


Dior Caro手袋

最新於2021春夏問世的Dior Caro Bag,以細緻小牛皮革搭配標誌性Cannage藤格紋縫線,加上靈感取自Christian Dior香水瓶封口的復古金屬「CD」鎖釦,以及可拆式的金屬鍊帶設計,除了經典黑之外,就屬焦糖棕最吸睛。

CELINE Tabou肩背包


Saint Larent Mahattan Box皮革肩背包

沒有以往醒目的YSL標誌,取而代之是低調皮革金屬鎖釦,上頭刻印著Saint Larent品牌標誌,不仔細看根本不容易發現,擁有方正造型的Mahattan Box十分經典且耐看,加上包內容量十足與百搭棕色系,非常適合通勤女孩使用。

Chanel 19包

經手香奈兒已故藝術總監Karl Lagerfeld的19包,放大版菱格紋縫線、金屬雙C鎖釦以及皮革穿鍊元素,搭上質感滿分的焦糖棕色系,成為19包推出後數一數二的熱賣款。

Loewe Puzzle包

出自配件製造機Jonathan Anderson之手,Puzzle Bag從誕生以來一直是品牌熱賣手袋之一,幾何拼接的包身完美體現Loewe精湛皮革工藝,提供Nano、Mini、Small、Large四種尺寸,又屬棕色最受歡迎。

Fendi Moonlight手袋


Burberry Grace皮革包

有方正外觀的Burberry Grace包款,包身上綴以金屬壓印Burberry標誌,側邊的皮革肩帶設計金屬框,展現品牌獨到的細節美學,手袋以品牌代表色呈現,價格也比你想得更好入手。

Tod’s Kate迷你斜背包



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● Lonchamp熱賣尼龍包Le Pliage®換上法國國旗配色!2大系列包款、售價全都整理給你

小包控尖叫!Jisoo、秀智、孫芸芸都在曬的Dior Micro Bags系列開賣,4大包款亮點、售價全公開


不論你是Dior鐵粉或小包控!全新登場的Dior Micro Bags系列又要來攻陷女孩們的荷包,看Dior品牌大使Jisoo、秀智、孫芸芸、木村心美…搶先背上。

byWa Chang - 25 JUN 2021 更新


陸續在Dior品牌大使Jisoo、秀智、木村心美、孫芸芸…眾女星社群上曝光的Dior Micro Bags系列,是近期最具討論度的話題包款,出自Dior女裝創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri之手,以微型尺寸重塑品牌經典包款Lady Dior、30 Montaigne、Dior Caro、Saddle,搭配溫暖、浪漫的玫瑰粉、薄荷綠以級Dior經典色迷濛藍,這波可愛的小包風潮務必跟上。

Dior Micro Bags系列

Dior Micro Bags系列4大包款

Lady Dior

於義大利製作生產的Lady Dior,此次以微型尺寸重新亮相,採用細緻羊皮製成,搭配標誌性Cannage藤格紋圖案縫線及D.I.O.R.」吊飾點綴,還有皮革背帶方便外出攜帶,包括經典黑、罌粟紅、玫瑰粉、迷濛藍、薄荷綠、拿鐵白共6色。

微型Lady Dior手袋,NT100,000

微型Lady Dior手袋,NT100,000

微型Lady Dior手袋,NT100,000





Dior Caro

微型系列也包含品牌最新推出的Dior Caro包款,承襲Dior雋永典雅與現代美學,以柔軟小牛皮綴以經典Cannage藤格紋圖案縫線打造,醒目的金屬CD鎖釦取自 Christian Dior香水瓶的封口設計,隨包附有可拆式鍊帶,包括經典黑、迷濛藍、薄荷綠、拿鐵白共4色。

微型Dior Caro手袋,NT74,000

微型Dior Caro手袋,NT74,000

30 Montaigne

以品牌於巴黎總店為靈感打造的30 Montaigne系列,在此次登場的Micro Bags系列運用拋光小牛皮革製成,搭配復古感的金屬「CD」鎖釦,附上可自行調整長度的長背帶,包包背面還壓印上30 Montaigne標誌,推出經典黑、玫瑰粉、薄荷綠、迷濛藍共4色。

微型30 Montaigne手袋,NT74,000

微型30 Montaigne手袋,NT74,000


As Chanel No.5 marks its 100th birthday, we take a look at the iconic fragrances to celebrate with this year


Mental health advocate, professional oversharer, tree hugger and makeup obsessive. Will try anything weird and wonderful in the name of wellness and beauty.

After a year of perfume offering us a personal, at home, beauty sanctuary, it’s safe to say that fragrance is also rediscovering its role as a going out accessory, serenading us out of lockdown with every spritz.

As well as the personal renaissance, it’s also a pretty big year for perfume in general, with a number of notable birthdays and anniversaries of some of the biggest players in the game. Most notably, perhaps, is the centenary of Chanel No.5. After 100 years, it has enjoyed a permanent slot on every bestseller list as well as a number of cultural highlights, including Marilyn Monroe famously referencing it when asked what she wore to bed every night.

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It’s fizzy aldehydic brilliance and intoxicating floral sophistication is being celebrated accordingly, with pop ups in Selfridges London and across the world, and a 17-piece, limited edition collection of products designed in homage to No.5.

Always one for a theme - remember the the famous supermarket setup at one of the designer’s fashion shows in the magnificent Grand Palais in Paris - the No. 5 pop ups take on the guise of a Chanel-ified factory floor, complete with work stations and mechanical conveyor belts.

The idea that everyday items can be a luxurious experience seems a perfect way to elevate a perfume that millions of women have held as their go-to scent for a century and each piece: the No.5 shower gel comes in a paint can, the nourishing body oil has been repackaged in an oil canister complete with a spout, and the No.5 bottle has been encased in a moulded pulp tray.


Then there’s fellow Parisian fragrance house Goutal Paris, which is celebrating their 40th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the brand has created two limited edition bottles of their best-selling fragrances L’Eau d’Hadrien and Petite Cherie. Founded by Annick Goutal and succeeded by her daughter Camille and perfumer Isabelle Doyen, the fragrance house has built a reputation for its poetic, creative and captivating fragrances that are as evocative as they are elegant. “I like to dream and share dreams. This is what my mother wanted to do as well,” says Camille.

Plus, there’s a throng of younger but nonetheless as illustrious fragrances celebrating milestones in 2021.

Keep scrolling to discover the heritage fragrances to wear while raising a glass.