I attended Massachusetts School of Law in the US – Mona Gucci
The Kantanka TV presenter said she attended attended Massachusetts School of Law and had her internship in the same state.
She made this known during an interview with Nana Ama McBrown on UTV’s United Showbiz on Saturday.
She further revealed that she did her internship as a law students at Abigail Williams and Co., also in Massachusetts.
“I did Immigration Law in America. I worked with a law firm there for two or three years before returning to Ghana,” Mona Gucci said.
“I did my internship at Abigail Williams and Co. and I also attended Massachusetts School of Law.”
The socialite previously came under the spotlight following her clash with comedienne Afia Schwarzenegger.
Mona Gucci claims she is an ‘Immigration Lawyer’
Entertainment of Sunday, 21 February 2021
Source: www.ghanaweb.com
Mona Gucci claims she is an ‘Immigration Lawyer’
play videoMona Gucci claims she graduated from Massachusetts School of Law
Mona Gucci, labelled by social media as a slay queen, says she is an immigration lawyer.
Mona Gucci said: “With my internship, I had it with Abigail Williams and Co in Worcester Massachusetts and the school is Massachusetts School of Law” in 2017.
Mona Gucci told Nana Ama McBrown, the host of UTV’s United Showbiz on Saturday, February 20, that she worked with Abigail Williams & Co for two to three years before coming back to Ghana to start her TV show on Kantanka TV.
When asked what type of lawyer she was, Mona Gucci quickly replied, “I’m an Immigration Lawyer.”
This baffled the host, and Arnold Asamoah-Baidoo and Kwame A Plus, also co-guests, all three of whom wondered why a lady of Gucci’s calibre would leave a prestigious legal profession in the States and come to Ghana for showbiz.
Since Gucci’s explanation on TV, many netizens have been expressing doubts whether indeed what she said on TV was just for a publicity stunt or for real, especially the part about Abigail Williams and Co, and whether she was really there.
Watch Mona Gucci on UTV’s Untied Showbiz.
GhanaWeb brings you some social media posts to this story.
This is the address for Abigail Williams & Co. law firm Mona Gucci spoke about. #UnitedShowbiz pic.twitter.com/BgEcHRziDQ — ÊŠQ. BeHiNd Ä FÆÇÊ MÆŠK???? (@alcantara_san) February 21, 2021
Glory be to God Mona Gucci is spotted,..Mona don’t lair, she is a Lawyer ????????????#UnitedShowbiz pic.twitter.com/uyaTcygPHg — HazardJnr ? (@Hazardjnr97) February 21, 2021
My Lord is Mona Gucci a Lawyer? CJ: ????????????????????????#UnitedShowbiz | Shatta Michy pic.twitter.com/Wddiq3l2ul — Chief Chieff Chiefff (@1Raung) February 21, 2021
NDC’s new Lawyer to replace Tsatsu next week. ????????#UnitedShowbiz | Mona Gucci | Shatta Michy pic.twitter.com/foFmC4IICn — Chief Chieff Chiefff (@1Raung) February 21, 2021
Mona Gucci is the only lawyer in Ghana who can convince the supreme Court Justices to force Jean Mensah to mount the witness box #UnitedShowbiz pic.twitter.com/qjP7HBksSa — North Kaneshie JJ Rawlings ?????? ? (@iamkwasigyasi) February 21, 2021
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《國際產業》Gucci拖累集團 開雲上季銷售下跌
Moneydj理財網 · 1 天前
MoneyDJ新聞 2021-02-20 12:07:36 記者 張以忠 報導鴻海(2317)今(20)日舉行開工團拜,董事長劉揚偉(見附圖)親自主持,針對今(2021)年集團布局重點,他指出,2021年重心在EV(電動車)的發展,其中電動車平台MIH目前已有736家會員加入,預計2021年第4季左右推出3輛依照MIH平台架構打造的電動車,包括2輛乘用車、1輛巴士,並認為電動車市場發酵時間點會比原本預期的2025年提前至2024年,鴻海會積極在2021年扎下好的根,抓住電動車市場成長的機會。針對2021年上半年景氣看法,劉揚偉表示,上半年相當不錯,一方面疫情有所舒緩,需求面也延續2020年底的熱絡狀態,就鴻海本身而言,預期2021年第1季淡季不淡,且因為中國鼓勵就地過年,因此2021年缺工問題也不若往年嚴重。針對2021年集團布局重點,劉揚偉指出,2021年重心在EV(電動車)的發展,其中電動車平台MIH目前已有736家會員加入,預計2021年第4季左右推出3輛依照MIH平台架構打造的電動車,包括2輛乘用車、1輛巴士,並認為電動車市場發酵時間點會比原本預期的2025年提前至2024年,鴻海會積極在2021年扎下好的根,抓住電動車市場成長的機會。劉揚偉指出,原本的ICT產業維持後疫情態勢,在WFH(居家工作)需求所帶動的相關產業興起將持續,除此之外,2021年對鴻海以及台灣產業而言,電動車產業發展會非常重要,而以電動車將提前至2024年發酵來看,若2021年沒有扎下好的根、布局好的投資,要在2024年結出好的果就有相當困難度,因此2021年發展電動車會是重點所在。至於鴻海2025年要達全球電動車市佔率10%目標是否也會提前?劉揚偉表示,2024年會有比我們想像要多的電動車業者進入市場,但目前還是維持原來的目標不變。劉揚偉指出,鴻海2021年電動車的營收佔比仍非常小,要有較明顯營收貢獻預期要到2023年。至於蘋果Apple Car一直有跟不同車廠合作、破局的傳聞,對此劉揚偉表示,單一客戶在電動車有哪些規劃不予評論,不過這些傳聞不太像過往該客戶的行為,因為客戶對新產品很保密,還沒推出前不會大張旗鼓對外宣示,所以目前看起來這些傳聞都不像該客戶的作風。此外,針對美國威州廠後續規畫進度,劉揚偉表示,目前持續與WEDC(威斯康辛州經濟發展公司)溝通,溝通情況順利,威州廠會持續朝當初想要發展的方向前進,當初方向是要找出適合當地市場發展的產業,目前已有初步規劃,但最終項目要跟WEDC確認。至於2021年印度布局規畫,劉揚偉則指出,目前大客戶在印度有生產規劃,另外,也可以看到Tesla也要去印度設廠,若大廠都跑去印度發展,相信會加速印度的產業鏈建置步伐,預期印度ICT產業鏈會起很快發展起來,而鴻海在印度的營收貢獻也會在這樣的氛圍下同步成長。針對目前晶片短缺問題,是否對出貨有影響?劉揚偉表示,我們持續觀察這波缺貨情況是否是因為需求大幅提升所造成,我們服務的客戶都相當大,目前晶片缺貨對客戶有一些影響,但整體影響有限。 資料來源-MoneyDJ理財網