2021鐘錶與奇蹟 / Watches and Wonders Geneva 4月7日線上開展


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2021鐘錶與奇蹟 / Watches and Wonders Geneva 4月7日線上開展

2021鐘錶與奇蹟 / Watches and Wonders Geneva 4月7日線上開展

本年度鐘錶品牌參展數量最多、規模最大的「線上錶展」Watches and Wonders Geneva 2021(鐘錶與奇蹟日內瓦高級鐘錶展)即將在4月7日(瑞士時間7:00、台灣時間13:00)線上開展!

繼一月份路威酩軒集團(LVMH Group)舉辦之第二屆LVMH Watch Week成為本年度第一個線上錶展後,前身為日內瓦高級鐘錶展(SIHH),在2020年更名為Watches and Wonders Geneva(鐘錶與奇蹟),因疫情原因更為線上錶展,2021年在Rolex、Tudor、Chopard 、Chanel等眾多「聲明脫離」巴塞爾鐘錶展品牌後,如今在參展品牌數,蔚為歷年來最多——共計38個,展期相較往年也延長了,從4月7日至13日;緊跟在後是Watches and Wonders Shanghai將在上海舉辦的「實體」錶展,目前得知有19個品牌參加,主因是考量中國市場。不過若以全球性來看,4月7日首發的W&W 2021,是錶壇2021年最重要的大件事。

然而,錶展未開,各家暗自較勁,多個品牌(如BVLGARI、Hublot、Roger Dubuis、Vacheron Constantin)已透過實體鑑賞或台灣/亞太區、瑞士總部連線的方式,舉辦媒體預覽,搶先曝光數只錶款。

也有品牌在此錶展前後另覓日期,舉辦全球新品線上發表會,例如3月份的Omega、Audemars Piguet、比照去年時間舉辦的Seiko,即將在今日(台灣時間20:00、17:00)登場的Breitling與Swatch等等。

而從W&W Instagram所蒐集得到(已經可以曝光)的訊息,部分品牌已藉由官方釋出的影音,預告年度主題。

Vacheron Constantin,星際和海洋的探索

2021鐘錶與奇蹟首場「錶展」新品呈現由世界第二古老錶廠江詩丹頓開講。3月中瑞士總部與亞太區已進行媒體預覽,曝光的錶不多,然而重點之一必定包括年初就已預告、今年要過100周年慶的Historiques American 21。另外從預告片也能看出,本年度新品將是關於星際和海洋的探索,

Panerai,There Is No Planet B

以軍錶起家的沛納海,在官方Instagram已釋出多支以大海、游魚為拍攝主題的預告片,關鍵句如「Do you want to be part of the solution?」「There Is No Planet B」已經點出今年年度重點之一,與生態環境緊緊扣連!

Louis Vuitton

精品龍頭Louis Vuitton將在錶展推出Tambour Carpe Diem(拉丁語格言,活在當下),結合高級製錶和西方藝術史、宗教、美學、靜物畫探討的Vanitas(虛空)主題。

Ulysse Nardin,Vertical Odyssey


Louis Moinet,Eight Marvels of the World

創建年份相當年輕、實則名字相當有歷史紀念意義的Louis Moinet(法國製錶師,1768~1853,發明計時裝置),預告影片由Jean-Marie Schaller穿上太空裝出演預告片,錶展將推出〈世界八大奇觀〉為題的新作。

Swatch:Time is what you make of it

Swatch自3月25日在全球釋出的新形象廣告與標語,Time is what you make of it(時間由你造就)寓意人如其「時」,人們藉由時間創造回憶,讓生活變得充滿意義,是對這兩年疫情影響之下,人與自己、人與人之間建立關係的回應。




《Watches and Wonders表展》江詩丹頓玩超薄、藍面 慶American 1921百年「扭」出趣味


表界年度盛事Watches and Wonders線上表展隆重登場,江詩丹頓(Vacheron Constantin)主打三款American 1921腕表,為慶祝American 1921腕表誕生一百周年,特別舉辦「Classic with a Twist 」(經典的扭轉)主題展,一窺當年將表盤順時鐘扭轉的精彩創意,造就了百年傳奇;另深受表迷喜愛的Overseas表也增添超薄和複雜功能,並加碼換上藍色表盤,更添優雅。

誕生於1921年的American 1921腕表,是江詩丹頓為美國市場限量打造的作品,為了配合佩戴者在駕車或工作時查看時間更為順手,表盤順時鐘扭轉,並把表冠放在1時和2時位置之間,設計大膽前衛,呼應當時「咆哮的二十年代」(Roaring Twenties)的設計風格,斜向讀時設計也更符合人體工學,不必轉動手腕就能查看時間,這兩項特色也讓它成為表迷收藏家的「必收表款」之一。

American 1921腕表誕生的時代背景與汽車工業的蓬勃發展有著密切的關係,為考量到紳士淑女駕駛汽車時雙手必須緊握方向盤,無法轉動手腕查看時間,江詩丹頓在1919年設計出斜向讀時偏表盤的枕型腕表,在當時十分罕見稀有,兩年後江詩丹頓更以此為原型設計腕表,並正式命名為「American 1921」。

江詩丹頓為歡慶American 1921百年慶推出三款American 1921百年慶腕表,搭載江詩丹頓自製4400 AS手動上鍊機芯,具備65小時動力儲存。兩款為40mm和36.5mm表盤的白金版,搭配義大利知名皮具工坊Serapian打造古銅光澤小牛皮表帶,第三款為限量鉑金珍藏版,僅發行100只,每一枚皆擁有獨立編號,即日起接受VIP搶訂,是表迷鎖定珍藏的熱門表款。

深受表迷喜愛的江詩丹頓Overseas腕表,今年主打超薄和萬年曆複雜功能,一款為Overseas超薄萬年曆白金腕表,一款則是融入鏤雕工藝的Overseas鏤雕超薄萬年曆腕表,兩款表皆搭載厚度僅4.05mm的1120 QPSQ/1超薄機芯,整只表的厚度僅8.1mm,透過透明的表底蓋,可清楚看到機芯運行的盛況,且都搭配時下最流行的藍色表盤,更添優雅貴氣,其中Overseas鏤雕萬年曆更是工藝美學的極致表現,萬年曆機芯多達276個零件,在如此複雜功能機芯上進行精細鏤雕,既具備高複雜功能腕表的讀時清晰,又可一窺機械結構的美感,十分難能可貴。


Watches and Wonders 2021 opens today – FHH Journal


This was no small challenge and yet here it is. Today, watchesandwonders.com becomes reality for the 38 prestigious brands taking part and for fans of watchmaking excellence worldwide. Nor does it end there, as the organiser, Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie (FHH), explains: “Watches and Wonders has evolved into a comprehensive hub that encompasses brands, retailers, end customers, media and strategic distribution partners such as Net-A-Porter, Mr Porter and Alibaba’s Tmall Luxury Pavilion in China,” adding that “special campaigns featuring exclusive content will coincide with the Geneva and Shanghai events to engage audiences beyond the traditional watchmaking sphere.”

This will be a packed week, for sure. Presentations by the brands of their newest releases will undoubtedly be one of the highlights, but not the only one. Chats with brand ambassadors, CEO keynotes, guided tours of the Manufactures and virtual parties are all on the agenda, either on watchesandwonders.com or by connecting to the different brand websites. The organisers have plenty of content lined up too, not least a Morning Show that goes out live every day with all the latest news from the fair, alongside panels where thought leaders and experts debate themes of interest to the industry.

All change Barely two years ago, who could have predicted that watch fairs would undergo such a radical transformation? Basel – the industry’s biggest showcase which in its heyday drew in excess of a thousand Swiss and international names – saw exhibitor numbers decline. Swatch Group and its brands were first to jump ship at a time when a large part of the industry was questioning whether trade fairs were still the most effective solution in a digital world ruled by social media. At the same time, Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) was planning its next move. After welcoming independents within its walls, the Salon was preparing to test a new formula that would take the fair into Geneva. Rebranded Watches and Wonders, this was to be a convivial event, geared more towards the general public. Alas, the global pandemic drained the blood from Basel and pulled the rug on Geneva.