LOUIS VUITTON創意總監也斜槓 新系列廣告大片自己拍
LOUIS VUITTON 2021春夏女裝由創意總監Nicolas Ghesquière 親自拍攝,更邀請許多運動員、模特兒、演員和音樂家等品牌之友一起拍攝。包括Will Simth之子Jaden Smith也是其中之一。(LOUIS VUITTON提供
以往對於品牌「設計總監」或是「設計師」的想像,就是設計當季新品的人,不過隨著時代轉變,「創意總監」更全面地掌控品牌形象,除了設計服裝之外,包括廣告大片甚至是店頭陳列,都有一定的guideline。也因此,從老佛爺Karl Lagerfeld,到LOUIS VUITTON創意總監Nicolas Ghesquière ,都熱愛為自己的品牌執掌攝影大旗。
LOUIS VUITTON發布由Nicolas Ghesquière 執掌設計與拍攝全新2021 春夏女裝系列廣告。在全新的LOUIS VUITTON廣告之中, Nicolas Ghesquière,再次投入攝影師的角色,選出了路易威登品牌大使與摯友,攜手呈現2021春夏女裝系列。
本著自由大膽的精神,運動員、模特兒、演員和音樂家,全部都是因為她們的個性和獨到之處,獲得Nicolas Ghesquière的青睞。包括了獲得葛萊美獎的歌唱雙人組Chloe x Halle,獲得奧斯卡的演員Jennifer Connelly與Emma Stone,網球冠軍大坂直美,以及Sophie Turner、Cody Fern、Laura Harrier、Carolyn Murphy、Jaden Smith等。
新手袋Rendez-vous由Emma Stone呈現。(LOUIS VUITTON提供)
奧斯卡演員Jennifer Connelly也是LOUIS VUITTON的品牌之友。(LOUIS VUITTON提供)
除了演藝人員,運動家也是LOUIS VUITTON的關注焦點。本季由網球冠軍大坂直美演繹新裝。(LOUIS VUITTON提供)
上述名人共同歡慶的2021年春夏包款Coussin及Rendez-vous。最新包款提供多樣性佩戴方式,內裡有多個夾層,挑戰風格與性別的疆界。Coussin手袋的豐厚與外表,由Jaden Smith、Jennifer Connelly、Sophie Turnerr、Angelica Ross表現。經過雕琢設計的Rendez-vous,則由Emma Stone、Chloe x Halle、Laura Harrier呈現。
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Louis E. Stegman
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PFF pegs Kevin Pierre-Louis as free agent target for Bills
In regard to linebackers and the upcoming offseason for the Bills, the focus is Matt Milano… but it’s complicated.
Due to the salary cap reportedly dropping somewhere between $180-185 million in 2020, it has long been an uphill battle for Buffalo in terms of re-signing Milano, a pending free agent.
A recent report suggests he’ll test the free agent market as well, so things have only gone from bad to worse.
If Milano does depart the Bills when free agency begins in March, they’ll need a replacement. If that guy filling the shoes is a free agent, Pro Football Focus suggests Kevin Pierre-Louis as the man for the job.
Here’s how PFF recently reasoned that:
Pierre-Louis has shown in his time on the field over the last two seasons that he can cover, earning a 91.0 coverage grade in 2019 and an 83.9 coverage grade in a larger role with the Washington Football Team this past season. His addition would help mask some of the coverage ability lost at the position with Milano.
Milano’s situation comes down to dollars and cents. Spotrac estimates his value on the open market at $13.8M per season. If the cap does land between $180-185M as reports suggest, the Bills’ current cap number is right in that range, so keeping Milano would be unlikely.
On Pierre-Louis, it remains to be seen how much he commands on the market. The 30-year-old had a better coverage grade than Milano in 2020, but the rest of his numbers left something to be desired. Perhaps Buffalo could roll with a rotation of Pierre-Louis and AJ Klein next season until a long-term solution can be found?
The money Pierre-Louis would land is unknown, but it certainly will be less than Milano. He signed a one-year, $3M deal with the Football Team a year ago and it was the first time in his career he made double-digit starts (11) in a season. Maybe he has earned more than $3M like he got on the market a year ago, but he won’t push $13.8M like Milano.
Overall, Pierre-Louis had 56 tackles in 13 games played, including three for loss, two passes defended, a forced fumble and a sack.