Popular Spanish jewellery brand to enter Australian market with new distributor
PDPaola – which boasts a strong online following and had previously only been available in Australia via e-commerce – has found a local distributor in Heart & Grace. Image: PDPaola
PDPaola – which boasts a strong online following and had previously only been available in Australia via e-commerce – has found a local distributor in Heart & Grace. Image: PDPaola
Popular Spanish jewellery brand to enter Australian market with new distributor
Watch supplier Heart & Grace has expanded into jewellery, commencing distribution of Spanish brand PDPAOLA.
Founded in Barcelona in 2014 by siblings Paola and Humbert Sasplugas, the brand has built up a strong online following and an extensive retailer network throughout Europe, the US, and Asia.
It was previously only available to Australian consumers via its online store.
“The brand features on-trend designs such as zodiac [symbols] and personalisation of letters, but with a unique twist of natural and semi-precious stones and cubic zirconia, at affordable prices” Caroline Roper-Kelly, Heart & Grace
Caroline Roper-Kelly, operations manager at Heart & Grace, said, “Paola and Humbert Sasplugas pursued a dream of turning Paola’s childhood passion for jewellery and design into a lifetime project.
“Effortless elegance and timeless designs create the PDPAOLA universe, with unique trend-setting jewellery and an aspirational brand identity. With 1.6 million social media followers, PDPAOLA continues to grow.”
Heart & Grace made the decision to distribute PDPAOLA due to its “unique and on-trend designs, and the general essence of the brand,” Roper-Kelly explained, adding, “The brand features on-trend designs such as zodiac [symbols] and personalisation of letters, but with a unique twist of natural and semi-precious stones and cubic zirconia, at affordable prices.”
Given the strength of the brand’s striking marketing photography, Heart & Grace will assist retailers in promoting PDPAOLA with “a wealth of beautiful visuals and display materials to showcase the gorgeous jewellery designs,” Roper-Kelly said.
Heart & Grace also distributes European watch brands Cluse and Pierre Lannier, Reflex Active smartwatches, and children’s watch brand Tikkers.
More reading:
Brand Aid
What women want: exploring her market power
Quick, smart: fast-moving fashion jewellery
Why consumers still love customisable jewellery
byWei Hsu
圖片來源 / IG@pdpaola_jewelry、IG@apodemia、IG@lowlitaandyou
P D Paola
若你是偏愛優雅風格的小配件的話,那麼你一定可以在P D Paola找到你的命定款。創立於2014年的P D Paola,強調為當今女人打造簡單、獨具,且滿載優雅格調的珠寶,至今已有20個類別系列供選擇,而今日編要推薦的則是品牌近日最新推出的「I Am」系列。就如同名稱I Am,對每個人來說,內心想必都有個屬於自己的字母,可能是名字的字首,又或者和某個重要人物有相關。也因此P D Paola希望女孩們能夠從這些字母中找尋到力量、從中更愛自己。這些優雅且細膩的字母輪廓,再添加上了和諧色調的彩寶後更顯迷人!適中的大小戴在脖子上不僅不搶風采,也不會顯得沒存在感。
Lowlita & U
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