飛碟造型惹人注目:Louis Vuitton 把 Toupie 手袋變成了時髦音響!


除了服裝與配件系列,Louis Vuitton 也不時在科技小物上帶來令人注目的新品,從滿載奢華感的無線耳機到高端揚聲器,給時髦女生帶來獨特的選擇,今次 Louis Vuitton 在度推出一款有著飛碟造型的隨身音響,不難發現靈感是來自經典手袋!

這款「Horizon Light Up」揚聲器,外型源自於 Louis Vuitton 經典的 Toupie 飛碟包,由路易威登女裝設計總監 Nicolas Ghesquière 親自設計,以黑色皮革襯上 Louis Vuitton 老花,帶來高貴氣息,啟動時頂端的 LED 背光環能呼應著節拍,顯示不同的動畫及漸層色彩,而中央鋼製凹槽刻有的 Louis Vuitton 字樣也會隨著音樂繽紛閃爍。

不只有著無線音響諸多方便的優點,音響本身能隨著放置在底座與單獨側放而有不同效果,搭配上 Louis Vuitton 細節十足的設計,擺在家中無疑是一枚優雅又別具藝術感的配件,同時 Horizon Light Up 還能繫上掛繩跟隨使用者在旅行、野餐等出門在外的行程時使用。

直徑僅有 18 公分的 Horizon Light Up 揚聲器重量約為 1 公斤,以高品質音效元件搭配專用的應用程式,來控制所有揚聲器上的功能,具備藍芽無線連接的便利性,也能透過 Wi-Fi 連接上 Apple AirPlay 和 Qplay,在充飽電後可以播放長達 12 小時。Horizon Light Up 揚聲器預計將在 7 月 30 日正式登場,感興趣的女生們別忘了多加留意。

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Louis Vuitton’s $2,890 light-up speaker looks like something Thanos would steal


Louis Vuitton has revealed its next foray into tech products: the $2,890 Horizon Light Up Speaker, which looks less like either a gadget or a piece of high fashion, and more like an artifact of untold cosmic power from the next Marvel movie.

According to Louis Vuitton, the idea is that the Horizon speaker will serve as an artistic centerpiece of your living room or outfit, a unique blend of fashion and technology that aims to challenge what a portable speaker should look like, a goal in which it undoubtably has succeeded.

But between the glass, stainless steel, and leather construction, 35 LEDs, and the brand’s traditional symbols and logos plastered on virtually every surface of the speaker, the overall effect is less the kind of discreet, high-end speaker that companies like Bang & Olufsen are known for and more “eldritch space artifact.” Seeing as I don’t have a cool $2,890 lying around to buy and dismantle a Horizon speaker, I can’t confirm with 100 percent certainty whether one of the Infinity Stones is housed within, however.

The company says that the Horizon speaker is inspired by its similarly extraterrestrial-ly shaped Toupie handbag, which comes in a similar, UFO-esque design (and, incidentally, sold at a similar $2,000-plus price range).

Despite its bizarre appearance and astronomical price tag, Louis Vuitton does appear to have actually built a pretty nice speaker, at least technically speaking. The Horizon features a three-inch subwoofer, two 0.75-inch tweeters, three microphones for voice calls, up to 15 hours of playback off a charge, an included charging / display dock, and both Bluetooth 5.1 and AirPlay 2 for wireless audio. It even charges via USB-C. Of course, those are all things that you’d hope to see at a bare minimum on a speaker that costs almost $3,000.

The Louis Vuitton Horizon Light Up speaker is available to order now from Louis Vuitton’s website, although it won’t ship until July 31st — assuming the Mad Titan doesn’t seize them all first.

Louis Vuitton 打造最新便攜式「Horizo​​n Light Up」無線音響設備
