暈染花瓣漸層最推薦,連韓彩妝師都預測會熱賣!DIOR迪奧「癮誘超模染唇露 」請鎖定#761泫雅色。



原本預定5/1才上市的新唇彩「迪奧癮誘超模染唇露 Lip Tattoo 」,台北SOGO忠孝館可搶先體驗!!!為了讓讀者更能體驗到這次刺青唇露的魅力,迪奧特別推出「美唇派對行動沙龍」,將從4/28~5/30全省巡迴,首站是台北SOGO忠孝館、台北新光三越A8館、台北西門町武昌誠品、板橋大遠百與漢神巨蛋,現場可隨意試色,並且還有專業彩妝團隊,為妳解答所有彩妝與保養的相關疑問。



迪奧DIOR五月即將推出的新唇彩「迪奧癮誘超模染唇露 Lip Tattoo 」就是Tint的一種,主打擦上之後就彷彿紋了刺青,不會掉色、持久一整天。而這款唇彩在質地上下足功夫,強調輕薄無感,卻又保有滋潤,能十小時都不感乾澀。


💡「迪奧癮誘超模染唇露 Lip Tattoo 」6ML,NT1050

❤️實際試擦:在抹上雙唇之後只需數秒鐘,水分會散去,留下色彩與彷彿擦了潤唇膏一般的滋潤感受。另外, 韓國專業彩妝師也傳授用不同的兩個顏色,先打底後擦在中央,就能打造漸層效果一流的花瓣唇,他最推薦的搭配、也是Model示範色為#351打底,# 761擦在唇中央,或者素唇擦#761在中央內側,也能輕鬆打造暈染漸層的效果。



‏DIOR BACKSTAGE بودرة متعدّدة الاستعمالات


The at-home make-up edit for sticky summers


Summer is when you let your skin breathe. You need products that feel like a second skin and the less you use the better. This is what will make your make-up last longer, says Florian Hurel (Courtesy Florian Hurel)

“Summer is when you let your skin breathe. You need products that feel like a second skin and the less you use the better. This is what will make your make-up last longer,” says Hurel.



Face: Luminous water-based foundation by Chanel. Hurel adds that though it isn’t the best if you are looking for full coverage, it works well if you are going for a dewy, natural skin look. At times, he also likes to use the concealer stick by Makeup Forever because the thicker texture gives good coverage.

If you need to attend an online event, the matte setting and finishing powder by M.A.C works well. Or pick the Banana Powder by Makeup Forever for daily use.

Eyes: The cream eyeshadows by Tom Ford have long-lasting pigments that are really good for the Indian skin tone. “I like using the Lakmé pencil for eyeliner as it’s easy to work it out and smudge it and it lasts well too. The Benefit mascara is great; however, I always like mixing two mascaras with different brushes, one for volume with a thinner brush and one to fan out the length with a big brush. The Bobbi Brown mascara is great too for length and it’s long-lasting,” he says. In addition to a pencil, Hurel uses the Tom Ford liquid liner as a finisher because he thinks it stays the longest.



Lips: “Estée Lauder is my favourite for lips. They have fab nudes and the texture is comforting and creamy,” says Hurel.

Blush: Liquid tints by Benefit or cream blushes by Bobbi Brown.

Bhavya Arora