Anne Hathaway Puts on a Backyard Fashion Show for Her Locked Down Promo Tour: See All 6 Looks


The actress got glam in Dior, Versace, Vivienne Westwood and more to celebrate her new HBO Max heist film

Anne Hathaway Puts on a Backyard Fashion Show for Her Locked Down Promo Tour: See All 6 Looks

Anne Hathaway just proved you don’t need a red carpet to make a fashion statement. Following in the footsteps of stars like Tracee Ellis Ross, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling, Hathaway didn’t let social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic keep her from wearing a few high-fashion looks at home.

On Wednesday, Hathaway posted three photos of herself modeling red carpet-worthy gowns styled by her longtime pro Erin Welsh in a poolside backyard setting. Even though she won’t be embarking on a worldwide press tour to promote her new HBO Max film Locked Down, the 38-year-old still dressed up for virtual interviews and appearances ahead of the premiere.

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The actress shined in all three outfits, choosing gold, rose gold and gunmetal metallic gowns by Azzaro, Versace and Vivienne Westwood respectively. Hathaway sported her signature bangs and red lip combo and pulled her hair back into an updo for the outdoor photo shoot.

Image zoom Credit: Christian Högstedt

Although Hathaway only shared her evening looks on social media, the Devil Wears Prada actress also donned a red Dior dress, a brightly colored Schiaparelli suit and a long-sleeve Dior frock for daytime press events (as seen on Welsh’s Instagram feed).

“LOCKED DOWN ❣️❣️❣️ @annehathaway bringing all the fashion feels on the press rounds for #LockedDown while we are on lockdown,” the renowned stylist — who also works with Sarah Jessica Parker and Lucy Hale — wrote alongside several photos of Hathaway. “You know, I think we could all use a little joy, color and style, no? If you let your clothes speak of your SOUL there is a lot of fun to be had. I can’t wait to see this movie!!! And stay tuned for more fashion fun this week from US #lockeddownfashion #annehathaway #fashion #BTS #lockeddownfilm.”

The Ocean’s 8 actress and Chiwetel Ejiofor play an estranged couple who become increasingly desperate during the COVID-19 pandemic in the new heist movie. Linda (Hathaway) and Paxton (Ejiofor) decide to break up only to find themselves stuck with each other during a mandatory lockdown.

While living together proves a challenge, the two come up with a scheme to steal a priceless diamond from the U.K.’s luxury department store, Harrods, to ease their financial concerns.

Hathaway spoke to PEOPLE earlier this month about the Doug Liman-directed film, saying the experience of making Locked Down during the coronavirus pandemic was “very normal” in some ways and “completely wild” in others.

“The sheer act of making it, of doing something so collaborative and audacious made us all very focused and open — and strangely free,” she said. “Like the odds were so against us any way that it made me want to lean into the exhilaration and take risks with my performance.”

How Tarot Cards and Queer Love Inspired Dior Haute Couture Spring 2021


Maria Grazia Chiuri has always been captivated by romance, whether it is romantic love or classical literary romance, as defined by a deep, overwhelming yearning that you feel in your core. At Valentino, and now at Dior, her exquisite gowns evoke stories of grand devotion and desire — a motif she took into the magical and queer realm for her Spring 2021 Haute Couture collection film.

The collection, like most over the year, was presented virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. Luckily for us, Chiuri has used this opportunity to craft a tale inspired by the traditional tarot’s 22 Major Arcana card suite. In 1910, poet and occultist Arthur Edward Waite collaborated with artist Pamela Colman Smith to design the Rider-Waite tarot, the most widely-used deck among practitioners. Smith’s images were based on Waite’s mystical schematics, and her renditions of cards such as the High Priestess, Death, and The Lovers have become imbued with today’s pop culture witchy fascination.

Chiuri again worked with director Matteo Garrone on a short film to contextualize the collection. “We decided to film a story about this girl who goes inside a castle. It’s a labyrinth which represents an interior trip. When she meets each of (the tarot) figures, she has to reach a decision about her life,” she told Vogue. “And on the other hand, she meets aspects of her own personality and learns not to be scared of the future.”

Waite intended for the Major Arcana to represent that journey. His tarot begins with card 0, The Fool, who is pictured jovially playing an instrument dangerously near a precipice. It is meant to symbolize the beginning of a new path, and how each chapter of our lives are filled with danger and joy. The Fool reminds us to begin our journeys with open eyes — a moment hauntingly brought to life as the girl (played by Agnese Claisse) with tender pink hair enters the castle.

She’s not alone. Inside, she meets the personifications of the Fool, Justice, the Moon, and more. The Devil is symbolized by horned temptresses who block her path, signifying the card’s traditional meaning of self-destruction and maladaptive habits. The details of Death are also lovingly reproduced through Dior’s accessories — a delicate chainmail mask, skeletal jewelry, and even Grim Reaper’s hood is made to feel consoling as it unzips the girl’s floral gown and invites her to step into a hot bath.

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Another character also traces through the castle, meeting the Arcana archetypes. This girl is an androgynous version of the pink-haired girl; she has a dark pixie cut and wears an exquisitely-tailored suit as she joins the Star and Temperance through the labyrinth. The two versions of the girl meet in the bath and begin caressing and kissing one another, becoming the Lovers.

Though the implication is that the two girls are the same person, it can’t help but be contextualized through queer culture. The stylistic interpretations of feminine and masculine coding are so pronounced, but they brought together by shared inquisitiveness, a shared journey, and ultimately, shared loved and passion. It’s a story that demands more representation in high fashion. Like the Fool, maybe this is just a first step into a wider world. You can watch the video below.

《Emily in Paris》不只是愛情喜劇!我們還可以跟 Lily Collins 學會辦公室生存之道!


由 Lily Collins 主演的喜劇《Emily in Paris》在 Netflix 上架後,一直收視高企,在很多國家和地區都成為了最多播放率的榜首,引起了不少話題。劇中的角色、戲服、背景都是精緻的美,而女主角和一眾帥氣男角的關係更是引人入勝,亦連帶讓人非常關於現實中的那些男性角色。不過,不要以為看《Emily in Paris》就只能看愛情喜劇,其實劇中還傳遞了不少「辦公室生存之道」的訊息,就讓我們重溫一下吧!


《Emily in Paris》的故事主要講述來自美國芝加哥的 Emily Cooper,獲得了一個到法國出差的機會,於是到了巴黎工作一年。雖然對巴黎充滿著憧憬,但剛剛加入法國公司的第一天就因為不懂法文,加上跟法國同事們之間的文化差異而遭受到一點排斥,讓 Emily 感到氣餒和無奈。不過,Emily 到最後還是能夠繼續在辦公室找到自己的生存方式,更漸漸跟同事們走近,到底她靠的是什麼?

生存之道 1:毋忘初心

Emily 由第一天加入公司開始,就很清楚自己的角色和定位,就是要把自己對於社交媒體所建立的知識和經驗,分享給法國公司的同事,要把自己作為美國人的視野,帶給所有法國同事,讓他們的品牌能夠在社交媒體上做得更好更成功。這是她的目標和初心,而到最後,Emily 還是能夠抓住她自己的優勢,幫助公司面對不同的困難和挑戰。

很多時我們加入了一間新公司,面對著環境的轉變,很容易會被大環境而牽著走,反而忘記了自己的優勢和選擇這份工作的初心,甚至會因為新公司的文化不同而漸漸忘掉了原本的自己。「毋忘初心」4 個字,說得容易,要做到卻需要一番功力呢!

生存之道 2:以牙還牙

作為新來的「新豬肉」,語言不通,文化背景又不同,被欺負和冷待是很常遇到的事情。不過,Emily 卻沒有選擇把這些委屈吞下,反而硬起來反抗。還記得剛上班幾天,法國同事就用法文稱呼她做「鄉下人」嗎?Emily 沒有當聽不到,亦沒有發瘋回罵,卻用翻譯程式用法文「回敬」同事,當作一個開玩笑式的回禮。而當同事們對於 Emily 為他們訂下的新規則感到憤怒,而在文件上劃上一個陽具圖案時,翌日 Emily 就以一個陽具蛋糕回敬他們。


生存之道 3:討好而非奉承

Emily 的上司 Sylvie 由第一天就已經不太喜歡 Emily,因為她不懂說法文,她是美國人,她的辦事作風跟他們很不一樣。種種原因,讓她多次挖苦奚落 Emily,讓她難過,甚至曾經想過要把她趕走。不過,Emily 卻非常努力討好 Sylvie,她努力學法文,努力示好,努力用自己的實力來證明自己的努力。


生存之道 4:知錯能改

雖然故事講述 Emily 有著很優秀的工作能力,多次可以利用自己的經驗和優勢為公司化險為夷,不過 Emily 也不是沒有犯過錯的。還記得 Emily 第一次見知名設計師 Pierre Cadault 時,就因為手袋上的一個吊飾而惹怒他,讓團隊陷入危機。不過,Emily 沒有把這次的犯錯視作沒有發生過,反而努力找機會跟 Pierre Cadault 解釋和道歉,最後兩人重新建立合作關係。


生存之道 5:喜歡你的工作

同事 Luc 曾經跟 Emily 說,「你是為工作而活,我們是為生活而工作」,但 Emily 就告訴他「我享受工作,享受成就,它們使我快樂」。其實兩人的價值觀雖然不同,卻也沒有誰對誰錯,喜歡生活還是喜歡工作,沒有誰比較高尚。

不過可以確定的是,假若連你自己也不喜歡自己的工作,認為每天上班都是苦力活的話,你的表現自然不會好到那裏去,你的人生也不會感到快樂,你的成就也不會讓你得到進步。反觀 Emily,她除了在工作上對社交媒體很在行,她私下也非常享受社交媒體上的一切,是真心喜歡這份工作的。只要能喜歡的話,不論多辛苦,也能撐下去吧!


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除了時尚造型,女生們關注《Emily In Paris》還有一個理由:天菜廚師 Lucas Bravo!

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