Louis Vuitton創辦人200歲生日!LV把品牌故事做成電玩 忠實粉絲才能闖關成功
Louis Vuitton 路易威登先生迎來200歲生日!他在14歲時離鄉背井,為了追求夢想步行2年的時間抵達巴黎,並在皮箱工坊Monsieur Maréchal當學徒。憑藉著精湛的工藝技術,他開始擁有自己的忠實客戶,其中還包括拿破崙三世的妻子尤金妮皇后。在多年的經驗累積下,Louis在1854年成立了如今的精品龍頭LV。
Louis Vuitton
為了以一個與眾不同的方法慶祝Louis Vuitton先生的200歲生日,LV竟然直接推出電玩遊戲《LOUIS:The Game》!這款遊戲以Louis Vuitton先生創建LV的過程為靈感,先進的動畫讓大家可以更深入其境在這趟超越兩個世紀的旅程。
Louis Vuitton
其實這些關卡就是Louis Vuitton先生從14歲離開家鄉,步行兩年抵達巴黎,一步一步創立LV的過程,將會在遊戲過程中揭露有關於品牌合作、特別訂製、技術知識、家族故事、藝術設計、時裝秀亮點等等奇聞軼事。遊戲玩完後,還會把你的名次列在全球排行榜中,想證明自己是LV忠實粉絲的話,絕對不能錯過這個遊戲。
Louis Vuitton
《LOUIS:The Game》這款遊戲會在8月4日(Louis Vuitton先生生日當天)巴黎時間凌晨3點起於App Store、Google Play開放下載,已經迫不及待想玩了啦!
Louis Vuitton
除了電玩遊戲外,LV的全球專賣店也會以櫥窗展示《200 LOUIS》慶祝活動,展出200位不同背景與領域的天才,如何以各自的方式詮釋LV的經典旅行箱。另外還有畫作、小說、紀錄片會在2021年陸續推出,希望結合多樣化的娛樂型態邀請大家一起探索Louis Vuitton的歷史。
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Louis Vuitton 推出全新 「陀螺無線音響」Horizon Light Up 揚聲器,正式在台上市!
近期對科技領域動作頻頻的 Louis Vuitton ,繼先前推出的 Horizon Earphones 藍牙耳機、Tambour Horizon 智能腕錶後,又再次推出一項質感人氣單品:Horizon Light Up 揚聲器,外型絕美輕巧,不僅可當作飾品攜帶,也可以做為家中藝術裝置,將於 7 月 3 日上市,售價為台幣 89,500 元。
這款攜帶式揚聲器的靈感衍生自 LV Toupie 手袋,擁有輕巧優雅的獨特外型,以低調奢華的黑色皮革包裹,加上金屬零件,由 LV 女裝設計總監 Nicolas Ghesquière 親自操刀設計。重約 1 公斤,直徑僅 18 公分,使用最高品質音效元件,搭配迷你複雜外殼,不使用的時候,光擺著就是一件藝術品!
在啟動時,動感的燈光秀會呼應節拍,五彩繽紛地將 Louis Vuitton 經典花色化為數位演繹。頂端的 LED 背光環有三種動畫,搭配七種精心挑選的漸層色彩。中央的鋼製凹槽刻有「Louis Vuitton」字樣,也會隨著舞動的頂環繽紛閃爍。
這款揚聲器不但能藍牙無線連接,也能透過 Wi-Fi 連接 Apple AirPlay 2 和 Qplay。使用 USB-C(連接到揚聲器或底座)充電,充飽電後可播放最多 12 個小時。亦可使用專用的 LV 連線應用程式將揚聲器成對或成群組合,配合更大的空間與多個房間。或利用智慧手機控制所有揚聲器的功能,包括色彩組合、動畫順序、單一或多空間操作設定。
無論在任何場合, Louis Vuitton Horizon Light Up 揚聲器都會是熱愛高品質音效與絕頂手藝者的最佳配件,單品將於 7 月 30 日上市,售價台幣 89,500 元,有興趣的朋友千萬別錯過!
更多精彩時尚風格內容,也請追蹤GQ Taiwan以下平台
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Louis Vuitton marks 200th anniversary with art video game
Celebrating 200 years of Louis Vuitton , the luxury French fashion house has launched a new video game that combines NFT art, heritage and innovation
In a distinctive anniversary celebration, luxury French fashion house Louis Vuitton has launched an art-infused video game that blends education, entertainment and escapism.
At the heart of Louis the Game is a quest, one that nods to the journey of the brand’s founder. Aged just 14, the young Louis Vuitton trekked on foot from his home in the Jura region of France to Industrial Revolution-era Paris armed with ambition, resilience and talent. This quest – spanning 292 miles and two years – would reap its rewards when he finally arrived in Paris. There, he became one of the most sought-after trunk makers of his generation and founder of a global brand that, after 200 years, retains the forward-looking spirit of its roots.
Louis the Game’s energetic protagonist and brand mascot, Vivienne, embarks on her own quest across seven fantasy locations, inspired by Paris, London, Beijing, Tokyo and New York, to reach a festive birthday destination.
As the player assumes the role of this eccentric monogrammed flower character, they collect candles, each of which unlocks a postcard containing an anecdote. These 200 anecdotes – which span Louis Vuitton’s collaborations, special orders, technical trivia, family history, artistic interventions, runway highlights – are then stored in Vivenne’s monogrammed trunk.
Another key feature of the game is art. Integrating cutting-edge blockchain technology, it includes 30 NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). Ten of these are created by digital artist Mike ‘Beeple’ Winkelmann, who, in March 2021, shattered the record for most expensive digital artwork with Everydays: the first 5,000 days, a collage piece that sold at Christie’s for a value of $69.3m.
This is not the first time Beeple has teamed up with Louis Vuitton. Nicolas Ghesquière collaborated with the artist to create exclusive prints inspired by existing artworks for the women’s S/S 2019 collection, for which Beeple also created exclusive videos to feature in a range of global store windows.
As players move through striking, otherworldly environments, banners for NFTs pop up and gamers will have a chance to acquire them, after which they are stocked in a digital wallet (locked until 2022).
Louis Vuitton video game: level by level
As a player progresses, so too does the sophistication of Vivienne’s abilities. Between levels, players meet Gaston, the sharply dressed bellboy who oversees the game map and holds the key to each new world. Points can be collected along the way, with achievements logged on a global leaderboard. These can be spent on wide-ranging ‘skin changes’ and 12 accessories available from virtual Louis Vuitton stores located throughout each level.
In Louis’ Forest (level one) users can familiarise themselves with the character’s basic controls: idle, walk, run, turn and jump, but things soon progress when Vivienne begins ledge climbing on the dramatic architectural features in Luminous City (level two).
In the Adventure Kingdom (level three), accessible via helicopter, building designs shift from European-inspired structures to the towering skyscrapers of Asia, through which Vivienne floats and glides. Arriving via sailboat on Monogram Island (level four), she unlocks the ability to ‘double jump’.
Following a container ship journey, she learns how to ‘rail slide’ through the Sunshine Metropolis (level five), before reaching a climax on the final level, Birthday Extravaganza. Here, all Vivienne’s acquired skills can be combined, and the final ten candles are placed on a celebratory cake marking the game’s completion.
Available in English or Chinese via the Apple App Store or Google Play from 4 August 2021, Louis Vuitton’s transgenerational game is a refreshing take on an anniversary celebration, one that combines heritage, art innovation and, ultimately, fun. §