Gucci、Timberland、YSL紛紛跑去種田!時尚品牌如何扭轉消費者印象?|數位時代 BusinessNext
古馳上個月所發表的Gucci Aria系列,在露出與Balenciaga聯名的設計之後,這個月又再將Aria系列變成品牌第一個NFT加密藝術品!
byJess Lee - 28 MAY 2021 更新
Photo/ Gucci
Gucci在藝術總監Alessandro Michele的帶領下,可以說高潮一波波,迎來古馳的一百週年,除了上個月發表的Gucci Aria系列,本月又在佛羅倫斯規劃了古馳百年展覽⋯⋯。而向來願意擁抱最新潮流與科技的Alessandro Michele,之前曾推出過一雙只要12美元不到的NFT球鞋,如今再以Gucci Aria系列為靈感,製成古馳第一個加密藝術品,並已上架到Christie’s佳士得拍賣網。
Gucci 上架於佳士得拍賣網的第一個加密藝術品
Aria系列可以看作Gucci過去100年來的歷史回顧紀錄短片,在線上發表會影片中一開始露出的Savoy Club,其實是呼應Guccio Gucci在成立品牌之前曾在倫敦Savoy Hotel 的時期,爾後展示的多套服飾,都可以看出Alessandro Michele向品牌成立百年以來的經典設計與文化歷史致敬。
發表會約莫最後三、四分鐘的地方,模特兒推開Savoy Club大門走向世外桃源,在花花草草之間,又有奇幻的白色孔雀相伴。而這個推開門的動作,正是Alessandro Michele期許Gucci可以再繼續朝向下一段美好的百年前進,也成為了古馳的第一個NFT加密藝術品。
短短4分鐘的短片,有著Alessandro Michele滿滿的巧思和期盼。Gucci 第一個NFT起標價為2,000美元(本次交易限用以太幣進行),已上架在佳士得拍賣網,並且將於6/3(四)結標。本次藝術品的收益也會全數捐贈給美國聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF USA),以支持COVAX、全球公平獲得疫苗議題。
Virtual Gucci bag sold for higher price than real one
A virtual Gucci bag was recently sold for US$4,115 (around NT$113,954) on Roblox’s online gaming virtual world, making it almost US$800 (NT$22,154) more expensive than the real item.
According to foreign media reports, the virtual “Dionysus Bag with Bee” was available for one hour on May 17 as part of Gucci’s virtual Garden Exhibition and the original price offered was around US$6 (NT$166).
Soon after, scalpers began using the limited time frame to buy and re-sell the item for higher prices, resulting in one user who later revealed he paid US$4,115 (around NT$113,954) for the virtual bag.
The hot commodity even surpassed the sale of the real bag, which sells for US$3,400 (around NT$94,168).
然而,Reddit創辦人 Alexis Ohanian 後來也在推特上提醒手頭較緊的買家,表示此虛擬商品與非同質化代幣有所不同,在遊戲平台以外的地方毫無價值。
However, Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian later took to Twitter to inform potential buyers that unlike an NFT (Non-fungible token), the item has no monetary value outside of the gaming platform, and cautioned those who don’t excess money to spend on such an extravagant bag.
Several other virtual items from Gucci were also on sale with the Dionysus Bag with Bee including sunglasses and a guitar case but none did as well as the bag.