Louis Vuitton 路易威登200週年推出「Louis The Game」 電玩手遊,超可愛冒險旅程之外,還有機會得到 NFT!
在品牌的背後,始終有著路易威登這位創辦人。他的生日:1821年8月4日。200年後的今天,他的200歲誕辰將以一系列創意之舉,在全球慶祝,突顯他無與倫比的遠見精神。而其中最讓Z世代興奮不已的是內建NFT的電玩遊戲「Louis The Game」 。
Beeple 的 NFT 拍賣平台 WeNew,繼上一檔英國網球傳奇Andy Murray NFT之後,以路易威登Louis Vuitton 創辦人200歲生日週年紀念,為第二檔NFT。同步推出的「Louis The Game」手遊,在冒險之餘還有機會得到NFT。即日起《LOUIS:The Game》可在App Store和安卓系統的Google Play下載。
Mike ”Beeple” Winklemann與Louis遊戲的關係,展現了他第二次與品牌合作的成果。在2019春夏女裝系列,這位美國藝術家與Nicolas Ghesquière合作,以現有藝術作品為靈感設計獨家印花,Beeple也為全球精選商店櫥窗製作了獨家影片,讚頌2019年春夏系列。
在2021年3月11日,BEEPLE以收集了13年在Instagram帳號上的影像,製作的拼貼作品的NFT,在佳士得舉辦的線上拍賣會賣出,價值高達6,930萬美元 —- BEEPLE成為全球第三昂貴的在世藝術家,而他的作品也是最昂貴的數位藝術。
Louis: The Game以六個存在於時間之外的幻想世界,結合先進的動畫技術與超過兩個世紀的歷史,提供一個緊張刺激的冒險故事。
下載遊戲後,遊戲簡介將會邀請玩家從兩款路易威登後背包中選擇其一,遊戲指導將示範Vivienne的動作將跟隨不同關卡而進化 — 從基本行走、奔跑,至攀岩、漂浮與雙跳。
冒險啟程,從Louis森林開始,玩家帶領Vivienne穿越Luminous City(光明城)、Adventure Kingdom(冒險王國)、Monogram Island (Monogram島)、Sunshine Metropolis (陽光都會)以及Birthday Extravaganza (生日慶典) ,這些夢幻地點讓人聯想到巴黎、北京、倫敦、紐約等都市。每次Vivienne滑下山坡、建築物收集到蠟燭時,便會興高彩烈充滿活力的旋轉,身旁環繞著彩色亮點。
最特別的是,結合最新區塊鏈科技,這個遊戲同時包含30個NFT,其中10個創作來自於數位藝術家Beeple。遊戲中所扮演吉祥物角色 Vivienne在虛擬世界中冒險蒐集明信片,每200個蠟燭便會解鎖一個明信片,揭露有關於品牌合作、特別訂製、技術知識、家族故事、藝術設計、時裝秀亮點等等奇聞軼事。而透過蒐集明信片和通過關卡,你可以為Vivienne換上不同的服裝,甚至到虛擬Louis Vuitton商店購物。此外,遊戲的過程中,玩家有機會遇見 NFT 的跳出橫幅,能夠獲取保存在數位錢包中,據稱將鎖倉至 2022 年。
現在,跟著VOGUE往下滑動,搶先看「Louis The Game」 這場冒險遊戲的精彩場景、Vivienne的各種變換造型,以及200張全解鎖明信片。
歡樂慶!Louis Vuitton 慶祝 200 歲誕辰,推出首款手機遊戲 LOUIS 200:LOUIS THE GAME!
以同名創立皮箱品牌的 LOUIS VUITTON 出生於 1821 年 8 月 4 日,在今天台灣時間凌晨 3 點迎來 品牌 LOUIS VUITTON 送給全球粉絲的生日禮物,推出首款手機遊戲 LOUIS 200:LOUIS THE GAME,慶祝創辦人的 200 歲誕辰。以 LOUIS VUITTON 的人生歷程為主題出發,此款手機遊戲目前也已經可在 App Store 和安卓系統的 Google Play 下載!
LOUIS VUITTON 14 歲時離開法國汝拉地區的家鄉,步行兩年才抵達法國,直到 1854 年才成立以皮箱為首的同名品牌,不久後受到拿破崙三世的妻子歐仁妮皇后的青睞,才開始讓這個品牌廣為人知,甚至發展到今天成為重要的時裝推手之一。然而在這個遊戲裡,則是由 LOUIS VUITTON 的的吉祥物 Vivienne 擔任遊戲主角,必須突破重重難關,收集越多 monogram 蠟燭越高分,一旦累積到 200 個蠟燭,都能瀏覽一次品牌的奇聞軼事,超級有趣!
Vivienne 有許多動作可以一步一步闖關,從基本行走、奔跑,至攀岩、漂浮和雙跳,似乎都會在這一系列的關卡中全部實行,可想見這些關卡有多刺激,彷彿能想到當時 LOUIS VUITTON 離鄉背景的真實生活!冒險的啟程會先從 Louis 森林作為起點,玩家會經歷許多不同都市的著名地標,雖然不是實際以那個城市作為命名,但裡頭的場景絕對會讓你感覺非常熟悉,包含 Luminous City(光明城)、Adventure Kingdom(冒險王國)、Monogram Island(Monogram島)、Sunshine Metropolis(陽光都會)以及 Birthday Extravaganza(生日慶典),超級可愛!喜歡吸收時尚新知,也喜歡玩電動的朋友,絕對不能錯過啦!
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Telluride Review: ‘The Electrical Life Of Louis Wain’
Benedict Cumberbatch, Claire Foy and a cast of cats make an irresistible combination in The Electrical Life of Louis Wain, which premiered at the Telluride Film Festival. Director Will Sharpe (Flowers) makes witty, poignant work of the story of English painter Wain, who specialized in exaggerated cartoons of wide-eyed felines from the late 1800s.
We first meet Louis (Cumberbatch) when he’s sketching animals at farm shows, selling pictures to support his mother and five sisters in Victorian London. His fortunes change in several respects when Sir William Ingram (Toby Jones), the editor of the Illustrated London News offers him a position as illustrator — and when he meets his sisters’ new governess, Emily Richardson. While Emily is played by Cumberbatch’s junior, Foy, it’s interesting to note that in real life Emily was 10 years older than 23-year-old Louis, which was considered quite outrageous at the time. Either way, Louis’ awkward courtship with Emily gets the film off to a joyful start, the comedy heightened by the disapproval of his sister Caroline (a stern Andrea Riseborough). There’s a sense of two unusual minds meeting, and both actors put in sweet, funny performances that will win over audiences before a tragedy looms.
Then comes a touching, pivotal moment that sews the seed of Louis’ feline fixation. After receiving bad news, he and Emily are at a loss for words, their future looking bleak. Then, a tiny mewing from the garden: a black and white kitten has appeared. Christening him Peter, the pair find great solace in a time when it was rare to keep a cat as a pet. Peter is eventually followed by a host of felines, and Louis’ cat portraits begin to take off. But as success grows, his mental health worsens, and the film becomes a brisk but sympathetic reflection on the challenges of grief and possible schizophrenia.
The supporting cast is familiar and notably diverse for a period drama: Adeel Akhtar is particularly engaging, while there are smaller roles for Taika Waititi and Asim Chaudhry, along with a surprising cameo or two. The sisters are well cast at various ages, if drawn with broad brushstrokes: this is Louis’ story, and his band of unwed siblings is often played for laughs.
The screenplay, from Simon Stephenson and Sharpe and story by Stephenson, makes an intriguing attempt to explore Wain’s other obsession — electricity — but doesn’t quite join all the dots. There’s also an opening narration from Olivia Colman that feels tagged on, while delivered with her usual aplomb.
But none of this takes away from the sheer charm of Louis Wain, and there’s no need to have an appreciation for Wain’s kitsch, anthropomorphized cat portraits either. This should play to the crowd who enjoyed the recent Tove, as well as 2017’s Professor Marston And The Wonder Women: all affectionate biopics of unconventional artists who eventually found their tribe. And after the calamity of 2019’s Cats, this is the film that cat fans really deserve.