LV全新On the Beach香水迸發日本柚子清香 推出同款限量衝浪板


迎接夏天來臨,路易威登(Louis Vuitton,簡稱LV)以柚子為前導,推出全新的夏日系列On the Beach香水,在夏季四重奏系列之後成為第5款全新香氛,並同時上市與香水瓶身設計者Alex Israel所共同創作的限量衝浪板。

夏日香水系列以漸層瓶身做為標誌設計,運用柑橘味的輕盈水霧結合清新花香,帶來清爽宜人的溫暖氣息。早前已推出的夏日四重奏包括代陽光灑落的Sun Song、帶有花園舒緩氛圍的Cactus Garden、海洋主調的Afternoon Swim還有加州日落魅力的California Dream,延續這場美妙的西岸旅程,On the Beach重現海岸的優閒時光,包括漫長海灘的優閒、靜靜看海的沉靜。

跟著 Louis Vuitton 全新香水 On the Beach 去一趟旅行!清新香氣讓人難忘


Louis Vuitton 的香水總是帶著逃離煩囂,展開旅程的感覺,今季品牌以 Parfums de Cologne 系列延續情感之旅,展現輕盈柑橘香氣與馥郁花香的完美結合。全新 On the Beach 香水令人想起西岸無拘無束、洋溢熱情及創意的氣息,揉合古龍水的率性自然與香水的優雅脫俗。一片閃亮的蔚藍色彩改變眼前的風景,展現夏日的明亮氣息,在肌膚留下溫暖細沙的輕柔觸感。

由調香大師 Jacques Cavallier Belletrud 精心調配的 On the Beach,結合柚子、柑橘的清新香氣和帶出讓人忘憂紓壓、充滿陽光氣息的橙花精華。之後的一抹百里香、迷迭香、粉紅胡椒及丁香含蓄隱約,但卻非常重要,有助營造夏日的氛圍。最後加上一抹柏樹香調,就像睛朗日子的清涼樹蔭。」

藝術家 Alex Israel 以藝術與香水展開對話,他以幻彩色調捕捉這些光線的變化,創作出名為《Untitled (Flat)》的夢幻系列。以紅色為主調化成柔和的橙色,點綴 On the Beach 的香水瓶及包裝。旅行裝香水盒及香水瓶亦貫徹這種細緻的夏日色彩,延續充滿陽光的冒險之旅。

Vegan activist Tash Peterson returns to Louis Vuitton store where she was charged over protest


Hardline vegan Tash Peterson has front-lined yet another protest at Perth’s Louis Vuitton store — a day after being charged for storming the same luxury boutique while covered in menstrual blood and wearing nothing but a g-string.

The notorious animal rights activist arrived outside the Raine Square shop Sunday carrying a large megaphone and sporting a pair of blue leggings and a cropped black hoodie emblazoned with the words “end the animal holocaust” on the front and “if you’re not vegan, you’re an animal abuser” on the back.

The 26-year-old from Bicton was met by half a dozen other protesters carrying signs outside the Hay Street store, where she then proceeded to yell at shoppers and passers-by through her microphone.

“Who was murdered for your leather bag, down jacket and woollen jumper? If you buy animal skin, fur, wool, scales, feathers and silk, you are paying for the most horrific animal abuse on this planet. You are contributing to this holocaust,” Peterson said.

“Louis Vuitton are responsible for the murder of cows, sheep, goats, crocodiles, snakes, minks, foxes, ducks and geese. Louis Vuitton has blood on their hands, and so do you if you’re not vegan.

“Louis Vuitton murder baby lambs and turn them into jackets. Animals are not clothing, they are not food, commodities, objects, machines, or entertainment. They have every right to live just like we do.”

Camera Icon Hardline activist Tash Peterson has led yet another protest at Perth’s Louis Vuitton store — a day after being charged for storming the same luxury boutique while covered in menstrual blood. Credit: Instagram / vganbooty

Camera Icon Hardline activist Tash Peterson has led yet another protest at Perth’s Louis Vuitton store — a day after being charged for storming the same luxury boutique while covered in menstrual blood. Credit: Instagram / vganbooty

Peterson then began telling shoppers waiting in line outside the store to “stop discriminating others based on their species”, claiming it was “no different to being a racist, or a sexist”.

Her piercing words were so loud those walking past the targeted store could be seen blocking their ears with their hands as they rushed passed.

In an Instagram post yesterday Peterson admitted she had been charged over her bloody stunt inside Louis Vuitton on Saturday, August 21 but declared “that will not stop me from returning” to the luxury clothing store.

Two hours before the latest protest, she shared an article published by The West Australian revealing the count of disorderly behaviour in a public place facing her.

“Just a quick snap of today’s paper regarding my charges for last weekends Louis Vuitton disruption before going back there to protest,” she wrote in a post.

“The State Security Investigation Group WA were sent to my doorstep to issue me with a disorderly conduct charge for my disruption. Is that going to stop me? No. I will never stop until the animal holocaust ends.”

The charge comes after the Iona Presentation College graduate hurled abuse at shoppers while roaming inside the same fashion store while carrying a sign emblazoned with the words: “If you’re not vegan you’re an animal abuser”.

Footage posted to her social media of the alleged incident shows she was almost completely naked during the confronting protest, and that her skin was smeared in what she purported was “period blood”.

Police allege the incident unfolded at the fashion store about 2pm, and played out in front of adults and young children who were in the store.

She and a 22-year-old man from Kewdale and a 27-year-old man from West Perth, who police say filmed and uploaded the protest online, will face Perth Magistrates Court next month.

Camera Icon Tash Peterson also known as the ‘Vegan Booty’ protests anti-veganism at the Perth Louis Vuitton store Credit: Facebook

It comes soon after Peterson landed back in Perth from Melbourne, after fleeing interstate following her ban from every licensed premises in the State after she accosted diners at Bathers Beach House seafood restaurant in Fremantle and accused them of being complicit in a “fish holocaust” in May.

While in Melbourne, the self-proclaimed “overnight vegan” led a group of protesters armed with fake blood and audio of chickens shrieking in agony while storming a KFC restaurant.

A mere month after leaving WA, however, Peterson issued a public whinge about her G2G pass application to return west being rejected.

Ms Peterson has also previously been banned from Coles and Woolworths after a series of protests in supermarkets during which she accosted shoppers while dressed as a blood-soaked abattoir worker, and holding a fake dead chicken under her arm.