LV最Q萌「撲克牌包」開箱!Neverfull內袋巨可愛 三合一小包不再廢
▲開箱LOUIS VUITTON「Game on」系列撲克牌包,滿滿細節超Q萌。(影 / 記者王蓁蓁攝)
記者王蓁蓁 / 台北報導
近期愛上翻玩圖樣的LOUIS VUITTON女裝藝術總監Nicolas Ghesquière,在2021年早春推出「Game on」系列,以「時尚就是一場牌局」,將繽紛的四色撲克牌元素,注入品牌經典Monogram老花系列中,玩味性十足的模樣,很難叫人不心動,甚至直接將Q萌的撲克牌放上包身,成為暗袋的設計細節,吸睛值數破表,快往下滑看《ET FASHION》開箱多款新貨,趁機選出你的命定包款。
▲LV 2021早春將撲克牌元素注入Monogram老花系列,繽紛又趣味性十足。(圖 / 品牌提供)
近幾年小廢包當道,但大包還是必要的,超大容量的Game on Neverfull托特包,連鞋子都能裝得下,實用度不容分說,而外觀除了滿版經典的Monogram老花,簡約的包型輪廓,放滿撲克牌亮眼的紅心、黑桃、方塊、梅花等可愛花樣,一背出去就立馬成為矚目焦點,就連撲克牌中的「紅心1」都變成了包包暗袋,讓上班族女孩們可以放入悠遊卡、手機等小物,實用又搶眼,Neverfull最大的亮點之一,是包內另附了一個小包的「1+1」設計,放在包包裡方便收納東西,也可以單獨拿出來成為手拿包,都讓人有種一次入手兩包的高CP值感。
▲Game on Neverfull MM包款,超大容量令人驚艷,NT$74,500。(圖 / 記者王蓁蓁攝、翻攝品牌官網)
女孩們最愛的Félicie Pochette鍊帶「三合一」小包,同樣出現在Game on系列,低調的黑色為底,加上撞色的Monogram以及撲克牌紅心老花,視覺上更加俏皮顯眼,置物空間更是讓人驚豔,一打開就能看見卡片長夾與相同花色的拉鍊小皮件,都能獨立取出使用,顛覆了「小包必廢」的刻板印象,不論是優雅的肩背、側背,還是收起金屬鏈帶背成時下最夯的腋下包,完美點綴整體穿搭,為造型大大加分。
▲Félicie Pochette鍊帶「三合一」包,附有卡片夾與拉鍊小包,超高的CP值,顛覆「小包必廢」的刻板印象,NT$45,300。(圖 / 翻攝品牌官網、記者王蓁蓁攝)
LOUIS VUITTON Game on系列的各式配件也很精彩,其中最令人眼睛為之一亮的,是撲克牌與收納盒,不是第一次推出撲克牌的LV,此次將花色更升級,以搶眼的亮紅色為主,搭配金色滾邊,顯得更加討喜吉利,就連收納盒的內裡與側邊也以朱紅色拼接外側皮件的奶白色,氣質中不失活潑感,拿出撲克牌後,也可放入名片、信用卡等,別緻又多功能,不到兩萬元的價格,小資女們怎能不收呢?
▲ARSÈNE 撲克牌&收納袋 奶白色拼接朱紅皮革,氣質中不失活潑感,拿出撲克牌後,也可放入名片、信用卡等,別緻又多功能,NT$19,000。(圖 / 記者王蓁蓁攝)
►包.開箱/FENDI 超質感「柔霧玫瑰包」! 金色夾層美暈、一步驟容量變大
►范少勳不管去哪旅行都要帶「這個」 林映唯就算行李塞爆也堅持「不重複穿搭」
Louis Vuitton puts $6 million of JobKeeper in its handbag
One of the most upmarket brands in the world, Louis Vuitton, claimed $6 million in JobKeeper while recording an increase in sales revenue, a boost in its profits and an increase in shareholder dividends.
As the federal government comes under more pressure over the transparency of the $88 billion wage subsidy scheme, financial records lodged by the French-based luxury brand with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission show it used JobKeeper in 2020.
Louis Vuitton, well known for its high priced handbags, claimed $6 million in JobKeeper. Credit:AP
The wage subsidy program, the single largest economic support program ever put in place by a federal government, was introduced in March last year as the country went into nationwide lockdown.
Under the scheme, businesses received $1500 a fortnight per employee to cover the cost of their wages. To qualify, businesses had to say they would suffer at least a 30 per cent fall in turnover.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu Is Always On The Go In A Sports Bra And Her Rs 2.7 Lakh Louis Vuitton Handbag
We’ve been smitten by the athleisure bug and we’re seemingly growing progressively addicted to this trend. We have to admit though that it isn’t everyone’s ability to look fantastic by striking the right balance of athleisure mixed with luxury. We did find one celebrity though who fit the bill. Never have we been this inspired to ditch our regular track pants for an ultra-luxe one like Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Louis Vuitton pair with their monogram print all over it and paired with a basic black sports bra carrying the label name on the elastic band. A peak into her chiseled abs is proof that she spends enough time at the gym working hard to get them but we have to admit one more addition to the look we can’t keep our eyes off. It’s the Louis Vuitton OnTheGo GM worth Rs 2.7 Lakh handbag that we can easily imagine being the perfect carryall handbag for every occasion.
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Swirlster Picks Sports Bras For You
Samantha Ruth Prabhu shares an extra love for Louis Vuitton handbags and when she needs to add her glam on her handbag is always fitting as the perfect company along with it. The Rs 3 Lakh bag is just the perfect sparkling touch to an already sparkly party outfit. Don’t you think?
At any given time and day, Samantha’s Louis Vuitton handbags come out to play and even for date nights in satin polka dot dresses, the Louis Vuitton Bleecker Box bag worth Rs 2.7 Lakh stylishly completes the look.
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But did you really think it ends there? For casual days out in the sun, Samantha also loves some minimalistic magic and usually with the help of her Bottega Veneta mini pouch worth Rs 1.27 Lakh worn in crossbody style with her casual chic look.
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