時髦雨靴誕生!LV全新短靴Pillow boot抗寒、防風又防水,穿脫更是方便
討厭溼答答的下雨天嗎!LV全新短靴Pillow boot絕對是你的最佳首選。
by Wa Chang
Edit/Jim Liao Photo/Louis Vuitton
在10月巴黎時裝週壓軸登場的Louis Vuitton 2021春夏女裝大秀上,創意總監Nicolas Ghesquière霸氣包下整座莎瑪麗丹百貨公司(La Samaritaine),就已經搶先曝光全新老花短靴Pillow boot。
LV 老花短靴Pillow Boot
隨著大秀進行到尾聲,模特兒腳上一雙雙老花短靴Pillow boot陸續上場,延續創意總監Nicolas Ghesquière一貫的前衛風格,Pillow boot擁有巨大的外觀與羽絨觸感,完美反映路易威登的雋永且不妥協的美學代碼。
LV 老花短靴Pillow Boot
全新老花短靴Pillow Boot看似巨大卻十分輕盈,採用防水面料製成,搭載鋸齒狀橡膠鞋底,內裡則以品牌經典Monogram老花圖案打造的防水尼龍襯呈現,靴款皆附上綁繩可自行調整寬鬆,兼具防風、防水更有保暖效果,目前已經在LV專賣店開賣,包含黑、白、墨綠共3種配色。
LV 老花短靴Pillow Boot
Louis Vuitton 推出全新 Monogram 防水尼龍靴款
These are the puffer boots(!) loved by influencers that you keep seeing all over Instagram
It’s day 61820289 (ish) of lockdown and while we’re all clinging onto the occasional five minutes of blue sky there are a still a good few weeks left of winter. If we were to hazard a guess, we’d say that means you’ve likely got your feet parked in either a pair of slippers or a pair of boots right now. Sound about right?
But what if we told you you could fuse the two? That you needn’t prise your hooves away from the comfort of those luxurious fluffy slides and squeeze them into your ankle boots every time you nip to the supermarket for (yet another!) forgotten supper. Thanks to Nicolas Ghesquière - artistic director at Louis Vuitton with an apparent ability to understand and cater for our future selves - such a product exists.
Louis Vuitton’s Pillow Comfort Boots in Khaki
Debuted on the brand’s spring/summer 2021 runway in Paris last September, the Louis Vuitton ‘pillow boot’ - which comes in both khaki and black - might be best described as a puffer jacket for your feet. While that may not initially sound like something you’ve been waiting the whole of lockdown for, we predict that 99.9% of you reading this right now will be hankering for a pair in approximately three minutes (two, if you’re a fast reader).
Read next The 30 best pairs of ankle boots that are bang on trend for autumn (and still will be for years to come!) Shopping The 30 best pairs of ankle boots that are bang on trend for autumn (and still will be for years to come!) It’s (almost) time…
Having first been spotted on the feet of Sophie Turner back in November while she was taking a stroll with newborn daughter Willa, the shoe’s popularity immediately skyrocketed. Since then they’ve been worn (and adored) by the A-list likes of Viola Davis, Gigi Hadid, Julianne Moore, Selena Gomez, Florence Pugh and Chloë Moretz.
As is often the case with polarising sartorial concepts as they make their way into the mainstream, Instagram’s chicest influencers have been busy styling and snapping the pillow boots with serious gusto. So much so, that they seem to be littering our Instagram feeds more than ‘June 21st!!’ posts right now. And that’s saying something…
Tempted? We hate to say we told you so.
Thankfully there are still some sizes available on the Louis Vuitton website. You’ll just have to happily part with £850 in order to get your hands on a pair… But hey, at least you know there’s no way they’ll be uncomfortable.