美國名模Bella Hadid示威支持巴勒斯坦 以色列發推文點名批評|香港01|即時國際


撰文: 房伊媚 最後更新日期: 2021-05-20 11:38

以色列和巴勒斯坦爆發自2014年以來最嚴重的衝突。美國名模Bella Hadid於5月16日在紐約市參加支持巴勒斯坦的示威。以色列政府同日在Twitter發文批評她的行為,更指她應感到可恥(shame on you)。

Bella Hadid的父親是巴勒斯坦人。她16日曾在Instagram中直播示威。

When celebrities like @BellaHadid advocate for throwing Jews into the sea, they are advocating for the elimination of the Jewish State.

This shouldn’t be an Israeli-Palestinian issue. This should be a human issue.

Shame on you.#IsraelUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/PJQHT90cNy — Israel ישראל (@Israel) May 16, 2021

以色列政府16日在Twitter上載Bella Hadid直播影片的截圖,並寫道:「當像Bella Hadid這樣的名人提倡將猶太人扔進海中,他們就是在提倡消滅猶太國家。」以色列稱,這不應是一個以巴問題,而應該是人類問題。

美國商業內幕網站(Business Insider)17日報道,社交媒體上,沒有片段顯示Bella Hadid呼籲民眾對猶太人造成任何損害。不過以色列在Twitter稱,它們所指的是Bella Hadid在影片中高叫「從河流到海洋,巴勒斯坦將會自由」的口號。


Bella Hadid支持巴勒斯坦人示威 被以色列點名鬧爆 | 蘋果日報


以色列和加薩衝突正急劇惡化,24歲美國名模Bella Hadid上周六包着頭巾,拎起巴勒斯坦國旗,到紐約布魯克林遊行支持示威者,結果被以色列官方Twitter公開點名鬧爆,指她支持消滅猶太人國家。

擁有巴勒斯坦血統的Bella Hadid在IG貼上多張示威照片,留言:「我的心覺得…被這麼多美麗、聰明、尊敬、可愛、善良和慷慨的巴勒斯坦人在同一個地方包圍着,感覺完整!我們是罕有的血統!」Bella亦在社交網站分享祖父母和家人的照片,又指親戚以前是敘利亞難民。Bella參與遊行後,以色列政府在Twitter留言:「當名人像Bella Hadid一樣鼓吹掉猶太人落海,他們正在支持消滅猶太人國家。這不應該是以色列和巴勒斯坦的問題,而是人性問題,為你感到羞恥。」另一方面,有不少網民亦留言力撐Bella,有人指她以自己的事業作賭注。至於Bella細妹Gigi Hadid亦有公開支持巴勒斯坦人:「你不能容許自己看到生命被奪走仍然感到無情,巴勒斯坦人是會改變世界的生命,但他們卻每秒被奪走。」

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Israel blasts Bella Hadid for joining pro-Palestinian protest in New York


Israel’s official Twitter account criticised US model Bella Hadid for taking part in a protest in New York to condemn the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

“When celebrities like @BellaHadid advocate for throwing Jews into the sea, they are advocating for the elimination of the Jewish State,” the official Twitter account managed by Israeli Foreign Ministry wrote.

When celebrities like @BellaHadid advocate for throwing Jews into the sea, they are advocating for the elimination of the Jewish State. This shouldn’t be an Israeli-Palestinian issue. This should be a human issue. Shame on you.#IsraelUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/PJQHT90cNy — Israel ישראל (@Israel) May 16, 2021

“This shouldn’t be an Israeli-Palestinian issue,” the account also said, adding: “This should be a human issue. Shame on you.”

Israel has killed 230 Palestinians, including 65 children, 39 women, and 17 elderly people, since 10 May, during its relentless bombing campaign. It has also wounded 1,710 people in Gaza.

Protests in major Western cities such as London, Paris, Rome, New York, and Dallas erupted as soon the bombing campaign was launched with large numbers of people taking part.

However, social media users called out Israel’s lies against the international model, with Editor of Ceasefire Magazine Hicham Yezza saying: “She said nothing of the kind. You’re deliberately promoting a vile and outrageous lie. But you knew that already. Shame on you.”

She said nothing of the kind. You’re deliberately promoting a vile and outrageous lie. But you knew that already. Shame on you. — Hicham Yezza (@HichamYezza) May 16, 2021

While, the Jewish sports journalist at the Nation Dave Zirin replied: “Telling Big Lies to demonize others has a horrific tradition in our Jewish history. To see you adopt these tactics is a shanda and a sin.”

Meanwhile, a CNN journalist Hilary Rosen replied: “When an official government account attacks a model for speaking out against them, I think they’ve lost the thread.”

READ: British actor Idris Elba calls for stopping the bloodshed in Palestine