Inside Brittany Xavier’s Dior-Filled Baby Shower
The dress proved a chic choice, one that resonated with Xavier’s online audience. Xavier has shared her evolving style on social media throughout her pregnancy for her followers who are expecting and those just looking for outfit inspiration. “I try to be mindful of both sides,” she says. “I’m still covering fashion in a way that is accessible for me with my pregnancy, but also trying to keep up with new trends and make sure that I’m also a resource for those who aren’t pregnant but are following me.”
For the last nine months, fans have been able to see the way Xavier has tweaked her wardrobe, adjusting while she’s been expecting her second child and living through the lockdown. “It was a challenge,” she says. “I was so used to wearing my high-waisted pants, trousers, and denim, but then I started showing, and I was thrown off because there weren’t that many cool brands making the fit of the pants I liked in a maternity size. [As a result] I’ve embraced more dresses, which was fun; I think I’ve been in the dress section more during this pregnancy than I have ever before.”
Clothes aren’t the only thing Xavier changed. Being temporarily grounded during lockdown allowed her to experiment with longer-form content, beef up her YouTube presence, and share a different part of herself. “It’s been so much fun for us,” says Xavier. “It’s almost like making a mini-television show. We try to avoid clickbait titles or anything like that, [instead] we focus on what we feel is interesting to our followers. It lets me show a more personal side than I would be able to on Instagram, which is very focused on photos or short stories.”
Naturally, Xavier’s baby shower made its way onto the platform with an in-depth video about her special day and what it’s like to have a bash thrown by Dior that ends with receiving a logo-covered stroller. “That was such a great surprise,” says Xavier. “Maybe it was the hormones, but when I saw the stroller, I felt overwhelmed by the amount of love and support from everyone.” As glamorous as the shower was, the thing Xavier is most excited about is meeting her family’s newest member any day now. “I’m just looking forward to experiencing this all with my husband,” she says. “It’s been so nice to see his excitement and have the support and help of a partner, which I didn’t have before. In that way, this is a wholly new experience and an incredibly fun one too.”
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Dior x Inglesina聯名嬰兒推車於九月在歐洲、中東、新加坡和香港地區販售,而中國及日本預計於12 月販售,訂價約為11萬台幣。
而Dior並不是第一個推出嬰兒推車的精品品牌,2018年,Kylie Jenner和Chiara Ferragni就曾經推著Fendi嬰兒車亮相,FF Logo十分搶眼。
嬰兒界年度夢幻逸品!Baby Dior x Inglesina Baby打造最拉風「老花嬰兒車」
手上包包還不夠,連小寶貝的堆車也不放過!Dior正式聯手「歐洲嬰兒推車界的勞斯萊斯」Inglesina Baby,打造最時髦嬰兒車:
byWei Hsu
圖片來源 / Dior
倘若你是Dior的忠實粉絲,一定知道1967年創辦的Baby Dior副牌。設計上不但秉持著成衣精湛的做工技藝,迪奧先生熱愛的花卉也在天馬行空的創意下,成了一件件甜美浪漫服飾。另外像是從女士鞋履J’Adior 延伸出的蝴蝶結娃娃平底鞋,則是女孩兒心中的夢幻TOP1。
然而就在先前,Dior無預警在官方平台上發布了Baby Dior最新聯名款,那便是與義大利嬰兒車品牌Inglesina Baby攜手打造的Oblique老花刺繡推車!不但採用標幟海軍藍作為娃娃推車的主色彩,細節上如手把到輪子,皆可看見品牌字樣,處處可見品牌用心。