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影片曝光!艾成中邪40天「尖吼自殘」10教友急壓制 淚曝:沒他們我早死了
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第八屆ART021上海廿一當代藝術博覽會,FENDI致敬位於羅馬的總部義大利文化宮(Palazzo Della Civiltà Italiana)標誌性的建築風格,打造巨大的拱形結構內墻點綴以3D打印的Baguette包款。展出由FENDI中國區藝術大使譚卓設計的Baguette藝術裝置,空間內的另外9個柱形展台則陳列著9款典藏的FENDI Artist Baguette。
《OUVERTURE無盡序曲》迷你劇集展示了Gucci創意總監AlessandroMichele的全新同名時裝系列,由超現實主義演員Silvia Calderoni主演。擅長以服裝敘事的Alessandro Michele,將服裝敘事延伸至影像,輕透帶些迷幻色調,讓人彷彿走入幻境之中,影集將可陸續在YouTube Fashion頻道、Gucci官方YouTube頻道及GucciFest.com官方網站觀賞。
在Prada藝術基金會的支持下,美國藝術家Alex Da Corte於Prada上海榮宅舉辦個展《橡膠鉛筆惡魔 Rubber Pencil Devil 》。以巨大的立體燈箱加上靜態畫面,重新演繹藝術家在2018年創作的同名影像作品,靈感源于大量圖像和文化素材,例如虛擬復古電視和20世紀動畫,奇特人物形象和美式坎普文化,將影像、音樂和建築融合為一場沉浸式體驗。
A Famous Prada Print, Back With a Twist
Cartoon bananas, Surrealist lips, apocalyptic Hawaiian florals, kitschy tail fins with flames — Miuccia Prada is known for her eccentric prints and patterns. Another iconic motif arrived 25 years ago with Prada’s spring 1996 collection, arguably one of the designer’s most influential. Dubbed Banal Eccentricity — the show notes cited a 1980 exhibition at the Venice Biennale featuring mass-produced ordinary household objects — it hewed to a palette of avocado greens, rusty ochers and eggplant purples, which featured on solid-colored minimalist pieces and those with squiggly, hand-scribbled plaids that took cues from midcentury wallpaper and kitchen design. Another print — which was composed of overlapping abstract squares inspired by 1950s Formica-tiled countertops and appeared on gabardine midlength overcoats and pencil skirts — became synonymous with the concept of ugly chic. If that now seems like an overused descriptor, revisiting the collection is a reminder of the brand’s ever-prescient vision. Ushered onto the runway by a waifish brigade that included Kate Moss and a pixie-haired Carolyn Murphy, it stood in stark contrast to the slick sexiness of Armani and Tom Ford’s Gucci — and it subverted traditional notions of good taste, and even earned comparisons to Dior’s New Look. “If I have done anything, it was making ugly cool,” Mrs. Prada herself once said. “Ugly is attractive, ugly is exciting.”