Paul Gascoigne embraces co-star Francesca Lodo during filming for Italy’s version of I’m A Celebrity



Paul Gascoigne was proudly displaying his tattooed physique as he continued filming for the I’m A Celebrity-style show L’Isola dei Famosi on Thursday.

The former England star, 54, was seen sharing an embrace with co-star Francesca Lodo as he got to grips with surviving in the wilderness on his third day being marooned on a remote island in Honduras.

Gazza has already made a huge impact on Italian viewers with his attempts at mastering the country’s language, with fans left in hysterics by his mangling of their language in an introductory tape for the show.

Looking good! Paul Gascoigne proudly displayed his tattooed physique as he continued filming for the I’m A Celebrity-style show L’Isola dei Famosi on Thursday

Once again Paul was showcasing his array of inkings as he went shirtless during a dip in the ocean on the island.

The ex-footballer appeared to be getting on well with his co-stars on the show, as they continue to get to grips with surviving on basic resources after being dropped on the remote island.

At one point Gazza could be seen chatting to his co-star Francesca, with the pair sharing a sweet embrace as they got to grips with surviving on the island.

Getting on well? The former England star, 54, was seen sharing an embrace with co-star Francesca Lodo as he got to grips with surviving in the wilderness

Cosy: During filming Gazza was seen sharing a hug with actress Francesca, who was covered up in a grey and white tracksuit. The star has been getting on well with his co-stars during filming

Shirtless: As he enjoyed a dip in the water, Gazza showed off his array of tattoos by ditching his shirt, with inkings including multiple tributes to his mum and dad, and barbed wire which symbolises Jesus' crown of thorns

Washing off! Without the luxury of indoor plumbing, Gazza had to rely on a single tap to wash himself down on the island

Among Gazza’s most iconic inkings are multiple tributes to his mum and dad, barbed wire which symbolises Jesus' crown of thorns, and a sullen portrait of his stepdaughter Bianca.

Former showgirl and model Francesca is most well-known in Italy for her acting roles, having starred in films including Olé and Quelli che… il calcio.

She is also the cousin of actress Giorgia Palmas, who starred in the satirical comedy series, Striscia la notizia.

Gorgeous: Former showgirl and model Francesca is most well-known in Italy for her acting roles, having starred in films including Olé and Quelli che… il calcio

Sizzling: She displayed her own physique in a skimpy green thong bikini as she took a dip in the ocean

Best friends? As he strutted down the beach, it was clear Gazza was forming a firm bromance with YouTube star Awed (Simone Paciello), who showed off his own toned physique as they wandered through the sands

Swimmingly: The duo laughed and joked together, have clearly formed a firm friendship during their brief spell together on the island

Close friends: Later Gazza was once again seen chatting to Daniela Martani, who he was seen getting close to during the previous day

As well as getting to grips with the island shower, Gazza could be enjoying coconuts and showing of his climbing skills, while heading to the beach with his fellow campmates.

He also seems to have formed a strong friendship with YouTube star Awed (Simone Paciello ) as they linked arms while strolling along the beach together.

On Wednesday Gazza also seemed to be getting close to co-star Daniela Martani, who showed off her incredible physique in a teal green bikini.

Screen star: Daniela rose to fame in her native Italy in 2009 as a contestant on that country’s version of Big Brother, Grande Fratello, but quit the show after just 22 days

Opinionated: Since then she’s made a name for herself as an outspoken activist, and has offered her own controversial viewers on issues including veganism and the Covid pandemic

Explosive: Daniela has continuously questioned the existence of coronavirus despite over 100,000 in Italy losing their lives to the virus, and has even criticised her country’s government for their conspiracy

Daniela rose to fame in her native Italy in 2009 as a contestant on that country’s version of Big Brother, Grande Fratello, but quit the show after just 22 days.

Since then she’s made a name for herself as an outspoken activist, and has offered her own controversial viewers on issues including veganism and the Covid pandemic.

Daniela has continuously questioned the existence of coronavirus despite over 100,000 in Italy losing their lives to the virus, and has even criticised her country’s government for their conspiracy.

‘In intensive care there is no one anymore, so they have to scare us with the number of positives,’ she said.

Hilarious: It comes after Gazza left viewers in hysterics with his attempts at speaking Italian during his first appearance on L’Isola dei Famosi

Amusing: The football legend made quite the impression during his introductory video tape, before launching himself out of a helicopter on Monday’s live show

Whoops! Gazza, who spent three years at Rome’s club Lazio, did his best at speaking the language but left viewers in fits of giggles when he misunderstood host Ilary Blasi

Challenging: Paul was getting stuck into his filming duties for the first live episode as they shot scenes on a remote desert island which is believed to be Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, in Central America, yet his garbled intro stole the show

Garbled: In the interview, Gascoigne was asked about his Italian, to which he said in his strong Geordie accent: ‘It’s OK. It’s only the first day, I’m hoping to improve it’

In August she reportedly blocked a ferry for several minutes for refusing to wear a mask, and later wrote on Instagram: ‘Some passengers called the carabinieri and threatened to report me for interruption of public service and I will clearly file a complaint for violating my right under the Constitution to free movement.’

It comes after Gazza left viewers in hysterics with his attempts at speaking Italian during his first appearance on L’Isola dei Famosi.

The football legend made quite the impression during his introductory video tape, before launching himself out of a helicopter on Monday’s live show.

Oops! He conceded: ‘I’m not speaking perfect Italian’, before beginning his diatribe, in which he bizarrely repeatedly used the word for snakes

Plans: When asked what he was looking forward to, he attempted: ‘serpente’ (snakes), before stating in Italian: ‘Fishing good me, very good me. Hands fish my, team hungry me. Confidence, first day, better speak, soon’

What was that? He added: ‘I’m here for a laugh and the experience,’ before adding in English: ‘I’ll see you all on the f******g island’

Gazza, who spent three years at Rome’s club Lazio, did his best at speaking the language but left viewers in fits of giggles when he misunderstood host Ilary Blasi.

Paul was getting stuck into his filming duties for the first live episode as they shot scenes on a remote desert island which is believed to be Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, in Central America, yet his garbled intro stole the show.

In the interview, Gascoigne was asked about his Italian, to which he said in his strong Geordie accent: ‘It’s OK. It’s only the first day, I’m hoping to improve it.’

Blunder: Paul studied Italian as he waited to fly out to the island. A source previously said: ‘Paul has a basic grasp of Italian and he can make himself understood… But what we really want to avoid is having subtitles too often as that would ruin it’

Big TV: ‘The idea is to get him up to a good conversational level so he can talk with the other competitors. We are expecting some exciting TV from Paul,’ the source added (Paul is pictured with actress Vera Gemma)

Helping hand: Paul also spoke to the publication in his native tongue about his strengths and what he will bring to camp

Candid: Asked what he can offer his 14 fellow campers, Paul said: ‘I’m good at fishing,’ before adding: ‘My best quality is that I can make people laugh and I’m always laughing’

He conceded: ‘I’m not speaking perfect Italian’, before beginning his diatribe, in which he bizarrely repeatedly used the word for snakes.

When asked what he was looking forward to, he attempted: ‘serpente’ (snakes), before stating in Italian: ‘Fishing good me, very good me. Hands fish my, team hungry me. Confidence, first day, better speak, soon.’

He added: ‘I’m here for a laugh and the experience,’ before adding in English: ‘I’ll see you all on the f******g island’.

Paul had been studying Italian as he waited to fly out to the island.

Hot property: A source said: ‘Paul is in top form. He told producers he has spent lockdown in England keeping fit by running and cycling, and it’s certainly paid off’ (he is pictured with actor Gilles Rocca)

Dramatic: And the former footballer made a dramatic debut as he arrived via a helicopter and had to jump into the ocean from a height and swim to the island

A source previously told The Sun: ‘Paul has a basic grasp of Italian and he can make himself understood… But what we really want to avoid is having subtitles too often as that would ruin it.

‘The idea is to get him up to a good conversational level so he can talk with the other competitors. We are expecting some exciting TV from Paul.’

Paul had also spoken to the publication in his native tongue about his strengths and what he will bring to camp.

Asked what he can offer his 14 fellow campers, Paul said: ‘I’m good at fishing,’ before adding: ‘My best quality is that I can make people laugh and I’m always laughing.’

Tat’s a lot! Paul famously visited a tattoo parlour five days in a row in 2013 as he underwent a series of inkings, including daughter Bianca’s face, at Bournemouth Ink studio

Explanation: The former England star has previously said that he had turned to tattoos as a way of battling his alcohol addiction

Raging: The star, who passed a series of mental and physical tests for the show, recently claimed he was banned from joining the cast of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Here! after failing a psych test back in 2009

Opinionated: He insisted that producers ‘pre-judged him’ meaning he failed the tests

Playful: It certainly seemed that Gazza was being his usual cheeky self on the beach as he larked about with Vera (far left) and Daniela on the beach

A source said: ‘Paul is in top form. He told producers he has spent lockdown in England keeping fit by running and cycling, and it’s certainly paid off.

‘He looks phenomenal and has a physique any man half his age would be proud of.’

And the former footballer made a dramatic debut as he arrived via a helicopter and had to jump into the ocean from a height and swim to the island

Paul was joined for the first day by his L’Isola dei Famosi, the Island of the Famous, co-stars including actors Gilles Rocca, Simone Paciello, Vera Gemma, Akshay Kumar, Roberto Ciufoli, Angela Melillo and Francesca Lodo.

Also pictured were DJ Daniela Martani, business owner Ferdinando Guglielmotti, model Drusilla Gucci and presenter Elisa Isoardi. Other stars involved in the series are actor Brando Giorgi, actress Valentina Persia and presenter Beppe Braida.

Paul famously visited a tattoo parlour five days in a row in 2013 as he underwent a series of inkings, including daughter Bianca’s face, at Bournemouth Ink studio.

The former England star has previously said that he had turned to tattoos as a way of battling his alcohol addiction.

The star, who passed a series of mental and physical tests for the show, recently claimed he was banned from joining the cast of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Here! after failing a psych test back in 2009.

He insisted that producers ‘pre-judged him’ meaning he failed the tests.

Chi è Francesca Lodo



Feretri abbandonati, sangue sui pavimenti, liquidi dalle bare e in generale mancanza di igiene. E’ quanto emerso dall’attività di controllo svolte nel periodo di emergenza sanitaria dal Comando Carabinieri per la Tutela della Salute, d’intesa con il ministero della Salute, presso le strutture di permanenza delle salme in ospedali pubblici e cliniche private, al fine di appurare la regolarità delle stesse ed il rispetto delle misure di prevenzione al contagio da Covid. Oggetto di ispezione sono stati 375 tra obitori e camere mortuarie interni alle strutture ospedaliere, nonché analoghe aree adibite al commiato, riconducibili ad imprese funebri private e relativi servizi cimiteriali, rilevando irregolarità in 85 di questi. Complessivamente sono stati deferiti alle Autorità giudiziarie 23 persone e segnalati alle Autorità amministrative ulteriori 78, tra dirigenti di strutture sanitarie ed ospedaliere nonché titolari di imprese funebri private per violazioni della disciplina sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro, inosservanza degli obblighi della normativa anti-Covid e delle leggi regionali e di polizia mortuaria, contestando 102 sanzioni penali ed amministrative. Torino - Deferito il titolare e due dipendenti di una società gerente i servizi cimiteriali di un comune del torinese ritenuti responsabili dei reati di vilipendio di cadavere e falso per aver abbandonato, in un deposito di attrezzi, i resti umani di una persona deceduta nel 1992, oggetto di riesumazione senza essere stati più nuovamente tumulati, contrariamente a quanto attestato falsamente dagli operatori della ditta. Pescara - Nel corso di ispezione presso l’obitorio di pertinenza della Asl di Pescara, svolto durante l’aumento di decessi connessi all’emergenza Covid ed inclusione provincia di Pescara in zona rossa, il Nas, in collaborazione con i Carabinieri dell’Ispettorato del Lavoro, ha accertato gravi carenze igienico–sanitarie ed organizzative nella conduzione dell’attività, rilevando macchie di sangue sul pavimento, sporco incrostato e perdita di liquidi dalle bare. Ragusa - Nel corso di un controllo presso la casa cimiteriale comunale di Gela (CL) sono state accertate violazioni circa la mancanza del documento di valutazione rischi relativo al possibile contagio da Covid-19 e l’inosservanza delle misure finalizzate al contenimento della diffusione epidemica, quali l’assenza di cartellonistica, del piano di sanificazione dei locali e del registro dei decessi per Covid. Inoltre, i locali adibiti a camera mortuaria, sala autoptica e cappella di preghiera sono risultati interessati da carenze igienico-sanitarie e dalla presenza di 45 feretri, accantonati in attesa di sepoltura da oltre un mese. Nella circostanza è stato deferito all’A.G. il funzionario responsabile dei servizi cimiteriali. Latina - A seguito di ispezione, il servizio di prevenzione dalla competente ASL ha disposto l’immediata sospensione del funzionamento della sala settoria e dell’annessa cella frigorifero ubicate all’interno della camera mortuaria del cimitero comunale di Cisterna di Latina. Il provvedimento è scaturito per le gravi carenze igienico-strutturali accertate dal Nas nel locale deputato allo svolgimento delle autopsie. Segnalato all’Autorità Sanitaria il gestore. Lecce - Disposta dal Comune di Sternatia (LE) l’immediata chiusura dell’attività di un’impresa funebre in quanto la medesima gestiva anche un servizio di trasporto infermi incompatibile con quella di impresa funebre. L’attività ispettiva, estesa al servizio di autombulanze in capo al medesimo imprenditore, ha consentito di individuare l’indebito possesso di medicinali “ad uso esclusivo ospedaliero” e di dispositivi medico-chirurgici riconducibili al distretto sanitario pubblico, determinando il deferimento del titolare per peculato e ricettazione. Il valore dell’attività oggetto di chiusura ammonta a € 400.000 circa. Pescara - In collaborazione con il Nil, è stato ispezionato l’obitorio dell’ospedale di Teramo, gestito da una società privata, rilevando gravi carenze igienico–sanitarie ed organizzative, poiché la totalità degli ambienti richiedeva urgenti interventi di ordinaria e straordinaria manutenzione, oltre alla mancanza di idonei e separati percorsi delle salme decedute per Covid. Nel prosieguo degli accertamenti sono emerse ulteriori responsabilità penali nei confronti dell’amministratore dell’impresa di gestione per inadempimento al contratto di pubblica fornitura con la Asl. Lo stesso, infatti, non assicurava il pattuito svolgimento di attività connesse alla gestione dei deceduti in ambito ospedaliero e delle camere mortuarie, non garantendo la presenza di propri operatori sebbene in presenza di salme in camera ardente e omettendo di rispettare il prelievo delle salme entro il termine delle due ore dal decesso. Bologna - Il direttore sanitario dell’azienda ospedaliera-universitaria di Ferrara è stato segnalato all’Autorità Sanitaria e Amministrativa, poiché, in qualità di responsabile della camera mortuaria, non ha fornito disposizioni per attuare percorsi Covid separati e eseguire l’isolamento delle salme Covid-positive in apposito sacco impermeabile, disinfettato esternamente, procedura che avveniva solo successivamente nei locali della camera mortuaria ad opera del personale dell’impresa funebre. Palermo - A conclusione di attività ispettiva sono stati deferiti all’Autorità Giudiziaria 3 dirigenti di due presidi ospedalieri di Sciacca e Canicattì (AG), quali responsabili anche delle relative camere mortuarie, per aver omesso di aggiornare il documento di valutazione rischi con le procedure di prevenzione da esposizione ad agenti biologici e non aver effettuato la formazione professionale degli operatori. Le due camere mortuarie sono state peraltro riscontrate con evidenti carenze igienico-strutturali. Potenza - L’ispezione della camera mortuaria del presidio ospedaliero di Marsicovetere (PZ) ha evidenziato la conduzione della stessa in assenza di un sistema di aspirazione dei gas nella sala autoptica e di locali per deposito per il materiale d’uso e sporco nonché la mancanza di una sala di commiato per accogliere i parenti del defunto. La maggior parte delle irregolarità, pari a 68 tra quelle complessivamente sanzionate, sono state appurate negli ambienti adibiti alla permanenza delle salme e al commiato in presenza dei familiari, mantenuti in carenti condizioni igienico-sanitarie e strutturali, in presenza di distacco di intonaco, macchie di umidità e muffe, piastrellatura fessurata, mobili vetusti e arrugginiti. In situazioni particolarmente gravi, sono stati riscontrati feretri lasciati per lungo tempo in ambienti promiscui in attesa di sepoltura o cremazione, false attestazioni di sepoltura di resti precedentemente riesumati, bare con perdita di liquidi e presenza di macchie di sangue. Due sono stati i provvedimenti di chiusura di attività nei confronti rispettivamente di una sala settoria all’interno della camera mortuaria del cimitero di Cisterna di Latina, a causa di gravi carenze igieniche, e di una ditta funebre della provincia di Lecce, che esercitava in condizioni di incompatibilità d’impresa. Inoltre, gli accertamenti hanno consentito di individuare il mancato adempimento agli obblighi contrattuali stipulati da agenzie ed imprese convenzionate con i Comuni e le aziende ospedaliere circa la corretta erogazione dei servizi funebri e cimiteriali. In tale contesto sono stati deferiti due titolari di imprese funebri private per non aver rispettato gli accordi contrattuali stipulati con le P.A. fornendo un servizio inferiore rispetto ai capitolati previsti.

Francesca Lodo, l’ex dei calciatori all’Isola dei famosi: chi è, notizie e curiosità


Ci siamo. L’isola dei famosi 2021 sta per iniziare . E’ tutto pronto per questa edizione che si promette davvero entusiasmante; alla conduzione ci sarà la bellissima Ilary Blasi ( leggi: tutto quello che c’è da sapere su Ilary Blasi. Pettegolezzi e indiscrezioni ).Tra le protagoniste di quest’anno c’è Francesca Lodo , la bellissima ex letterina che negli anni, si è legata sentimentalmente ad alcuni calciatori, come ad esempio Cristiano Zanetti, Matteo Ferrari, Stefano Mauri e Francesco Coco.

Chi è Francesca Lodo: scheda

Nome: Francesca

Cognome: Lodo

Nato a: Cagliari

Dat di Nascita:1 agosto 1982

Altezza: 172 cm

Peso: 54 kg

Professione: showgirl, modella e influencer

Fidanzata: no

Tatuaggi: non visibili

Profilo Instagram Ufficiale: @francesca.lodo

Curiosità: è la cugina di Giorgia Palmas

Follower su Instagram: 65 mila

La sua storia: biografia e carriera

Francesca Lodo è nata a Cagliari nel 1982. E’la cugina di un personaggio decisamente famoso in Italia. Parliamo di Giorgia Palmas, oggi conduttrice, attrice e showgirl che ha iniziato la sua carriera accanto al Gabibbo, facendo la velina a Striscia la notizia. La Lodo deve la sua notorietà al celebre gioco Passaparola, condotto da Gerry Scotti, di cui Giorgia era “letterina”. Concorrente del reality show La Fattoria, passa poi alla conduzione delle trasmissioni Meteo e Sipario, passando anche per il cinema, nel film Olé, al fianco di Massimo Boldi e Vincenzo Salemme.La concorrente della nuova edizione dell’Isola dei famosi è poi più volte balzata agli onori della cronaca per alcune love story “illustri” avute in passato. La Lodo, negli anni, si è legata sentimentalmente ad alcuni calciatori, come ad esempio Cristiano Zanetti, Matteo Ferrari, Stefano Mauri e Francesco Coco.

Fisico: sport, dieta, allenamento

Francesca Lodo è molto attiva sui social network ed in particolare sulla sua pagina Instagram dove ha circa 65 mila follower. La bellissima Francesca ha annunciato lei stessa sui social in questi giorni la sua partecipazione all’Isola dei famosi 2021.