Louis Vuitton 40 年東京銀座並木旗艦變身,再推出首個 Le Chocolat V 巧克力專賣店!
儘管這些日子不能出國,不過作為時尚迷當然還是要記下每一個旅遊目的地,還記得去年一月開幕,位於大阪整棟樓的御堂筋旗艦店嗎?找來 Peter Marino 與日本建築師青木淳操刀,四層樓的空間還藏了與大廚須賀洋介合作的 Le Café V,以及另一個隱密餐廳 Sugalabo V,跨足餐飲的野心讓人躍躍欲試。
不過除此之外,沒想到一年之後 Louis Vuitton 還有驚喜,這一回是趁著東京銀座並木專賣店的華麗變身,七層樓的空間,同樣找來 Peter Marino 與青木淳設計,外觀是以雙層玻璃構成,整面雕琢充滿了流動性,毫無縫隙的外層玻璃面板彎曲起伏,雙色薄膜創造了無窮無盡的色彩變化,無論是近看、遠看都會讓人忍不住將目光停下。
在 Louis Vuitton 東京銀座並木專賣店的空間裡有男裝、女裝、珠寶、旅行用品、香水… 等品項,除此之外,還留了空間作為常設的快閃店、貴賓沙龍,參考御堂筋店的規劃,或許大家已經猜到了最頂樓還有另一間 Le Café V,不過可不會想到還有「Le Chocolat V」巧克力專賣店!
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 LE CAFE V Official(@lecafev)分享的貼文
Le Chocolat V 無疑是 Louis Vuitton 的新嘗試,品牌同樣與名廚須賀洋介攜手,須賀洋介為 Le Chocolat V 開發了獨家新口味,也成了巧克力店的第一條產品線,Le Chocolat V 將會在 4 月底 隆重登場,是不是已經開始好奇起巧克力的外觀、口味了呢?
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 LE CAFE V Official(@lecafev)分享的貼文
Louis Vuitton 開設全新銀座旗艦店鋪
Take a Look Inside Louis Vuitton’s Stunning New Tokyo Store
Is that a colossal column of water in Tokyo or is it just Louis Vuitton’s new store? The Maison is transforming its store in Tokyo’s Ginza district with a stunning facade that literally reflects the elements.
The corner store occupied by Louis Vuitton since 1981 is getting a completely new look by way of virtuoso architects Jun Aoki and Peter Marino. The most stunning aspect of the renovation, the shifting glass front that curves around the street corner and gives the illusion of rippling water. At once monolithic and fluid, Aoki’s kaleidoscopic facade gives a refreshing relief to the surrounding stern cityscape.
However, the transformation isn’t solely about the signature Louis Vuitton window displays. Behind the smooth, undulating surface of water, the retail space inside, which spans across four floors, also gets a full revision by Peter Marino. The glass facade transmits shifting colors to the feature staircase, which unfurls like a sculpture of oak, giving the space a sense of flow that is continued in the curving counters and ceiling panels. Meanwhile, color is used throughout as an uplifting theme. Leading the way is a four-story feature wall showcasing a reinterpretation of a Kimiko Fujimura painting.
The retail experience culminates in a permanent pop-in space that allows the brand to showcase seasonal animation for new arrivals. Then on the upper levels, a dedicated private salon for VIP clients is available, as well as a culinary experience Le Café V, which celebrates chef Yosuke Suga’s second collaboration with the Maison. Furthermore, Louis Vuitton’s first in-house chocolates will also be making their debut at the store at the end of April.
Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Courtesy of Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton’s Tokyo flagship store opens today 20th March, take a look inside via the gallery above. And if you’re in Tokyo, you can find the address below.
Louis Vuitton Ginza Namiki-dori Store 7-6-1 Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo Japan