Miss Dior Rose N’Roses走珠淡香薰 香調組合更精緻
Miss Dior Rose N’Roses走珠淡香薰(圖片由相關機構提供)
Miss Dior推出Rose N’Roses走珠淡香薰,粉紅色調質感輕盈清爽,走珠式設計方便塗抹。淡香薰以格拉斯玫瑰配佛手柑及白麝香香氣,天竺葵精華配以檸檬芳香,讓香調組合更精緻。($360/20ml)
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整理:何芍盈 cyho01@mingpao.com(圖片由相關機構提供)
‧香水Dos & Don’ts!先潤膚後塗香水‧勿磨擦手腕
Go Inside The Mind of Dior’s Master Perfumer
When I first met Dior master perfumer François Demachy in 2019 at a fragrance launch event in New York City, I was utterly starstruck—his hands (and nose) were part of a formative part of my teenage years. At age 14, my dad had taken me shopping at Neiman Marcus to choose my first perfume, an essential rite of passage for any Middle Eastern girl. That day, I was a Syrian Goldilocks, my nose slightly wrinkling no with each puff of scent (and coffee beans in between!) that never smelled just right. That was until I picked up a rectangular bottle filled with golden juice and a silver bow. At the time, I wasn’t quite astute enough to know I was smelling strawberry and mandarin orange intermingling with rose, jasmine, and patchouli. All I knew was that I had officially found the fragrance that I become the scent soundtrack for some of the most incredible memories of the next five years: Miss Dior Chérie, the now discontinued iconic fragrance.
I’m not alone in having my life scented by Demachy. His influence on the world of fragrance has been so inspiring that filmmakers Clément Beauvais and Arthur de Kersauson followed Demachy for two years, recording Nose, a film that follows his nose as he travels for ingredients that make Dior’s signature scent.
The pair chased him up green hills in Indonesia to meet patchouli farmers, through the vineyard trees in Italy picking the fruit that will become bergamot, and possibly the most critical locale of all: the world’s perfume capital, Grasse, France.
“Making a lasting fragrance is like composing a symphony,” says former Harper’s Bazaar and Marie Claire beauty director Erin Flaherty in Nose. “It takes a lot of thought and distillation to home in on the thousands of raw materials that are available. You have to come up with a concept, sometimes very clear, sometimes it’s very abstract, but the palette is as vast as the human imagination."
Some of Demachy’s compositions during his time as the master perfumer for the French fashion house include J’adore Absolu, Miss Dior Rose N’Roses, and Joy by Dior. It’s a far cry from the very first fragrance he made for Dior: A scent that would whet the appetites of cows. However, his first authentic perfume was Emanuel Ungaro Diva, created for his wife and adored by actress Sophia Loren.
“Perfume is about emotions,” Demarchy shares while on screen. “It leads to seduction and desire, which is what drives all perfumes.”
I was lucky enough to experience Nose in something completely innovative, which the Dior team calls “odorama”—seven scent strips similar to the samples you’d get in a magazine. Each was numbered and perfectly cued down to the second, so while Demarchy sat in the Dior labs discussing Elemi— an ingredient I’ve never even heard of before— it didn’t leave me wondering; I just opened up the sample and sniffed.
The hour-long movie is a feast for the senses (especially when odorama is involved).
“A scent is like love,” Demarchy says. “You can’t explain it.” Strangely enough, after watching “Nose,” the scent itself was explained very well with all the right notes.
Nose is now streaming. You can find it on:
Apple TV Google Play
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Miss Dior Rose N’Roses 香水,會讓你成為最溫暖的氣質女生!
玫瑰花是世上最見的花卉之一,別以為玫瑰的香氣只有一款,其實玫瑰有很多品種,每一款品種的玫瑰也是擁有不一樣的個性。Christian Dior 的 Miss Dior 香水系列,就是以玫瑰花為香水的主要成分,歷年來推了不同的版本,讓不同的女生也可以根據自己的個性去選擇專屬於自己的 Miss Dior。
今個春季,Miss Dior 系列推出新成員 Miss Dior Rose N’Roses 淡香薰,由品牌的首席調香師 François Demachy 創造,繼續以香水說故事。François Demachy 是於格拉斯長大的孩童,回憶滿是壯觀的玫瑰花海與如奇跡般的收成。五月玫瑰盈滿眼前一片花田,色彩斑斕的花海連綿不斷,向遠方蔓延,鮮豔的桃紅色至淡粉色,成為一道粉撲迷人的彩虹。
Miss Dior Rose N’Roses 的香氣是於微溫足以喚醒五月玫瑰,花瓣上仍凝結著露珠,隨著每朵玫瑰徐徐綻放,散發出獨一無二、醇厚迷人的芳香。散發著濃厚又溫暖的玫瑰花香,甜而不膩,親滿著馥郁芬芳的花卉氣息。淡香薰沒有棉花般溫馴婉約,卻懂得平衡清新與辛辣的誘人香氣。麝香後調用以承托花香,洋溢出耀眼光芒。這是一朵個性堅強、善於表達和開朗的玫瑰,絕對是一位予人溫暖感覺的女生!
POPBEE 早前飛去東京親身直擊全新 Miss Dior Rose N’Roses 淡香薰,更有機會與 François Demachy 訪問,與大家分享創作香水的故事。
Miss Dior 是一個擁有多款香味的香水系列,在創作時,如何可以令系列中的每一款香水也有連貫性之餘又保持獨特?François 表示在創作不同特香水時,會在同一個香氣基礎上作出調配。製作香水,就像是創作交響樂一樣,不同材料的香味之間要達到「平衡和和諧」,讓不同的香味元素交織成完美的交響樂一樣。Miss Dior Rose N’Rose 是為了要讓大家去真切地感受玫瑰的香味,猶如置身玫瑰田園一樣。
Miss Dior Rose N’Roses 淡香薰 HK$740/50ml