2020年精品手錶暢銷排行調查!Cartier、Dior、Van Cleef & Arpels…超過10個品牌TOP.1熱賣款指南
最近想要收一款精品手錶嗎?先來看2020年度市場上Cartier、Dior、Hermès、Van Cleef & Arpels…超過8個品牌最受歡迎的款式吧!
byKate Tu
Text/Kate Photo/DR
若能名列此綜合手錶品牌的年度熱銷排行榜Top 1,想必背後有一番道理:製作品質是否夠優良?銷售與售後服務是否到位?款式是否夠時髦好看?這些妳在意的細節,已有前人們為妳把關。想在即將送走2020之際送自己一個年終大禮?以下披露市場動向。
1950年代就推出的 Boucheron Reflet系列手錶,中性風格的長方型錶殼表面以羅緞直線刻紋來妝點,讓手錶如其名有著趣味反射,另一項特色是在當時就以可替換錶帶的巧思,讓人可以依據每天不同的穿搭來靈活搭配,可說是當今錶壇幾乎可說是標配-錶帶快拆功能的開山始祖。
Bulgari 寶格麗
Serpenti Spiga系列白陶瓷雙圈手錶,售價NT334,100
Bulgari 寶格麗Serpenti Spiga系列白陶瓷雙圈手錶,售價NT334,100
Cartier 卡地亞
Panthère de Cartier美洲豹鑽石手錶小型款,精鋼錶殼,售價NT235,000
喜歡金屬鍊錶的妳不能不認識它! Cartier 美洲豹系列腕錶以1980年代即推出的作品為範本,新款在防水功能、金屬鍊帶關節的強韌且流暢度、鍍銀錶盤、藍鋼劍形指針、錶冠鑲嵌一顆合成藍色尖晶石…等細節表現皆全面升級,而靈感來自豹走路的腳步印記,一高一低交錯的鍊帶結構設計,展現出金屬鍊節在人體工學、堅固實用性的講究之外,更多風格樣貌的變化。
Cartier 卡地亞 Panthère de Cartier美洲豹鑽石手錶小型款,精鋼錶殼,售價NT235,000
Chanel 香奈兒
Chopard 蕭邦
Happy Sport Sun, Moon & Star系列手錶,售價 NT280,000
Chopard 蕭邦Happy Sport Sun, Moon & Star系列手錶,售價 NT280,000
Dior 迪奧
La D de Dior系列Satine手錶,錶徑25mm,售價NT124,000
以時裝屋的視角出發,Dior從2001年開始踏入製錶領域並於瑞士拉紹德芳(La Chaux-de-Fonds)成立品牌高級製錶工坊。品牌首款腕錶作品La D de Dior系列來自創意總監Victoire de Castellane之手筆, La D de Dior看似柔美實源出男裝俐落的風格,面盤上只有時、分針,沒有時標或日期窗,回扣極簡之本。手錶尺寸有相當多變化,從迷你的19mm、25mm、36mm、38mm…錶帶也呈現呼應時裝源頭—色彩、金屬質感、皮革材質變化超多,滿足時尚迷的各種偏好。
Dior 迪奧 La D de Dior系列Satine手錶,錶徑25mm,售價NT124,000
Georg Jensen 喬治傑生
Vivianna系列手鐲手錶,錶徑34 mm,精鋼鑲嵌鑽石,售價NT110,500
Georg Jensen 喬治傑生 Vivianna系列手鐲手錶,錶徑34 mm,精鋼鑲嵌鑽石,售價NT110,500
Hermès 愛馬仕
Cape Cod系列Sakura手錶,售價NT163,800
Hermès 鐘錶創意與風格總監Philippe Delhotal親自為《美麗佳人 Marie Claire》讀者們推薦適合職場穿搭的時髦經典手錶—Cape Cod系列,其中更以款櫻花粉色雙圈小牛皮錶帶款式登上年度銷售排行首位。
Hermès 愛馬仕 Cape Cod系列Sakura手錶,售價NT163,800
Piaget 伯爵
Limelight Gala系列18K玫瑰金鑲鑽珠寶錶,售價NT1,370,000
Limelight Gala珠寶錶的設計靈感源自1973年的一款特別創作。一體成形的錶殼,延伸至錶耳的曲線,像極了數字6或9,拜此有趣弧形輪廓,Piaget或鑲嵌寶石、裝飾錶盤、雕刻錶鍊 (Piaget伯爵獨有的「宮廷式雕刻Décor Palace」),還可細分出100多種主題紋路,如毛皮、海浪、霜花、花卉、葉脈、樹紋、蛇鱗等,大展Piaget四大藝術:機芯、金屬、色彩與光線的華美身手。
Piaget 伯爵 Limelight Gala系列18K玫瑰金鑲鑽珠寶錶,售價NT1,370,000
Tiffany & Co.
Tiffany Atlas系列手錶,錶徑24mm,售價NT184,000
Tiffany Atlas系列錶款最早於1983年推出,由時任品牌設計總監John Loring,以紐約第五大道旗艦店Atlas巨鐘為靈感,在將近40年過後,仍舊經典不敗並拿下品牌年度手錶類產品的首位。手錶以品牌色冰藍色錶盤,先抓住視覺焦點,仔細感受後更被上下層雙圈錶盤設計、浮雕羅馬數字等細節所吸引,這款作品的羅馬數字和錶圈皆鋪鑲鑽石,是不失珠寶感的氣質款手錶。
Tiffany & Co. Tiffany Atlas系列手錶,錶徑24mm,售價NT184,000
Van Cleef & Arpels (VCA) 梵克雅寶
Lady Arpels Pont des Amoureux 戀人橋手錶,售價NT3,730,000
A New Generation Of Fashion-Forward Watches Have Arrived
You would think they’d make strange bedfellows: fashion – fleeting and changeable; watches – methodical and rational. Yet since couture houses seized hold of fine jewellery in the 1980s, the two worlds have come together to create a new genre of fashion-fuelled, design-driven, often fantastical women’s watches.
Fashion has brought femininity, artistry and emotion to the previously technically oriented and deeply traditional world of watchmaking. Women’s timepieces tended to be scaled-down versions of men’s watches, perhaps with a token sprinkling of diamonds, and designs were essentially classic and unchanging. Fashion houses transformed the watch into an ever-evolving object of desire with modern relevance, succeeding in fusing haute couture and haute horlogerie with spectacular results.
For a true Hermès flourish, pair the brand’s steel and diamond watch with an exquisite silk scarf.
As early as 1928, Hermès drew on its saddle-making origins and leatherwork expertise to collaborate with watchmakers such as Jaeger-LeCoultre and Vacheron Constantin. In 1978, the maison established its own dedicated watch company, and Henri d’Origny, a specialist in silks and ties, designed the Arceau. Since then, Hermès has stamped its identity on a trail of timepieces from the H-Our and Kelly padlock cuff, through various iterations of the Cape Cod (a square within a rectangle) and the Nantucket (a rectangle within a rectangle), both inspired by the signature Chaîne d’Ancre, and the stirrup-shaped Le Galop, recalling Hermès’s equestrian roots. Guillaume de Seynes, great-grandson of Emile Hermès and executive vice president of La Montre Hermès, explains that the maison’s free spirit and brand identity is captured in these unexpected shapes as well as in the numerals. “The brand was born in an active world, of horse riding, travelling. We are talking about elegance in movement.” With that in mind, the newest Nantucket comes on a fluid, supple chain bracelet in reference to the Hermès chain.
Chanel introduced storytelling and a couture spirit with its first aptly named Première watch, launched in 1987 under the direction of Jacques Helleu. Designed expressly for women, Première reflected Chanel with its case shaped like the stopper of No5 perfume, and its chain bracelet threaded with leather that mimicked the strap of the Chanel handbag. At the time, it was an anomaly in the watch world, explains Marianne Etchebarne, Chanel’s global head of watches and fine jewellery marketing. “From the start, we wanted to enable women to express their style and personality, to complete their look with their watches.” Then, in 2000, came Chanel’s game-changing J12, also designed by Jacques Helleu, a sporty, slightly masculine design made of shiny hi-tech ceramic, at first in black and a few years later in white, expressing Mademoiselle’s “absolutes”. “It is instantly recognisable as Chanel, very practical, intended for day-to-night wear, adapted to modern life,” says Etchebarne. For 2021, the J12 will come dressed in a rainbow of coloured sapphires.
In 2001, three years after Victoire de Castellane joined Dior as creative director of the new Dior fine jewellery collection, the mighty maison pivoted its attention to watches, setting up its own manufacturing facility in La Chaux-de-Fonds, the centre of Swiss watchmaking. De Castellane’s La D de Dior launched in 2003, inspired by her grandfather’s classic watch, with a 1970s-flavoured hardstone dial and a provocative hint of masculinity that drew attention to the sensuality of the female wrist. The huge success of La D has bred an ongoing panoply of models, from the Satine, with its silky mesh bracelet, to the newest bejewelled La D de Dior Précieuse à Secret Rose Dior with a lavishly gem-set rose covering the dial. The strikingly modernist Gem Dior collection, de Castellane’s first new watch since 2003, she describes as “abstract-organic, an organised disruption”, inspired, she adds by the natural formations of rough tourmaline. The open cuff watch has an off-centre octagonal dial, and on the multi-gem version, the bracelet is composed of jumbled, jostling slices of lapis lazuli, pink opal, tiger’s eye and carnelian.
現在要挑哪一件呢?真是難以抉擇。我們本來認為全世界都將掀起一股柏捷頓家族的華麗攝政風禮服熱潮,可是 Balenciaga 強烈的現代主義風格或是Schiaparelli 誇張討喜的寬鬆剪裁,都不遑多讓。Giambattista Valli 一如往常,推出了超華麗設計,連信誓旦旦說自己心懷極簡主義的人都很難不受誘惑,而Fendi創意總監Kim Jones 則精心打造了一系列現代經典,像是低調的不對稱設計和波浪狀的剪裁。很重要的一點是,AW21的高級時裝也將成為超級合身造型的復古年,修身的套裝將挑戰及地長禮服的主導地位。
從華麗的裝飾到簡約的裙擺,這些就是讓 AW21 時裝秀增添光彩的最佳婚禮造型。