Karl Lagerfeld摩納哥豪宅藝術品舉槌拍賣 藏家敲碗等巨作揭曉 | 蘋果新聞網 | 蘋果日報
人稱「老佛爺」的時尚巨擘卡爾拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)是位資深的藝術品收藏家,他生前在英、美、法等各地都有龐大物業和藏品資產。據《THE ART NEWSPAPER》報導,蘇富比拍賣行接受老佛爺遺產執行人的委託,針對其摩納哥豪宅中的珍稀物件,將於2021年下半年舉行專場拍賣,目前已進行估價,估計至少需耗時兩個月,但對詳細拍賣內容則暫時保密。蘇富比法國副總裁Pierre Mothes表示:「他是時尚和藝術界重要人物,此次拍賣將向這位獨特又極富創造力的設計師致敬。」
2019年2月他因胰臟癌去世後,粗估留下約68億元台幣的巨額遺產,由於他生前無伴侶也無子嗣,所以留下遺囑將財產分給7位繼承人,包括愛貓Choupette及照顧愛貓的女管家、私人保鏢Sebastien Jondeau、法國男模Baptiste Giabiconi、美國男模Brad Kroenig與他的12歲兒子等人。(薛佳甯/綜合報導)
Karl Lagerfeld’s photographic legacy is moving to the blockchain. What does that mean?
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As creative director of Chanel for 36 years and Fendi for 54, the late Karl Lagerfeld was one of fashion’s most prolific designers. He was also an accomplished photographer, shooting ad campaigns for Chanel in Paris and photographing actors in Japan and tango dancers in Argentina. Now, his 120,000-plus catalogue of images will live on on the blockchain.
Eric Pfrunder, Chanel’s former artistic director for fashion, and Lagerfeld’s accomplice and confidante who would accompany him on photoshoots, inherited his personal photographic legacy after Lagerfeld’s death in 2019. Rather than immediately sell the photos at auction or stage a gallery or museum show, Pfrunder decided to register the cache on the Lukso blockchain, which is building a network for fashion and lifestyle.
Pfrunder, who holds a seat on Lukso’s advisory board, said the designer would have approved. Lagerfeld, who had no use for the past, once remarked, “I continue to embrace the present and invent the future,” he points out. Placing the archive onto Lukso is “for today and for the future. Technology evolves and we need to take advantage of it, as the next generations live in a ‘phygital space’.”
The photos will be released organically in intervals in formats including exhibitions and books. The photos will eventually take the form of digital copies, limited editions, physical copies and merchandise, among other things. “I’m not an expert on blockchain but I learn about it every day. There’s a big opportunity in this field, especially now that the Covid-19 pandemic has digitised people’s lifestyles and is forcing us to enter into a new mindset. The blockchain is opening up so many different avenues, from authenticating this collection to virtualisation, and more.”