SPONSORED: Lyon & Turnbull identify rise in dive watch prices at auction
Do you have a dive watch you no longer wear? Read on as Lyon & Turnbull’s Head of Watches, Sarah Fergusson, discusses an interesting development in the timepiece market.
There is quite the renaissance happening in the world of watches. For the last 10 years, auctions have seen the prices of most high-end timepieces climb, with costs rising especially steeply since 2018. Indeed, 2020 saw a number of new auction records set.
The price of gold has increased hugely over the past decade; that is not what is behind this rise in demand, however, as the most desirable and valuable watches in the current climate are made from steel.
© Alex Robson
A watch for every situation
Sports or tool watches are those built with a purpose beyond telling the time. An incredibly important piece of equipment for the wearer, these first came to the fore in the 1950s. After WWII, the rise in popularity of more exciting – or perhaps extreme – hobbies prompted Swiss watch companies to produce watches designed to assist the user and keep them safe.
The most successful brand at creating these was, and still is, Rolex. From the GMT Master for aviation and the Explorer for speleology, to the Daytona for car racing and the Milgauss for scientists, they covered many bases.
One of the most popular models was of course the Submariner. Of those exciting hobbies, the most accessible was diving. With the invention of the Aqua-lung and the films of Jacques Cousteau in the previous decade, by the 1950s diving was a truly aspirational and popular sport. Along with breathing apparatus, in order to stay safe at greater depths, another essential piece of equipment was the wrist watch.
This tool, with its unidirectional bezel, allowed the wearer to keep track of the amount of time they had been under water. First released in 1953, the Submariner was the culmination of work to that point on the creation of reliable waterproof timepieces. Its main advance was its resistance to pressure at great depths, capable as it was of functioning at 100m – a significant achievement at the time.
The popularity of diving explains the popularity of the Submariner 70 years ago, but why is it so popular now? The interest in vintage watches can be tracked through auction results and naturally, as with any commodity becoming more popular, it is those that were the best in their day that are the most desirable now. The Submariner has also seen consistently improved iterations produced in the intervening decades, and it is still produced today. This familiarity with the model has kept it in the minds of admirers and will do for years to come.
Now is the time to sell
As more and more collectors and connoisseurs join the watch-buying masses at auction, is now the time to sell? The answer is undoubtedly yes. Many living in the North East of Scotland will have dive watches of many brands that faithfully served them throughout a career at sea. Perhaps stowed away in a drawer now, these very practical tools can now serve another purpose and generate significant sums for their owners.
But what about the current situation we find ourselves in? 2020 was a very difficult year for many, but not for those who chose to sell at auction. Lyon & Turnbull saw record results across all categories after a swift and efficient shift to selling live online through a number of platforms. Reaching literally millions of bidders, these platforms operate worldwide and allow everyone to participate, driving up prices.
Get a free auction estimate and current market advice
Interested in selling? Entries are currently invited for Lyon & Turnbull’s Watches and Select Watches auctions taking place on March 9 and April 22 in Edinburgh and London respectively.
Contact Head of Watches Sarah Fergusson on 0141 333 1992 or email photographs to sarah.fergusson@lyonandturnbull.com for a free valuation.
Rolex這三款錶在疫情下價格再創歷史新高 比去年高位再升一成?
Daytona Ref. 116500LN 沒錯,大家都知道勞力士的運動錶經常缺貨,尤其是Daytona型號,我當然知道在錶舖見到這款Daytona的機會率,或許只比中六合彩的機率高一點。新Daytona Ref. 116500LN自三年前推出以來人氣不減,腕錶換上黑色陶瓷錶圈及新機芯4130,連帶動力儲備也提升至72小時。性能upgrade還是其次,大家最愛的,始終是鋼殼加地通拿這個無敵組合,到今日這枚Daytona的炒價還是像香港的樓價一樣高居不下。不得不提的是,鋼殼地通拿2020年的最新定價已突破10萬元關口。
以往,黑面地通拿一向比白面受歡迎,但新的白面Daytona似乎改寫了這定律,不少人都覺得白面更靚仔有型。因為有人見人愛的panda dial(熊貓面),白色錶面配上黑色計時圈外環,再加上黑色錶圈,顏色對比鮮明搶眼,這個顏色配搭更有經典Paul Newman Daytona的影子,就是這原因,令不少錶迷用家願意付出近17、18萬的炒價也要入手!由於定價上升,相信炒價同樣水漲船高。 最新官方定價:$102,400 (2019年定價$96,700,上升$5,700)
Daytona Ref. 116518LN 的而且確,勞力士的鋼錶一向較受歡迎,所以經常供不應求,要不乖乖排隊,或「硬食」炒價,Rolex的金錶及金鋼錶款則較易遇上,一來定價門檻較高,二來不少人對金錶有所保留。但這枚用上黃金錶殼的Daytona Ref. 116518LN卻不同,香檳色錶盤配三個黑色計時小盤,再襯Oysterflex橡膠錶帶,感覺一點也不老土,反而有種成熟魅力。腕錶受大家追捧的另一原因,是明星余文樂也擁有一枚,他結婚當天更戴著這枚黃金地通拿。 最新官方定價:$222,000 (2019年定價$214,700,上升$7,300)
Daytona Ref. 116519LN & Ref. 116515LN 鋼殼有鋼殼的經典,金殼有金殼的貴氣。除了剛介紹的黃金Daytona,這兩枚用上貴金屬也是近年較受歡迎的金錶型號,左邊那枚是白金錶殼,灰色錶面襯黑色小盤,不少人就是喜歡它的低調。而右邊那枚是勞力士的永恆玫瑰金殼,玫瑰金色錶面配黑色小盤,一樣高貴好看;可以說,全實色的黑色計時小盤相當百搭。 最新官方定價:$231,900 (2019年定價$224,500,上升$7,400)
Daytona Ref. 116518LN 這枚Ref. 116518LN有「黃金Paul Newman」之稱,最誘人之處是黑色錶面上設有三個米黃色小盤,散發一種復古味。而錶面外沿的秒針刻度及中央計時都用上紅色,加上黃金錶殼的色調,整體的撞色效果相當好看。如果要選購一枚金殼Daytona,筆者個人會揀這枚。 最新官方定價:$222,000 (2019年定價$214,700,上升$7,300)
Rolex Daytona 116515LN 也不用多介紹這枚腕錶,大家都叫它「朱古力地通拿」,綽號當然是來自腕錶的朱古力色錶面。而最新一代的 Ref. 116515LN,設計取代了上代的阿拉伯數字時標,而改用了傳統的棒形時標,三個計時小盤新用上黑色,跟朱古力色錶面形成漂亮的顏色對比。這枚「朱古力地通拿」更是男女合戴,大家應該見過不少女生也戴這款Daytona吧。 最新官方定價:$231,900 (2019年定價$224,500,上升$7,400)
Daytona Ref. 116509 驟眼看,這枚Daytona確實有上代Ref.116520鋼圈鋼殼的影子,但其實這款Daytona一身矜貴,極有份量,因為腕錶採用白金錶殼及鏈帶,就連時標也鑲有八顆鑽石,走低調奢華路線。 官方定價:$322,800 (2019年定價$308,000,上升$14,800)
Daytona Ref. 116506 大家對這枚冰藍面Daytona應該不陌生,它為慶祝Daytona誕生50週年而推出的款式,更是勞力士第一次用上鉑金這種貴金屬的腕錶,再加上罕見的冰藍錶盤,配上栗子色的陶瓷錶圈,辨識度極高!腕錶更有多位名人加持,如日本影星木村拓哉及籃球之神米高佐敦(Michael Jordan也是愛錶之人 ),都擁有這枚夢幻逸品。看到這裡,欣賞過多款地通拿,大家應該還未看膩吧,這就是它百看不厭的獨有魅力。 最新官方定價:$591,400 (2019年定價$585,700,上升$6,400)
Daytona Ref. 116595RBOW 不少過百萬的勞力士都是Ref. 6263、Ref.6265等古董型號,但Rainbow Daytona是少有現役的貴價錶款,錶殼鑲有鑽石,錶圈及時標則鑲有彩虹漸變色方形切割藍寶石,帶來漸變色效果。沒錯,勞力士一向以耐用、可靠、實幹的運動錶知名天下,所以勞力士這枚珠寶錶Rainbow Daytona便是品牌中的一大奇葩,成為腕錶最大的吸引力!官方家價是80多萬,但現實是坊間的炒價已經超過二百萬。這已經是富豪級的價位,荷里活影星麥克華堡便經常戴著這枚珠光寶氣的Rainbow Daytona。 最新官方定價:約$897,000 (2019年定價$864,200,上升$33,000)