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早前6號陸浩明被193@ERROR寸「40幾歲仲話後生仔傾偈嗰個」,佢就話自己好似一個球隊的領隊,繼續主持《後生仔》節目唔會尷尬。陸浩明得閒仲會亂入《愛回家之開心速遞》,在《愛回家》中飾演番自己做主持,不過節目就變成《有錢仔傾吓偈》,對於陸浩明亂入無綫最受歡迎的處境劇,班網民似乎唔太滿意……撰文:東方新地|圖片:陸浩明IG圖片、馮盈盈IG圖片、193IG圖片、《愛回家》電視截圖6號陸浩明是《後生仔傾吓偈》中年紀最大的主持人。今年1月,6號首次亂入《愛回家》,飾演電視台節目《有錢仔傾吓偈》的主持人。6號再次客串《愛回家》4月26日生日就踏入42歲的6號陸浩明,今年1月曾亂入《愛回家之開心速遞》,日前再被安排在劇中演出,角色依舊是電視台節目《有錢仔傾吓偈》的主持人,不過網民反應好大。6號演技浮誇,最常見的表情是擘大個口扮驚喜。劇中的6號成功邀請大龍生三位公子上他的節目。乞人憎主持被圍揼《愛回家》中的6號做回自己老本行,主持《有錢仔傾吓偈》,不過他卻尖酸刻薄問題尖銳,令三位龍公子甚為不滿。6號飾演尖酸刻薄問到篤的主持人。6號因為太口臭,句句都夭心夭肺,最後搞到三位龍公子火起,兩個捉住佢打,一個負責擋鏡頭。網民表態unlike6號陸浩明的演技明顯未被觀眾接受,劇集播完即有網民在討論區留言,九成九都唔鍾意睇6號,仲覺得佢在劇中被打是活該!6號過去因為太擦鞋,形象不是太討好。大部份網民睇完6號在《愛回家》被圍揼的演出,都留言贈慶。被寸後表面大方話唔介意42歲的陸浩明早前出席公開活動時與馮盈盈一齊就193@ERROR的言論公開回應,提及早前曾志偉批評ViuTV節目題材偏門,只能與J2比較,遭ERROR成員193(郭嘉駿)明寸:「J2係咩嚟?40幾歲仲做《#後生仔傾吓偈》嗰個?」躺著中槍的陸浩明表示絕對不介意:「好多謝有留意我哋節目。冇所謂,我最欣賞後生仔嗰種創意,同埋嗰種豁達心態。」談到193被指不尊重前輩,6號就回應道:「做呢行好多嘢都要跌跌碰碰,喺經驗中學習,我哋細細個以前都會錯,所以我覺得唔好畀框架自己,做返自己係最正!」陸浩明與馮盈盈已成為《後生仔》的代表人物,曾志偉回巢後更受重用。陸浩明反寸:唔通兒童節目就搵小朋友主持?陸浩明身旁的馮盈盈亦回應說:「我哋就係J2最偏門嘅節目, 搵我哋兩個做咪好偏門囉,討論嘅題目都好偏門!」至於再主持《#後生仔傾吓偈》會否尷尬?,陸浩明就話唔會:「我嘅角色就好似領隊,盡主持責任帶領年輕人說話,正如網友話齋,唔通兒童節目就要搵小朋友主持咩?」馮盈盈亦幫口撐,對於6號被寸老,她指對方經常在節目中幫眾人打圓場:「我哋年輕人經常衝口而出講錯嘢,好在有佢幫我哋兜,佢係一個好前輩。」對於「伯樂」余詠珊將離職,陸浩明竟以「唔多熟」的口脗避答:「公司有同事離職當然要感謝佢哋嘅付出,祝福新發展。」他又表示不清楚公司是否有「限廚令」,但暫未會與肥媽再合作《食平D》。唔敢再提ViuTV被記者問到有否看友台節目知己知彼,陸浩明推搪說:「咩台都睇,只要有好節目都會睇,日本、韓國、俄羅斯嘅節目都有睇,(咁ERROR嘅節目呢?)我工作較忙,真係冇乜時間!」就連自稱「姜糖」的馮盈盈被問有否看姜濤的節目,她不敢再多說一句,她只說:「工作忙冇乜時間睇呀!」193因為寸嘴而上位,對於當日話無綫係畀啲老嘢睇,193自我檢討後都覺得自己無禮,日前表示會改口叫「耆英」。ERROR最近人氣急升,曝光率拍得住人氣男團MIRROR。口罩小姐後台隔空開火對於曾志偉暗指ViuTV不是翡翠台的對手,口罩小姐又唔夠香港小姐有認受性,ERROR四子在口罩小姐總決賽後台回應,提到節目與TVB《開心大綜藝》對撼,肥仔表示兩台觀眾層面不一難以作比較,193笑言打唔贏對方,阿Dee則自嘲:「冇理由用財經新聞台對教育電視。」而講到曾志偉指ViuTV題材偏門只可與J2台比較,193就隔空反擊:「J2咩嚟㗎?後生仔傾吓偈嗰啲?40幾歲仲後生仔?」明寸已年過40歲的無綫主持六號陸浩明,193寸爆說:「佢哋畀啲老嘢睇㗎嘛!我哋係咩年齡層都有。」更指所謂的「收視」亦只得幾百部電視去統計,不用理會。對於曾志偉在較早曾稱 ViuTV的節目題材較偏門,而且收視只得約4點,只能與J2作比較等論點,ERROR四子亦不甘示弱,與曾志偉互窒,當中193更連珠發炮。當中193的回應最有guts,甚至反問「J2係做咩」等等,句句有骨。不過肥仔最後都打圓場,表示無論TVB或ViuTV都好,能夠帶動觀眾睇電視就算是成功。193大膽敢言,總算為ViuTV爭番啖氣。延伸閱讀:東方昇突襲觀塘音樂噴泉 7千人睇直播出浴 「腦細」林日曦:我就好反感喇姜濤22歲生日榮升地主 富貴姜糖送地又花六位數字買電車廣告
Is Fashion Hacking the Future? Gucci Says Yes.
It is true that the result, despite extending to 94 looks, was a tighter, less self-indulgent show than Mr. Michele has produced in the past. But ultimately the Balen-Gucci looks also seemed more like an act of replication than an actual merging of the minds. And the confusion online about whether it was an official collaboration or something else speaks to the fuzzy example it sets. One brand’s hack can easily become another brand’s loss.
Since he took the Gucci reins six years ago Mr. Michele has become a singular influence in the industry. A 100-year anniversary is a time to look to the future as well as the past. Is he sure this is where he wants to go next?
This is a question I might have asked Mr. Michele, had I been able. In full transparency, I was not, because The New York Times was disinvited from the “special events” surrounding the show (whatever they were) because of an article written by Jacob Bernstein in February about Gucci’s store in Trump Tower.
Gucci management felt that publishing the piece revealed that The Times did not “recognize the values that we believe in and stand for” — even though the point of the piece was to examine, post-insurrection and impeachment, whether it was possible to reconcile the seeming discrepancy between those values and the values of the man whose name was on the building. And despite the fact that repeated efforts were made to engage with Gucci so the company could explain its point of view.
Once upon a time if a brand was mad at critics or publications, it expressed its displeasure by casting them out of the Garden of Eden (i.e., banned them from the next runway show). Armani, Versace and Dolce & Gabbana have all wielded the ban like a broadsword. Yet in the digital age, this has ceased to have much meaning, for obvious reasons. Apparently, it has now been replaced by an “events” ban.
Oscars 2021 red carpet: Anatomical heart to red lips, celebs carry clutches in weird shapes
With celebrities finally back on the red carpet at Oscars 2021, the audience was bedazzled with stunning looks — from Regina King’s grand sequin gown to Zendaya’s pretty chiffon attire.
But like in many red carpets, Oscars 2021 also had some weird fashion moments. We are especially talking about some offbeat bags that we got to witness at the event.
Musical artist Celeste Waite, who dressed in a black-and-red outfit, was seen holding a diamond-studded clutch in the shape of a human heart, from Gucci’s Fall 2021 Aria collection runway. In fact, the clutch also featured arteries and valves. Take a look:
Celeste Waite carrying an anatomical heart clutch. (Source: Reuters) Celeste Waite carrying an anatomical heart clutch. (Source: Reuters)
Actor Angela Bassett, on the other hand, caught attention with her shimmering lip-shaped red clutch in red by Judith Leiber. The clutch costs $4295 (Rs 3,20,999.71) on the designer’s official website.
Angela Bassett posed with a red lip-shaped clutch. (Source: Reuters) Angela Bassett posed with a red lip-shaped clutch. (Source: Reuters)
If that was not enough, screenwriter Erica Rivinoja posed on the red carpet in a magenta gown, paired with a shrimp-shaped clutch by Edie Parker. The acrylic bag costs $1495 (Rs 1,11,758.73), on
What do you think of the shrimp-shaped bag? (Source: Reuters) What do you think of the shrimp-shaped bag? (Source: Reuters)
What do you think of these novelty clutches?