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V Trends: Chanel
Chanel’s Métiers d’art 2020/2021 is inspired by the Château de Chenonceau, better known as ‘Le Château des Dames’ (Ladies' Castle), named for its association with prominent women. With powerful femininity as its baseline, this pre-fall collection takes classic silhouettes and gives them an edge in the sophisticated way only Chanel can pull off.
And if there’s ever a time to try out darker looks, it’s fall.
A cropped black leather vest with a lattice design punctuated with flower-shaped studs and pearls, paired with a matching skirt – this look merges rock and roll with classic elegance. Accessorized with tapered high-heeled black boots with fold-over cuffs and a choker with evenly spaced interlocking C’s, this fall outfit is a step towards the dark side. In its usual effortless style, Chanel is able to make this edgy and almost youthful outfit into a timeless look.
This black and white chequered motif purse is reminiscent of the floor of the grand gallery at the Château de Chenonceau, where the runway show for this collection took place. Evoking the feeling of a life-sized game of checkers, this purse, with leather straps wrapped in a gold chain, is a simple yet sophisticated piece. The darkness of the accessory is offset by a pale tweed suit - a house icon - adorned with a round black button surrounded by tiny gems. The contrasting tones and styles make for a visual interest that will make this look a staple in any fall wardrobe.
Make any outfit shinier and bolder with a chunky dangling necklace adorned with pearls, and bearing the diamond-studded interlocking C in the center. Complete the look with gold chainlink bracelets, also featuring the iconic interlocking C’s and pearl accents. Chanel makes bold jewelry statements by taking classic, elegant pieces and adding extra sparkle, extra style and extra boldness. The influence of Renaissance women and their fashion, which Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel herself greatly admired, is particularly pronounced in these accessories.
雙C耳環$3,000就能入手!2021新款 Chanel 手鏈、頸鏈、耳環精選 小香迷必收全攻略
一改經典黑、白的中性色調,使用了粉嫩的色彩,小巧的心型吊飾Chanel耳環甜美可人,配搭春夏繽紛的衣著讓人活力十足,散發少女味。 Chanel 心型吊飾耳環 $4,800
Chanel 耳環又怎少得經典元素 - 金屬織皮鏈帶,為經典不敗的大圈耳環帶來新鮮感,圈型耳環可以讓臉型瞬間小一圈,而且不失帥氣野性魅力。 Chanel 小羊皮金屬織皮鏈帶耳環 $4,200
看似簡單的Chanel耳環款式,細長、垂吊式設計隨身體動作而自由擺動,能為造型氣勢加分,而且能修飾面型,輕易創造立體小V臉。 Chanel 長耳環 $5,200
2021新款Chanel 頸鏈 走個性路線的女生可以挑選choker款式的Chanel頸鏈,小羊皮加上心型吊咀,視覺上較顯厚重也帶有濃厚的龐克感,可配搭領口較低的off-shoulder、V領或露肩款式的上衣,才不會顯得臉圓、脖子短。 Chanel 小羊皮短頸鏈 $7,600
結合了AirPods保護殼及經典的穿皮金屬鏈帶、珍珠元素的Chanel 頸鏈,配搭樹脂製作的保護殼配上標誌性的「CC」logo,令整體設計瞬間提升高級感! Chanel AirPods套頸鏈 $20,600