Gorjana to Open Chicago Locale
Gorjana (Laguna Beach, Calif.) has expanded its reach to Chicago and opened its first brick-and-mortar, Midwest-based store, according to a company press release. This location marks the brand’s 21st retail location.
The new store features the brand’s “signature details,” like mango wood finishes, brass hardware, shibori fabrics and live greenery. Situated in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood, the store will also offer onsite bespoke engraving.
Co-Founders Gorjana Reidel and Jason Griffin Reidel, says, “After furthering our expansions on the coasts, we knew it was time to bring our retail experience to our customers in the Midwest. Chicago was an easy choice with its bustling downtown and love of art, we couldn’t be more thrilled to bring a little piece of Laguna Beach to this very special city.”
Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh’s Gemstone Bracelet Is Just $38
Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships so we may receive compensation for some links to products and services.
One reason we wear jewelry is to add a fashionable accessory to our outfit, of course. But why stop there? We definitely love pretty things, but pretty things that can also have a positive impact on our lives are obviously preferable. That’s why we love gemstone bracelets — and we’re not the only ones. Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh wear them too!
Wilde and Pugh have both been photographed (1, 2) this year wearing the same Power Gemstone bracelet from gorjana. There are 20 options when it comes to gemstones for this bracelet, but both actresses wore the Luck version, which is only $38 and still available to buy!
Get the Power Gemstone Bracelet for Luck for just $38 at gorjana!
This bracelet is made with small aventurine beads. Aventurine is a form of quartz that comes in a gorgeous sea green color, and according to gorjana, is “considered a stone of opportunity and luck. It serves to reinforce decisive thinking, leadership and offers a soothing energy that opens your mind to endless possibilities.” We can see why such powerful women are wearing it!
Also accenting this bracelet are 18k gold-plated accents and a cotton cord, plus a small charm. Definitely make sure to check out the other versions too — they’re very stackable!
Get the Power Gemstone Bracelet for Luck for just $38 at gorjana!
Want to see other Power Gemstone jewelry from gorjana so you can accessorize with good vibes all over? We’ve picked out five more favorites for you below:
This Locket Necklace
Not only is this golden locket stunning, but you can customize it with different Power Gemstones — each pack comes with three so you can change them out depending on how you feel that day!
Get the Power Gemstone Locket with Manifestation Stone Pack for just $98 at gorjana!
This Protective Ring
This beautiful ring has a black onyx stone for protection, so when you put it on, you can approach life with full confidence!
Get the Power Gemstone Ring for Protection for just $68 at gorjana!
This Freeing Bracelet
This beaded bracelet feature Blue Lace Agate, which may “offer a tranquil energy that nurtures communication with your higher self, freeing up thoughts and ideas thus enabling self-expression”!
Get the Power Gemstone Aura Bracelet for Self-Expression for just $38 at gorjana!
This Heart-Fulfilling Necklace
This necklace has a coin medallion, but it levels things up with a Power Gemstone in the center. We love the Rose Quartz since it may help you open up your heart and feel peace!
Get the Power Gemstone Coin Necklace for Love for just $58 at gorjana!
This Virtue Bracelet
This bracelet combines black onyx, labradorite and pyrite to not only create a gorgeous piece of jewelry, but one that may help “welcome virtue into your life”!
Get the Power Gemstone Bead Bracelet for Passion for just $48 at gorjana!
Looking for more? Shop all Power Gemstone jewelry here and see all bestsellers at gorjana here!
This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful, such as face masks, self tanners, Lululemon-style leggings and all the best gifts for everyone in your life. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post. The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended. Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback at ShopWithUs@usmagazine.com. Happy shopping!
【智能手環對號入座】Fitbit Luxe輕便時尚5天續航 健康壓力齊管理 Ace 3迷你兵團特別版 卡通徽章鼓勵小朋友運動
現代人注重健康,又熱愛運動,為了追蹤記錄日常生活及運動時各種身心數據,不難發現愈來愈多人手腕上戴着智能裝置,相比智能手錶,不少人更愛智能手環,貪其體積小巧,戴着睡覺也舒適,更重要是健康管理功能夠全面。Fitbit剛推出兩款智能手環,分別是Luxe及Ace 3迷你兵團特別版,前者小巧別緻而不失時尚,亦是同廠首款具備壓力管理的手環,後者則為小朋友而設,錶帶、動態錶面及徽章統統加入Minions卡通元素,鼓勵小朋友運動之餘,順道養成良好生活習慣,大人及小朋友自行對號入座即可。
纖巧輕盈Luxe 佩戴舒適
或者不少用家對智能手環或手錶都有這樣的體驗,日常佩戴沒太大問題,但由於要記錄睡眠質素,睡覺時也沒有除下,惟感覺就是不舒服,有時候甚至會在夢中不自覺除下,問題可能歸於智能手環或手錶又重又厚,不適合睡眠期間佩戴。大概是考慮到上述因素,Fitbit特地把Luxe做得輕盈纖巧,淨重只有17g,連同錶帶也不過26g,加上流線修長的機身設計,賣相較之同類產品時尚之餘,續航力也達5天。實際試戴兩星期,發現全天候佩戴也舒適自然,即使就寢也沒有想除下來,換言之,一覺好眠下可以更好追蹤閣下的睡眠質素,除了藉由分數了解每晚睡得足夠與否,由於Luxe用家可以免費試用「Fitbit Premium」6個月,登記成為會員,還可查看更詳盡的睡眠數據分析。
撇開睡眠,Luxe還有全面的健康管理及運動追蹤,用家可以透過24小時心率監測、健康指標等掌握身體狀況,稍後還可藉軟件更新,追加皮膚溫度變化及SpO2血氧濃度等測量功能。運動方面,新作預設20種運動模式,包括單車、網球、普拉提、高爾夫球等,戶外訓練時如跑步、行山,又可接上手機GPS定位系統,一併記錄路線之餘,還可顯示實時速度及距離。若想在鍛煉方面尋求突破,用家可以經「Fitbit Premium」瀏覽逾二百條由合資格健身教練指導的運動影片及健身頻道,包括Aaptiv、barre3、Daily Burn及POPSUGAR。值得一提的是,Luxe也是同廠首款加入壓力管理功能的智能手環,可以根據用家的活動量、睡眠及心率評估出壓力管理指數,Premium會員更可獲取更詳細的壓力管理分數分析,包括體力狀況、睡眠習慣及反應能力,以及享用一系列運動訓練及正念練習課程以紓緩壓力。
gorjana聯乘特別版 華麗配飾
Luxe賣相不錯時尚,不過相信女士們還是想外形可以更搶眼更獨特,為了滿足這班愛美用家,Fitbit跟來自美國的珠寶品牌gorjana聯乘合作推出特別版,換上金色不鏽鋼Parker Link手鍊後,賣相猶如一件珠寶配飾,更易於配襯日常服飾。
小朋友至愛 Ace 3特別版:迷你兵團
除了大人,Fitbit亦有為6歲以上的小朋友開發專用智能手環,早前更為Ace 3加推迷你兵團特別版,由外到內都加入了大量minions元素,先是搶眼的黃色矽膠表帶加入了minions壓紋圖案,就連錶面動畫圖案亦找到迷你兵團主題,不過最能激發小朋友戴着手環外出玩耍或做運動,而不是躲在家中整天只顧玩手機或看《YouTube》,該是他們完成一定步數等目標後,即可取得有趣的鼓勵訊息,以及在同名手機App《Fitbit》中會有Stuart、Kevin或Bob的出現,同時送上活動徽章,令他們更有動力持續追求每日活動目標。別擔心小朋友不懂得愛惜而弄壞手環,事關Ace 3特別版的矽膠錶帶在熒幕四邊加有包邊,具備防撞防濺水保護,就算粗心大意,玩樂後也不怕損壞。
一如大人用的智能手環,Ace 3特別版既可利用兒童檢視模式,集中顯示小朋友的活動及睡眠等數據,為保障私隱,家長可為12歲以外的小朋友在手機App建立家庭帳戶,家長可以App的家長檢視模式查看子女的活動量,管理應用程式顯示的內容,以及核准子女的好友邀請。
Ace 3特別版:迷你兵團售價:$598