‘Lady Gucci’, een verwend nest met Pradabril
Maurizio Gucci met zijn vrouw Patrizia Reggiani. Beeld Hollandse Hoogte / Zuma Press
Ze leeft in de schaduw, zegt Patrizia Reggiani (72). Maar dat is prima, ze heeft weinig mensen nodig, ze heeft haar hond en papegaai. En een chauffeur, die haar in het openingsshot van de documentaire Lady Gucci door de Via Monte Napoleone rijdt, een straat uit Milaans Gouden Driehoek vol designwinkels. “Allemaal niks meer,” zegt ze verveeld, terwijl ze een wegwuivend gebaar maakt. Je krijgt als kijker meteen een hekel aan haar, maar blijft toch kijken naar deze vrouw, in de Italiaanse media aangeduid als ‘de zwarte weduwe’.
Dikke middelvinger
De Pradazonnebril op haar neus is een dikke middelvinger naar het modehuis waarvan ze ooit deel uitmaakte en dat haar een riant leven opleverde, met een penthouse op Fifth Avenue en vier huizen in St. Moritz, daar waar de jetset zich vermaakte. Net als twee dochters, Allegra en Alessandra, met wie ze sinds haar vrijlating geen contact meer heeft en die haar geldstroom hebben afgesneden, waardoor ze tegenwoordig Zara draagt in plaats van nertsjassen. Jaarlijks zou ze 900.000 dollar moeten ontvangen uit de nalatenschap van Maurizio Gucci, kleinzoon van Guccio Gucci, de oprichter van het modehuis. Bij haar vrijlating bleek ze recht te hebben op een achterstallige 18 miljoen euro.
In maart 1995 stierf Maurizio Gucci ’s ochtends vroeg in zijn kantoor door drie kogels in zijn hoofd, de moordenaar bekende later in opdracht te handelen van Lady Gucci. Reggiani heeft lang geprobeerd haar onschuld vol te houden, een paar ‘slips of the tongue’ daargelaten, maar toen een Italiaanse tv-crew haar kort na vrijlating in 2016 vroeg waarom ze niet zelf de trekker had overgehaald, antwoordde ze: “Mijn ogen zijn niet zo goed en ik wilde niet missen.”
In de documentaire Lady Gucci, te zien op Discovery+, praat ze voor het eerst uitgebreid over een van de geruchtmakendste moordzaken van Italië, die nog steeds tot de verbeelding spreekt. Zo werkt regisseur Ridley Scott aan een filmversie met Lady Gaga en Adam Driver in de hoofdrollen. Jared Leto, Al Pacino en Robert de Niro zouden ook tot de cast behoren, succes verzekerd dus, hoewel de echte Patrizia moeilijk te overtreffen valt.
In een zachtroze broek en blazer, met flink getoupte haren en op stiletto’s om haar 1,52 meter te compenseren, vertelt ze in haar Milanese appartement over haar leven en de jaren in ‘Victor’s Residence’, zoals ze de San Vittore-gevangenis in Milaan noemt. Ze kreeg 26 jaar, waarvan ze er zestien uitzat. Geenszins een ramp, beweert ze – “Ik had er privileges, zoals een eigen kapper en pedicure” – al gaan er geruchten dat ze er een zelfmoordpoging deed.
Een jeugdvriendin wist niet wat ze zag, toen ze ooit een uur te vroeg op bezoekuur kwam en Reggiani zag lopen: “In een bloot topje en met een handdoek over haar arm, op weg om te gaan zonnen.” Reggiani – ze gebruikt tegenwoordig de naam van haar stiefvader – sliep veel, zegt ze, en verzorgde haar planten en fret Bambi.
Woede en angst
In de documentaire worden vele sprekers opgevoerd, die dezelfde moordmotieven aandragen: bang om weer arm te worden en woede vanwege een liefdesrivaal. Maurizio stond immers op het punt in het huwelijk te treden met Paola Franchi. Voormalig vriendin en zelfbenoemd helderziende Giuseppina Auriemma, degene die het moordteam bijeenbracht, verwoordt het zo: “Patrizia’s narcisme had een klap gekregen.”
Het komt erop neer dat Reggiani zelf vindt dat ze nauwelijks iets verkeerds heeft gedaan. Maurizio had alles eigenlijk aan haar te danken. Toen ze hem ontmoette, vond ze hem een loser, omdat hij in een klein autootje reed. Binnen no time werd dat een Ferrari. “Ik wist dat hij een zwakkeling was, zonder mijn ijzeren vuist om hem te leiden zou hij verloren zijn en dat was ook zo.” Maurizio’s vader Rodolfo was afwezig tijdens hun huwelijk, omdat er ‘golddigger’ op het voorhoofd van zijn schoondochter geschreven stond. Sinds ze als jong meisje na jaren van afzien een rijke stiefvader had gekregen, die haar verwende met bontjassen en snelle auto’s, had ze de smaak te pakken. Lang voor ‘Brangelina’ en ‘Brennifer’ was er ‘Mauizia’, haar gepersonaliseerde nummerbord tijdens de glamoureuze jaren in Manhattan.
Twee jaar lang kwam ze niet als verdachte in beeld (“Ik dacht dat ik ermee weg zou komen”), maar de amateuristische criminelen – schutter Benedetto Ceraulo runde een pizzeria en kon wel wat extra’s gebruiken – liepen uiteindelijk tegen de lamp. Reggiani en Auriemma schoven elkaar voor de rechtbank de schuld in de schoenen. De laatste zei simpelweg aan de oproep van haar voormalige vriendin gehoor te hebben gegeven toen ze de moordopdracht bij vrienden in Napels uitzette. Lady Gucci had immers overal, in een volle slagerij en bij de kapper, doodleuk gevraagd wie er moedig genoeg was om haar man te vermoorden. Reggiani: “Ik dacht dat niemand me serieus had genomen.” Ze viel echter door de mand door een aanbetaling van 200.000 euro en haar Cartierdagboek. Op de bewuste dag had ze daarin één woord genoteerd: paradeisos, het Griekse woord voor paradijs.
Het ‘vernederende’ aanbod bij haar scheiding – 2,8 miljoen plus jaarlijks 750.000 euro, door haar afgedaan als ‘net genoeg voor een bord linzen’ – was de druppel geweest. In 2011 kreeg ze van de rechter het aanbod de gevangenis te verlaten en sociaal werk te gaan doen, maar ze weigerde. “Ik heb nog nooit een dag in mijn leven gewerkt, waarom zou ik het nu wel doen?” In 2014 besloot ze het aanbod toch te accepteren en werkte ze twee jaar als designconsultant bij de Milanese juwelier Bozart.
Nieuw schandaal
De Guccifamilie is niet meer betrokken bij het modehuis sinds 1993, toen ceo Maurizio Gucci, die zijn familieleden buitenspel had gezet, gedwongen was de resterende 50 procent van de aandelen aan Investcorp te verkopen. Het merk was in zwaar weer geraakt toen het imago leed onder de overdaad aan licenties en de massaproductie van canvastassen met het dubbele G-logo. Na het aflossen van schulden hield Maurizio nog 40 miljoen over en besloot de wereld over te gaan met de Créole, zijn jacht van 65 meter, en alle contact met zijn gezin te verbreken.
Het precies honderd jaar oude modehuis, inmiddels in handen van luxeconglomeraat Kering, kreeg het de laatste maanden zwaarder te verduren dan concurrenten. Investeerders vrezen dat de hype rondom het merk, dat volgens Forbes 18,6 miljard dollar waard is, voorbij is.
Het moordschandaal heeft het merk niet geraakt. Sterker: de moord vond plaats toen het imago van Gucci in de jaren negentig onder ontwerper Tom Ford en zakenpartner Domenico de Sole een enorme boost kreeg. Het is nu dankzij creative director Alessandro Michele een van de populairste merken onder jongeren.
Daar zal een nieuw schandaal in de familie weinig aan veranderen. Alexandra Zarini, de 35-jarige kleindochter van Aldo Gucci, klaagde onlangs drie familieleden aan wegens seksueel misbruik: haar stiefvader Joseph Ruffalo, moeder Patricia Gucci - niet te verwarren met tante Patrizia, de moordenaar - en oma Bruna Palombo, wegens medeplichtigheid en verzwijging. Van haar zesde tot haar 22ste zou Zarini door Ruffalo, een muziekmanager die onder meer met Prince werkte, zijn misbruikt. Haar moeder zou daarvan getuige zijn geweest, wat haar advocaat ontkent. Patricia zou haar dochter een keer bijna hebben gewurgd, waarop Ruffalo troostend te hulp schoot in zijn ‘per ongeluk’ openvallende badjas. De reden dat Zarini er na al die jaren mee naar buiten komt, is dat ze ontdekte dat Ruffalo als vrijwilliger werkt in een kinderziekenhuis in Los Angeles. Voer voor een volgende documentaire.
La faida infinita di casa Gucci: madre e figlie scaricano Patrizia
Dice Patrizia Reggiani: «Andavo in giro fin dal salumaio a chiedere: ma c’è qualcuno che ha il coraggio di ammazzare mio marito?». Dice Pina Auriemma: «L’unica cretina che le ha dato retta sono stata io». Così morì Maurizio Gucci, l’erede del marchio italiano più famoso al mondo. E così, un quarto di secolo dopo, lo raccontano sua moglie Patrizia e la maga di lei Pina Auriemma, davanti alle telecamere di Discovery+. Erano amiche, confidenti, una foto d’epoca le mostra una accanto all’altra, i segni del benessere. Oggi sono due vecchie, che hanno passato tanti anni di carcere. Ma il carcere non le ha livellate. Pina è povera, alle sue spalle si vede un tinello dimesso. Patrizia è ricca, a milioni. E a breve lo sarà ancora di più. Perché i soldi del marito che ha fatto ammazzare le arriveranno. E a darglieli dovranno essere Alessandra e Allegra, le due figlie che ha reso orfane facendo ammazzare Maurizio in via Palestro, il 27 marzo 1995, dalla squadra di balordi arruolata dalla maga Auriemma.
Nei prossimi giorni, Patrizia Reggiani farà partire il decreto ingiuntivo contro le figlie, che si rifiutano di dare corso alla sentenza della Cassazione di due mesi fa. La sentenza dice che a Patrizia spettano, con venticinque anni di arretrati, i soldi del vitalizio che Gucci le aveva garantito al momento del divorzio. Più di un milione di franchi l’anno; con gli interessi fanno una montagna di soldi. Trenta milioni di euro, o giù di lì. Si capisce che le due figlie, protette dalla residenza svizzera, cerchino di svicolare. E si capisce che la mamma non molli il colpo. Così la telenovela del delitto più glamour che Milano abbia mai visto va avanti all’infinito.
A fare da sfondo, come giusto, è una location cupa, quasi macabra: il castellotto gotico, all’angolo tra via Guastalla e via Andreani, che è la nuova casa di Patrizia Reggiani. Una dimora sontuosa ma buia, con le persiane perennemente chiuse. Qui vive la donna che ebbe la bella idea di fare ammazzare l’uomo che la manteneva nel lusso. Ma che si era trovato un’altra donna. E poi, racconta oggi la Reggiani a Discovery, «Maurizio aveva quattro case a Sankt Moritz e non ce ne voleva dare neanche una». Vederlo morto divenne un’ossessione. Patrizia: «Io ho un difetto, non so mirare. Avrei dovuto trovare questa Banda Bassotti che me l’hanno fatto». E la Auriemma, che reclutò gli esecutori: «Ma per me doveva essere una truffa, questi non sapevano maneggiare una pistola, non avevo nessuna intenzione di fare uccidere Maurizio».
Sul documentario («Lady Gucci», firmato da Flavia Triggiani e Marina Loi) incombe una figura: quella di Silvana Barbieri, la madre di Patrizia. É lei la vera dark lady di questa storia. Una mamma terribile (Auriemma: «Cosa si può dire di una madre che chiama la figlia bastarda?») che alleva Patrizia con l’unico obiettivo della arrampicata sociale, della caccia al marito ricco; che poi coltiva in lei l’odio contro Maurizio Gucci, «il traditore», fino a quando entrano in scena i sicari. Ma che quando la figlia finisce in carcere fa di tutto per impadronirsi dei suoi soldi, fino alla richiesta di farla interdire per amministrarne i beni. Ora la Barbieri è morta, ultranovantenne. Al momento di aprire il testamento si è scoperto che si è tolta l’ultima soddisfazione: ha diseredato Patrizia, lasciandole solo la quota legittima. Dello sterminato patrimonio immobiliare, centoventi appartamenti a Milano, ha fatto lascito a una fondazione benefica.
Quel che è rimasto, è bastato a Patrizia Reggiani per comprarsi il villone tenebroso a due passi dal tribunale, e a chiudere gli ultimi conti con la giustizia: i risarcimenti al portinaio di via Palestro azzoppato dagli assassini e a Paola Franchi, l’amica che le rubò il marito. Ma una che quando incontrò Gucci per la prima volta lo considerò «uno sfigato» non si accontenta facilmente. L’obiettivo di Patrizia sono i trenta milioni che le figlie non vogliono mollare. Conoscendo la sua caparbietà, c’è da scommettere che ci riuscirà. Chi l’ha detto che il delitto non paga?
How multi-millionaire Gucci heir was killed with shot to the temple by hitman hired by his ex-wife
A STYLISHLY dressed hitman finished off Maurizio Gucci with a bullet to the temple as he lay dying on the cold marble floor of his Milan office’s sumptuous lobby.
With so many business enemies to choose from, the police initially missed the person who truly wanted the multi-millionaire dead in 1995 — his embittered ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani.
10 Lady Gaga stars as the ‘Black Widow’ in film about Gucci heir’s murder Credit: Getty - Contributor
The cold-blooded murder of the last Gucci to head the famous Italian fashion house seemed tailor made for Hollywood — and now this true-life tale of bloody revenge will be played out in cinemas, with Lady Gaga starring as the “Black Widow” Reggiani and Adam Driver as Maurizio.
The impressive cast of the film Gucci, directed by Sir Ridley Scott, will also include Al Pacino, Jared Leto and Jeremy Irons.
The Maurizio Gucci story began with love conquering all, when he defied his powerful father Rodolfo to marry Reggiani, who came from poor beginnings but soon developed a taste and appetite for luxury.
But it turned into a tale of a woman scorned when the former president of the global fashion brand ran off with a younger woman, Paola Franchi.
10 Star Wars actor Adam Driver plays the murdered Maurizio Gucci Credit: Getty Images - Getty
Consumed by anger, Reggiani sought a contract killer.
In new documentary Lady Gucci, available from today on the Discovery+ channel, she confesses: “I used to go around and ask everyone, even the butcher, to kill him — ‘Is there anyone who has the courage to kill my husband?’”
The release of two films in one year about the troubled Gucci clan will open up old wounds that have not yet completely healed.
But last night Reggiani, 72, who was freed from prison in October 2016 after serving 18 years for arranging the killing, said she had few regrets about taking part in the documentary.
10 Maurizio Gucci with wife Patrizia Reggiani, who ordered his murder Credit: Rex Features
And she told The Sun: “My expectations are to live a quiet life, surrounded by people who appreciate me for who I am today and not for what I might have today.”
That is a change of tune for a woman who is perceived as having an unhealthy obsession with flashy possessions and a luxury lifestyle.
In October 2011 she turned down the chance of moving to an open prison, where inmates are expected to work, saying: “I’ve never worked in my life and I’m certainly not going to start now.”
Born into a poor family, Reggiani was adopted by wealthy entrepreneur Ferdinando Reggiani after he fell for her mother.
10 Gucci lies dead after the 1995 shooting at the doorstep of his office
When Maurizio eyed Patrizia at a party he asked his friends: “Who is that beautiful girl who looks like Liz Taylor?”
But she later told how she thought he was a “loser” because he turned up in a small car, and although she agreed to start dating him, she insisted he buy her a Ferrari.
Reggiani later said in a TV interview: “I’d rather weep in a Rolls-Royce than be happy on a bicycle.”
But Maurizio was smitten, while Rodolfo, who had a career as a film star before jointly running the Gucci company with his brother Aldo, was so convinced his son was marrying a gold-digger that he cut off his funds and asked the Cardinal of Milan to prevent their planned marriage.
10 Reggiani flanked by police as she attends court in 1998 Credit: Zuma Press
Even so, the couple were married in October 1972. For the next decade all seemed well, and the couple had two daughters, Allegra and Alessandra. But after Rodolfo died in 1983 Maurizio took control of the family firm, which quickly floundered under his stewardship and Reggiani publicly condemned her husband’s poor management.
Criticising his lack of original thought, she said: “My husband was like a pillow — he carried the imprint of the last one who sat on it.”
Tired of her barbs, Maurizio packed his bags for a business trip in May 1985 — and never came home.
10 Reggiani gives her account of the killing in the Lady Gucci documentary
Unwilling to accept it was over after their divorce in 1991, Reggiani continued to call him “my husband” and was not content with the £900,000 a year in financial support she had been awarded.
With Maurizio due to marry Paola, she wanted him dead but she could not pull the trigger herself. Reggiani admitted: “I’m not able, I don’t know how to aim and I don’t know how to use a gun. I couldn’t do it alone.”
This is where the facts of the case turn murkier, because it was Reggiani’s old friend, Naples clairvoyant Pina Auriemma, who found the hitman, Benedetto Ceraulo.
Ceraulo was not a professional killer, even though he acted like one when confronted with his victim.
10 Paola Franchi, who claimed to have had a love affair with Maurizio Gucci, arrives in Milan’s court in 1998 Credit: AP:Associated Press
In fact he was a down-on-his-luck pizzeria owner, desperate for the six-figure price on Maurizio’s head.
Reggiani claims Auriemma hired Ceraulo without her say-so and then blackmailed her after the killing.
But Auriemma, who no longer has anything to do with Reggiani, told The Sun: “I have great remorse, even if I did not actively participate in the organisation of the murder.”
But there has been little sign of remorse from the Black Widow herself. On the day of Maurizio’s murder she wrote the word “Paradise” in her diary and quickly turfed Paola out of the mansion she had shared with him.
10 Fashion scion Maurizio Gucci seen in 1994, a year before he was gunned down Credit: AP:Associated Press
For two years it looked like Reggiani would not be caught. The killing, at 8.30 in the morning, had the hallmarks of organised crime and there were plenty of people who might want Maurizio dead.
He had run up debts with his extravagant lifestyle, including a 23-crew yacht, and relatives had accused him of faking his father’s signature to get his hands on the Gucci fortune.
But Paola always thought Reggiani was behind the murder and an anonymous tip-off in 1997 finally forced police to follow that lead.
Reggiani said: “I didn’t think they would have caught me.”
10 ‘I didn’t think they would have caught me’, Reggiani said Credit: AP:Associated Press
The following year she was convicted of arranging the murder and given a 29-year jailed sentence, along with Auriemma, who received 25 years behind bars.
Ceraulo was jailed for life, his getaway driver Orazio Cicala got 29 years and hotel porter Ivano Savioni, who helped to organise the crime, was jailed for 26 years.
Afterwards, Reggiani’s lawyers tried to launch appeals, arguing that she had not been able to organise a murder because she had a brain tumour at the time.
Even so, the Black Widow makes her time in San Vittore prison in Milan sound like a breeze. She said: “I had a great time there, they were years of peace.
10 Benedetto Ceraulo (C) bids farewell to his wife at the Milan court in 1998 Credit: EPA
“I slept, I washed and went down to the garden, I had special treatment.”
Her release in 2016 came as a reward for good behaviour, and Reggiani now says she is going through a rebirth, and wants her friends to know that she is fine.
With a court having ruled that she is still entitled to the £900,000 a year from her late ex-husband’s estate, she should certainly live comfortably.
She shares her home with a parrot and a white dog, but her two daughters no longer want anything to do with their mother. Her former friend Auriemma also has no wish to speak to Reggiani again.
She said: “I don’t hold a grudge because otherwise I won’t live well.
“I completely erased Patrizia. I removed her from my life and my thoughts and I would never be her friend again.”
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But Reggiani, it seems, is finding it harder to let go of the past.
And what she is holding on to might seem very surprising, given all the suffering that her hatred for Maurizio has caused.
She concluded: “I’ve had other relationships, but nothing like with Maurizio. He was my only true love.”
Gucci is in cinemas in November and Lady Gucci: The Story Of Patrizia Reggiani is available to stream on Discovery + from today.
Gucci heir Alexandra Zarini releases video via the Alexandra Gucci Children’s Foundation about child sexual abuse
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