GUCCI血案電影終於殺青 女神卡卡含淚離開羅馬 | 蘋果新聞網 | 蘋果日報


「搞怪女王」女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)2月底到義大利拍攝新片《House of Gucci》,她昨天po出和導演雷利史考特(Ridley Scott)碰拳的照片,開心宣布電影殺青。外媒昨拍到她依依不捨離開羅馬飯店,眼眶紅紅看似哭過,她戴粉紅色手套和攝影師打招呼,還特地準備一盆鬱金香,送給在外守候的鐵粉。

卡卡離家2個月,期間發生她的2隻法國鬥牛犬被擄走、遛狗人萊恩費雪(Ryan Fischer)遭槍擊的驚悚事件,幸好狗狗最後平安獲救,遛狗人也無大礙。


《House Of Gucci》改編真人真事,卡卡飾演GUCCI(古馳)家族創辦人的孫媳婦Patrizia Reggiani,1973年嫁入時尚豪門生下2個女兒,看似幸福的婚姻卻在12年後破局,她為復仇在1995年買兇謀殺前夫,當年成為轟動一時的頭條新聞。


‘House of Gucci’: 8 Things to Know About Ridley Scott’s Lady Gaga and Adam Driver Murder Drama


Glitz, glamour, and murder, Ridley Scott’s fact-based drama has it all, and it’s coming to a big screen near you very soon.

Nothing can stop filmmaker Ridley Scott from getting down to the business of making movies — not reshooting major chunks of a nearly-done film to cut out an alleged sex predator, not pandemics that force major productions to totally rethink how they are done, and certainly not pissed-off iconic families that don’t like that some of their buzziest tragedies are getting the big screen treatment — and that’s to say nothing of his ability to make a meal out of a hair and makeup budget.

Scott’s latest feature speaks to his uniquely go-for-broke ethos, a glitzy, glittery, and decidedly murder-centric drama based on the real-life story of Patrizia Reggiani and Maurizio Gucci (yes, that Gucci). Scott has been trying to make a film about the pair’s twisted love affair (which arguably “ended” in murder, though plenty happened after Gucci was killed in 1995) since the early aughts, and after a series of setbacks, switch-ups, and snags, “House of Gucci” is primed for release later this year.

If set photos and social media posts are any indication, the film will at least look fantastic, with stars Lady Gaga and Adam Driver sporting the very best in ’80s and ’90s fashion (read: shiny, very shiny), all set against a complex, juicy, and straight-up soap opera-y real life drama. Here’s what we already know about the fall release.

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House of Gucci Has Finished Filming, Lady Gaga Confirms


House of Gucci is officially finished filming.

Lady Gaga took to Instagram on Saturday afternoon to confirm that the highly-anticipated drama about the 1995 murder-for-hire of Maurizio Gucci (the grandson of the fashion house’s founder, Guccio Gucci), has wrapped filming.

“That’s a wrap, Rid. #HouseOfGucci,” Gaga captioned a picture of her outstretched arms fist-bumping the film’s director, Ridley Scott, in a socially-distanced, pandemic-responsible celebration of a job well done.

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House of Gucci is based on the 2001 book The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed by Sara Gay Forden and stars Adam Driver and Gaga as Maurizio Gucci and his ex-wife, Patrizia Reggiani, who was convicted of orchestrating his murder.

While fans are overwhelmingly excited to see the movie, which has been filming on location in Italy, some members of the Gucci family have made it clear they’re not thrilled about the project.

Recently, great-grandchildren of Guccio Gucci voiced concerns to the Associated Press, saying that they’re worried the project won’t respect their family’s legacy.

“We are truly disappointed. I speak on behalf of the family,” Maurizio’s second cousin, Patrizia Gucci, explained. “They are stealing the identity of a family to make a profit, to increase the income of the Hollywood system….Our family has an identity, privacy. We can talk about everything. but there is a borderline that cannot be crossed.”

House of Gucci is currently scheduled to be released November 24, 2021.

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