Just a Photo of Jared Leto Living His Life


Who is he? Photo: TheImageDirect.com

With every passing day, I am growing increasingly reluctant to eventually sit down and watch House of Gucci — Ridley Scott’s murder-y Maurizio Gucci biopic, currently filming in Italy — in its entirety. Nothing against the movie, which checks many of my boxes for worthwhile entertainment: Per Harper’s Bazaar, we can expect “infidelity, extraordinary wealth, vengeance, designer footwear and a certified psychic-turned-accomplice,” and that’s before you factor in the wigs. Obviously, that all sounds great, but even greater is my will to preserve from any kind of context each of the pristine images House of Gucci has given us. Each of them has been a gift, and this latest photo — of Jared Leto looking like a funky Dr. Phil — is no exception.

I do not require any more information from this picture. It tells me everything I need to know: A middle-aged Jordan Catalano is getting into his SUV, bald but for the horseshoe of hair cascading from the back of his skull to tickle his neck, dressed in a mauve corduroy suit with a flashy scallop detail at the seam. Somehow he is also wearing the furrowed brow of a famous talk-show doctor. I am happy to accept this reality. I have no further questions at this time.

Indeed, the knowledge that Leto plays Paolo Gucci, a supporting if chaotic figure in this taut family drama — “a maverick Italian businessman” unceremoniously “sacked” from the fashion empire, per one obituary — tempers my enjoyment of the scene. I would rather believe Leto is taking his look in a new direction because of boredom, just as I would rather believe that Lady Gaga crammed that enormous pastry into the mouth of her large son, Adam Driver, because he was fussy because of hunger, and that this big cozy boy chose his big cozy sweater because comfort is king. Of course, this is just one woman’s opinion, but I think I speak for everyone when I say — bellissimo! Simply bellissimo.

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Jared Leto is unrecognizable in character for ‘House of Gucci’


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He’s not acting his age.

Jared Leto was unrecognizable while dressed in character as fashion designer Paolo Gucci on the set of his upcoming film “House of Gucci” in Milan on Monday.

Photos surfaced of the 49-year-old actor with wrinkled skin, liver spots, gray hair, and a receding hairline exposing a balding crown, looking eerily like disgraced porn legend Ron Jeremy in profile, or perhaps one of Jeffrey Tambor’s “Arrested Development” characters.

All this, while wrapped in a snazzy pink corduroy suit fit for any stylish retirement home resident.

Jared Leto wore a purple get-up while filming. TheImageDirect.com

Leto hung onto his signature mustache, but his bushy beard and luscious locks were nowhere to be seen.

“House of Gucci,” which is currently filming in Italy, stars Adam Driver as doomed fashion mogul Maurizio Gucci and Lady Gaga as his ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani, who was convicted of plotting his murder in 1995.

Reggiani was sentenced to 29 years in prison during her scandalous 1998 trial. She was released in October 2016 after serving 18 years.

Last week, Lady Gaga and Driver posted the first look of their own ensembles for the film. They were later seen filming on set in coordinating trench coats.

Gucci reportedly gave the film’s director, Ridley Scott, access to their archives for the movie.

The film also stars Jeremy Irons and Al Pacino.

House of Gucci: Jared Leto irriconoscibile sul set


E Online ha postato la prima foto di Jared Leto sul set di House of Gucci le cui riprese sono attualmente in corso in Italia.

L’attore nella pellicola interpreta il famoso stilista Paolo Gucci nel film, e dall’immagine è possibile notare i capelli grigi, le rughe e una grande quantità di peso aggiuntivo. Jared Leto non è nuovo a trasformazioni di questo tipo.

Ispirata a un caso di cronaca nera realmente accaduto, il film narra dell’omicidio dell’ex proprietario della leggendaria casa di moda di origine fiorentina, assassinato su mandato dell’ex moglie il 27 marzo 1995 nella sua casa di via Palestro.

Nel cast troviamo anche Jeremy Irons, Jared Leto, Al Pacino, Jack Huston e Reeve Carney.

La sceneggiatura è di Roberto Bentivegna, ispiratosi al libro The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour e Greed scritto da Sara Gay Gorden.

La data di uscita prevista per il 24 novembre 2021, distribuito da MGM.