就像是走進花田中!Gucci Flora 香水系列為夏天帶來浪漫的感覺


香水跟鞋子一樣,女生永遠不會嫌多,香水也不一定於出門時才可以用,打開衣櫥噴上香水、或噴於書簽上、被鋪上,清新的香氣讓人立即感到幸福感滿滿。Gucci Flora 香水系列,以香水為主軸,以各式的花卉為女生們帶來不同的氣質。今個夏天,品牌為 Flora 香水系列帶來 3 款不同的限量版香氛,色彩繽紛的香水瓶復古又搶眼,讓人十分心動!

Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia 淡香氛


Gucci Flora Emerald Gardenia 淡香氛


Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia 淡香氛


喜歡經典花香的女生們,可選 Gucci Flora 香水或淡香水,香水以柑橘果實、玫瑰、桂花、廣藿香和檀香木香調調製而成,性感又充滿女人味。

How to have a scent-sational summer


If you couldn’t wait for summer, you didn’t have to. This week the sunny, 80-degree days made a triumphant return to Boston. And not a moment too soon.

With all of that, some of the most beautiful floral scents have been wafting over the city, from flower-filled gardens in the Back Bay and blooming lilac bushes in Jamaica Plain to towering and colorful apple and pear trees downtown.

Keep the fragrant delights going with the latest spate of personal and home fragrances.

First up — the gorgeous new creations at Nest. The super chic company’s just released a brand-new perfume oil collection, which both scents and softens skin. Each entry in the collection spotlights one main fragrance that’s hand-harvested from a specific region in the world. My favorite: the Seville Orange ($98 on sephora.com). A mix of orange zest and pink grapefruit with floral neroli and cedarwood, its citrus is harvested by fourth generation Spanish farmers. I love rubbing it onto my wrists, shoulders or ankles, and watching it melt into my skin, leaving a lingering aroma.

MAY 23, 2021 - Seville Orange perfume oil from Nest New York. Photo sephora.com

MAY 23, 2021 - Nest New York’s Gray Malin Ocean Mist & Sea Salt Reed Diffuser. Photo nestnewyork.com

For your home, Nest has also showed up big. They’ve just launched the NEST x Gray Malin collaboration, in reed diffusers that lift the ambience in your home. I particularly love the Ocean Mist & Sea Salt ($54 on nestnewyork.com), which reminds me of floral, salty Caribbean beaches that boast cool breezes even in the hot months. I asked NEST founder Laura Slatkin about scent trends this season: “Everyone wants cheerful fragrances that are uplifting, energizing and refreshing,” she said. “They want to be transported to a happy place, and fragrances like Ocean Mist & Sea Salt takes them to a place where they’re opening the windows and letting the sunshine in.”

In fact, I’m a big fan of diffusers in general — and for good reason. Have you tried out a fragrance device yet? Dive in with a sleek, chic option like Pura ($44 on trypura.com), a small disk that releases fragrances in your home. And it works with beautiful, high-end refill scents like LAFCO’s Blush Rose ($18 on trypura.com). If you’re a lavender junkie, don’t miss the St. Germain Lavender ($18 on trypura.com). For candle lovers, Siblings now has its new Scent No. 08 ($24 on siblings.co), an infused refill candle teeming with peony in full bloom, honeysuckle and amber. It’s earthy and ethereal at once.

As for personal perfumes, this season has a slew of them. My three new faves by far are:

MAY 23, 2021 - Good Chemistry’s Royal Rebel eau de parfum. Photo target.com

MAY 23, 2021 - Gucci’s Gorgeous Gardenia fragrance. Photo sephora.com

  1. Good Chemistry by Royal Rebel Eau de Parfum ($24 on target.com). It’s a blend of pink peppercorn, amber and musk.

  2. I adore the bright, outdoorsiness of Echo Lake Fragrance Oil ($48 on lakeandskye.com) — a woodsy and bright unisex oil.

And 3. Who doesn’t love a good Gucci fragrance? This one is a killer mix layering an intense gardenia, frangipani, patchouli and brown sugar. Its name? Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia ($80 on sephora.com), of course!

夏天8款清新系香水推薦 Gucci華麗梔子花限量版、香奈兒淡香水





花果香#GUCCI Flora Emerald Gardenia華麗梔子花翠綠限量版100ml/NT$4,300






木質香#diptyque 希臘無花果淡香水100ml/NT3,950


木質香#Jo Malone鼠尾草與海鹽100ml/NT$4,950


柑橘香#Tom Ford地中海系列暖陽橙花50ml/NT$8,000


花香#潘海利根PENHALIGON’S Elisabeth Rose淡香精100ml/NT$6,900

玫瑰香水迷一定都知道,早在1984潘海利根曾推出「Elisabeth Rose淡香精」,經典玫瑰香可擁有廣大香粉、評價相當的高!而在2018年重新推出「復刻」版,味道雖然與1984年的玫瑰香氛不太一樣,但保有玫瑰靈魂貫穿整個主調。剛開始聞到是榛果葉香氣令人有如身處於森林小徑般的清新幽然,進而香根草和木質的氣息掠過夜空,並在麝香覆蓋下散發出剛柔適中的香味,是一款令人無法抗拒的玫瑰香。

花果香#Adopt FEUILLE DE VERVEINE;馬鞭草淡香精30ml/NT$890 (夏日限定)



感受夏天的清爽感,還有推出兩款NECTAR DE FIGUE / 無花果的香味與FLEUR DE MIMOSA / 含羞草。



※文字:Lulu Long | 編輯:小龍 |




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