

氣味能喚起回憶,生命中不斷與人錯身而過,卻總會留下了記載回憶的各種芬芳,段段深刻的回憶,有甜蜜的馨香,有辛濃的烈香,也有清新如春的淡香,閉上眼你又想起誰的氣味呢?想記下深刻的愛情,不如為戀人送上一瓶香水。以下推介男女生必備的香水,如 Miss Dior、Jo Malone、Gucci 等等香水,均讓你散發令人魂牽夢繞的香氣。


優雅女生都要擁有!Louis Vuitton 推出得桂花味香水,清新又迷人


用對香水,會讓你令人有種一見難忘的感覺。Les Parfums Louis Vuitton 香水系列推出全新的 Étoile Filante香水,由調香大師 Jacques Cavallier Belletrud 在格拉斯調配而成,將珍貴的花香凝聚於經典的香水瓶之中,開啟一趟感官之旅 。

調香師特別選用在遠東地區備受鍾愛的桂花,他自小已對這種花情有獨鍾。多年後,這位調香大師在中國展開一趟精彩旅程,尋找這種迷人的花朵。Jacques Cavallier Belletrud 解釋:「夜幕降臨時,花市所有攤位也瀰漫著桂花和木蘭花的獨特簡樸芳香,那種令人陶醉的奇妙香氣令我深感著迷,因此對我而言,揉合這兩種天然元素可謂自然不過。」桂花獨有的杏桃和黑醋栗果香,結合格拉斯茉莉花的花香、日曬草莓香味,再與品牌獨有的頂級中國木蘭花精華融合後,高雅迷人,讓塗上的女生都變得氣質滿滿。

Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker receive $3K gift from Louis Vuitton


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Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker might be fashion’s new power couple.

Case in point? The luxe personalized present the 25-year-old supermodel and 24-year-old Phoenix Suns player received from Louis Vuitton for Valentine’s Day: an over-the-top clear monogrammed box filled with white roses and his-and-hers fragrances from the French luxury label.

Jenner, who confirmed her relationship with Booker on Instagram on February 14, showed off the shipment on her Instagram Stories, which appears to have included an extra-large version of Vuitton’s “Cube Scott” box ($1,370) containing the brand’s Étoile Filante perfume ($265) for Jenner and its Météore scent ($265) for Booker.

Louis Vuitton even encased each fragrance in a logo-printed travel case — one in classic brown ($495), the other in white ($545) — bringing the total value of the gift to at least $3,000.

The couple’s initials were even engraved into the clear case’s handle: “KJ + DB.”

Jenner and Booker — who were first linked last spring and have since been spotted out together multiple times — aren’t the only famous pair who received the over-the-top delivery.

Vuitton ambassador Sophie Turner revealed on her Instagram Stories that she and husband Joe Jonas also unwrapped personalized perfumes from the brand.