Gucci of fashion crossword clue Solution


Below is the Gucci of fashion crossword clue Solution. We noticed many players facing difficulties with Gucci of fashion crossword clue Solution. so we decided to share the answers to the puzzle. In case there is an error or mistake with the answer then let us know in the comment. We would be happy to rectify it.

Clue: Gucci of fashioncrossword clue


So how was your experience with finding the answer for Gucci of fashioncrossword clue? Here are other crossword clues that you might want to see. More Crosswords

Big Pitcher crossword clue Solution


Below is the Big Pitcher crossword clue Solution. We noticed many players facing difficulties withBig Pitchercrossword clue Solution. so we decided to share the answers to the puzzle. In case there is an error or mistake with the answer then let us know in the comment. We would be happy to rectify it.

Clue:Big Pitchercrossword clue


So how was your experience with finding the answer forBig Pitcherweightcrossword clue? Here are other crossword clues that you might want to see. More Crosswords

Could You Repeat That Number?


Some solvers like to take on a grid one quadrant at a time. I usually start at the northwest corner and move across the top until I am stumped or obviously wrong, and then go down to see if I can detect my errors. Most of my first guesses were incorrect. At 19A, “One of Chekhov’s ‘Three Sisters,’” I punched in MASHA. I didn’t know I was in trouble until I completed 23A, “Many apartments in old warehouse districts,” or LOFTS, which left nothing but nonsense on the northwest down answers. It was not MASHA, but IRINA who set the puzzle to rights.

At 25A, “Labor Day baby, e.g.,” I called out the clue to my husband, who does not love crosswords but is much better at solving than I am. He looked up in disbelief and said “UNION.” Ohhh. OK. How obvious. Right? Wrong! The context was astrological, and that baby is a VIRGO.

I thought of lovely old-fashioned soap advertisements when I read 57D: “Laundry soap since 1908.” I imagined IVORY FLAKES, FELS NAPTHA — no, only the most masochistic crossword constructor would employ a word so laden with consonants. The answer is the wonderfully retro-sounding RINSO, and it was a tough one to come by. The five-letter answer to 63A, “Legal,” which crosses RINSO, could so easily be LEGIT. But that would render 58D, “___, all ye faithful,” impossible. That’s because the answer to 63A was the unexpected LICIT.

A Few Fave Clues

67A calls for “Cool in old slang.” I thought cool was old slang. But the word required is HEP, like those cool hep cats at Beat poetry readings who applauded by snapping their fingers.

74A: “Muscular,” with a B in the first position. So then BURLY? Maybe? Or is that more Burl Ives than Charles Atlas? BUILT it is!