LV 2021手袋11大推薦+3款值得投資手袋款:全新推出「Félicie Strap & Go」一袋二用!





Louis Vuitton

LV Lockme Chain PM手袋

隨著LV線上購物網在台灣開站,品牌悄悄釋出Lockme Chain PM手袋,在店鋪上不算熟面孔,但近期到店上或許可以見到本尊。LV Lockme Chain PM手袋以柔軟小牛皮精心製成,搭配奢華感金屬LV旋轉鎖釦,可自行調整滑動式鏈帶,決定肩背或斜背等攜帶方式,提供灰褐色、卡其色、玫瑰金及黑色的選擇。

LV Lockme Chain PM手袋

LV Twist手袋

於2015年早春系列首度亮相的LV Twist手袋,揉合高貴水波紋Epi皮革與標誌性「LV」金屬轉釦設計,自推出以來廣受女孩們喜愛,2021年LV再為Twist手袋帶來全新樣貌。新登場的Twist手袋換上應景春日的芭蕾粉、螢光綠、典雅米以及刺繡花邊等新樣貌,同時提供Monogram刺繡寬肩帶、金屬鍊條…等背帶選擇,更加入皮革手柄設計,讓女孩們可以自行決定手提、肩背或斜背的攜帶方式。

Louis Vuitton Twist手袋


從Maria Grazia Chiuri接掌Dior女裝創意總監後,就打造了不少讓女孩難以抵擋的夢幻手袋。2021一開始,Dior又再發表一款全新包款Caro鏈袋翻蓋包,以Maria父親出生地義大利萊切市Lecce作為發想,結合當地聞名全球的光雕藝術與紮染工藝,為Caro包換上不同外衣。包款名稱則取自迪奧先生的妹妹Catherine Dior於二戰時使用的別名“Caro”,精選細緻小牛皮革,透過18,000道縫點交錯縫製出紋理對稱的籐格紋,包內燙印上Christian Dior字樣,更以品牌縮寫CD字樣的金屬旋釦做完美結尾。Caro延續Maria的混搭特色,除了自身的皮鍊帶外,還可以換成自選的刺繡寬肩帶,分別有大、小兩種尺寸。

Dior Caro鏈帶翻蓋包


首次於2014年早秋系列問世的Drew Bag,又被稱為小豬包、茱兒包,選用細緻、柔軟皮革製成,半圓形包身上的金屬釦環吸睛度十足,加上手工打結的金屬鏈帶,以及裸膚色、柔霧粉的夢幻配色,推出後便擄獲許多女孩的心。2021年Chloé將明星包款Drew Bag重新演繹,搭上當今最夯的小包風潮,把小豬包變得更迷你,同時多加了一條金屬鏈帶,讓包包可以肩背、斜背、後背甚至是當腰包使用。

Chloé Drew Bag迷你尺寸


BVLGARI Serpenti Forever Multichain小牛皮肩背包

迎接全新一年,2021春夏寶格麗帶領大家前往神話宇宙世界,在那裡不可能的事情都會成真,系列主題圍繞在AUTENTICITÀ真實、AMORE愛、ARMONIA和諧3大氛圍,主要亮點包款為Serpenti Multichain Bag,是品牌首度使用複合鍊帶設計,並重新演繹Heritage典藏系列的經典蛇頭作品,換上閃耀的金色營造奢華感。

BVLGARI Serpenti Forever Multichain小牛皮肩背包

BVLGARI Serpenti Forever Maxi Chain小羊皮肩背包

寶格麗當家手袋Serpenti Forever在2021春夏注入全新氣象,延續品牌經典鍊帶元素,在包款上加入粗鍊條裝飾,蛇頭釦環設計靈感源自Heritage典藏系列作品,蛇首處鑲嵌淺色半寶石,更附有可拆式的寬版肩背帶,提供蜜桃色、紅石榴色、桃紅色等全新配色。

BVLGARI Serpenti Forever Maxi Chain小羊皮肩背包


Fendi Moonlight系列肩背包


Fendi Moonlight系列肩背包 Source: mctw


時裝迷最愛!今季必買滿佈 logo及monogram的印花單品。

為你的AirPods裝飾了嗎?LV Dior Fendi都有AirPods周邊產品!


Louis Vuitton Offers A Fresh Take On Their Iconic Twist Bag For Spring 2021


Following in the footsteps of the iconic handbags birthed by the House of Louis Vuitton is the Twist bag — the perfect accessory blending the Epi leather’s powerful heritage with the modernity of a graphic pivoting clasp. Making its debut on the 2015 Cruise catwalk, it has become a true timeless classic and is now being constantly reinvented, just like all classics do.

This season, the handbag sports intense, delicate or vibrant shades versatile enough to match any personality and style. From rich black to tender pink, luminous turquoise to refined beige, the Twist raises the tone while also offering a variety of carry options. Featuring a fine chain or broad shoulder strap embroidered with Monogram flowers, or even a leather handle, it adds a swing to one’s personal style — whether worn crossbody, over the shoulder, under the arm or in one’s hand. Lastly, the spring 2021 iteration of the Twist adopts subtle variations to become the Braided Twist, with its braiding adding an original, never-before-seen edge and flair.

In spring 2021, the bag is accompanied by Laura Harrier — the perfect accomplice to bring our the bag’s vitality and vigor. The star of Ryan Murphy’s recent mini-series Hollywood is a big civil right advocate, fighting for issues such as intersectional feminism, transgender rights, gun control, gender equality and representation for both black people and POC folks in general. This is truly a match made in heaven for Louis Vuitton — a heritage brand that seeks to progress and innovate while upholding the highest standards in whatever project they decide to tackle next.

Check out the campaign video featuring stunning Laura Harrier below: