度,有一定的市場價值。先是價格方面比皮革款式更親民,大部份款式HK$10,000內已能入手。而且袋身大容量,實用性高,帆布材質更為輕身,適合上班使用,尤其對於小資女來說,更是名牌入門之選。
▼▼▼【按圖看】BURBERRY、LOEWE、GIVENCHY均有推出帆布Tote Bag,比皮革手袋價格更親民,可成入門款,低至HK$4xxx買得到?▼▼▼
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▼▼▼同場加映|何超蓮為「最美千金」,但何仍是有「貼地」一面,日常打扮中都會出現Kate Spade、Furla等價錢相對親民、受小資女追捧的品牌。▼▼▼
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▼▼▼同場加映:推介CHANEL 20款迷你袋、小皮具,適合不同budget的女生,定價更低8千,同樣有仿珍珠鏈帶款式。▼▼▼
LOEWE Nano Puzzle手袋2021全新高人氣推薦:多色可選、等同半價入手百搭經典款!
Watch How This Sculpted Leather Dior Book Tote Bag Is Made
Back in July 2020, Maria Grazia Chiuri unveiled her Cruise 2021 collection for Dior with a slew of dream handbags and accessories. To celebrate the range, the luxury house has unveiled how its universally-loved Book Tote bag is made.
Inspired by a trip to Argentina, the designer came up with the leather purse featuring tooled detailing throughout. The main technique takes influence from the country’s craftsmanship of personalizing saddles using cut-out drawings. Through hours of laser-cutting and hand-chiseling, the leather pattern is revamped with meticulous floral designs that add a unique effect. The material then receives several coats of patina for a deep brown hue, and the process is complete with three-dimensional rose motifs that are assembled in the final stage.
Watch all of the details behind the tooled leather Book Tote above. The handcrafted bag is available for purchase at select Dior stores with prices starting from $6,700 USD.
In related news, check out how the fashion house’s new Caro bag is made.