Joe Biden’s Rolex Was a Christmas Gift From Dr. Jill Biden, the White House Confirms
Yesterday, I wrote a story about a watch. This, in and of itself, isn’t exactly unusual. We love watches at Esquire, and we love to write about them. This watch, though, was unusual, in that it belongs to the president of the United States and became a focal point of a good deal of online outrage.
There was, of course, the chorus of folks who got upset that Joe Biden was wearing a relatively expensive watch instead of the more accessibly priced options favored by recent commanders in chief (with the exception of Trump, who wore a number of watches considered pricey even by those accustomed to rarified air of the watch world). To them, I say: Let the president enjoy his Rolex in peace. It looks great on him.
Then there were the people mad that anyone was even discussing the watch at all, viewing it as a distraction from more serious matters. Since talking about style and its broader significance is what we do here, I’ll just say that while there are indeed a lot of serious things to talk about right now, writing off matters of style as inherently frivolous ain’t it either, chief.
Finally, there was a contingent of individuals who were under the impression that the watch had previously belonged to Biden’s late son Beau, who died tragically of brain cancer in 2015. That a great deal of the reporting on Biden’s watch—Esquire’s included—did not mention this seemed an affront to these individuals. That’s understandable, considering the way watches become heirlooms and the emotional power those sorts of heirlooms can hold, especially at momentous events like one’s inauguration as president of the United States.
A closer look at Joe Biden’s Rolex Datejust, a Christmas gift from Dr. Jill Biden. Alex Wong Getty Images
But despite the similarities between Biden’s Datejust and the watch worn by Beau in photos that surfaced this week, a White House official has confirmed to Mediaite that the timepiece worn at the president’s swearing-in was actually a Christmas gift from the first lady, Dr. Jill Biden. “This official did not know if Beau’s ownership of a similar watch was a factor in the selection of the gift,” according to the site. So, that seals it. Regardless of its provenance, though, it’s a great watch—and one befitting the office of the man wearing it.
Jonathan Evans Jonathan Evans is the style director of Esquire, covering all things fashion, grooming, accessories, and, of course, sneakers.
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【母親節禮物】勞力士款式端莊又保值 三款適合媽媽的入門錶款|香港01|知性女生
撰文: 世界高級品 最後更新日期: 2020-05-15 16:57
而在經典手錶系列中,要符合風格偏向中性、錶徑不要太大、入手門檻不能太高等前提的作品,包括Datejust、Lady-Datejust和Oyster Perpetual等系列的不鏽鋼基本款(Rolex官網)
而在經典手錶系列中,要符合風格偏向中性、錶徑不要太大、入手門檻不能太高等前提的作品,經過刪去法之後剩下的選擇其實也就很明確了,包括Datejust、Lady-Datejust和Oyster Perpetual等系列的不鏽鋼基本款,大概就是符合我們這次推薦目標的選擇,以下就按照價格由低到高(但都屬於入門價位帶)篩選出適合作為母親節禮物的勞力士手錶款式。
Oyster Perpetual 26(176200)
Oyster Perpetual系列的錶徑共有5種大小,清一色都在40mm以下,憑心而論女性佩戴應該都滿適合的,然而如果是針對最容易入手價格這點,錶徑最小的26mm版本是我們想要推薦的選擇。Oyster Perpetual 26採用不鏽鋼錶殼、拋光錶圈加上三板帶是中規中矩的設計,其中這款176200的粉色面盤應該很能獲得女性共鳴,而且它的時標又矩形和阿拉伯數字的組合,在系列中屬於少數,看起來也比較別緻,這點也會讓愛美的女性更有fu。勞力士2020年開始有調整手錶的定價,不過Oyster Perpetual 26在這波調價潮裡面價格並沒有變動,跟2019年保持一致,如果還能問到折扣的話,那真的是與勞最近的距離,重點是它的品質也是勞力士出品有保障,即使是入門款也還是有一定的高水準。
Oyster Perpetual 26(176200)(Rolex官網)
不鏽鋼材質/2231自動上鍊機芯/時、分、秒顯示/藍寶石水晶鏡面/防水100米/錶徑26mm/參考價:HK$ 41,500
Datejust 31(178240)
Datejust家族中若不把Lady-Datejust算進來,那麼最小的尺寸即為31mm,而光是這個尺寸的不鏽鋼款就有許多款式變化了,例如錶圈是拋光、坑文或鑲鑽,錶帶是三板帶、五珠帶,面盤有沒有鑲鑽石等等,其中一些細節的變化就可能影響手錶價格的高低,在此我們以最基本的拋光錶圈搭三板帶的178240為例,相比上面介紹的176200它多了日期顯示,不過Oyster Perpetual 26的矩形時標和指針上有夜光塗層,這款搭配羅馬數字時標嵌塊的178240則是沒有夜光效果,不過對於媽媽們而言,有沒有夜光效果應該不會對她們造成太大困擾,主要的差別還是在於錶徑以及多了日期顯示的部分。
Datejust 31(178240)(Rolex官網)
不鏽鋼材質/2235自動上鍊機芯/時、分、秒、日期顯示/藍寶石水晶鏡面/防水100米/錶徑31mm/參考價:HK$ 55,100
不鏽鋼材質/2236自動上鍊機芯/時、分、秒、日期顯示/藍寶石水晶鏡面/防水100米/錶徑28mm/參考價:HK$ 56,000
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- 8 + 8 + 8
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