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「LOUIS VUITTON&」亮點5. 手袋、行李箱變身藝術家的畫布

路易威登與藝術家合作的最精彩篇章絕對就是Artycapucines系列!將LV的包款化為可隨身攜帶的畫布,無論是村上隆的趣味漫畫人物、Jeff Koons重新演繹的《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》,還是路易威登的經典主題(例如代表性的1896年Monogram),全部都經過重新設計和改造,這個展區呈現橫跨超過25年歲月的當代頂尖藝術家合作計畫,迄今已邀請12位藝術家讓這款手袋脫胎換骨。

路易十四將成「Louis 14」?法博物館簡化文字挨轟


法國首都巴黎的卡納瓦雷博物館(Carnavalet Museum)經過四年裝修,近日正準備重新開放,同時也跟上羅浮宮的腳步,將館內許多羅馬數字換成阿拉伯數字,卻引發媒體批評,還指「太陽王」路易十四會從「Louis XIV」變成「Louis 14」。

泰晤士報報導,卡納瓦雷博物館認為現代多數訪客對羅馬數字感到困惑,才會以「普遍可及」(universal accessibility)為由,著手限制館內使用羅馬數字,並改換成阿拉伯數字。


但「純粹主義者」擔心,全館「普遍可及」標示使用阿拉伯數字描述君王與世紀,像費加洛報稱路易十四變成「Louis 14」或亨利四世變成「Henri 4」實在「戳眼」(pricks the eyes)。藝術論壇報(La Tribune de l’Art)網站批評,「這個博物館顯示它們鄙視文化與未來的訪客,推測他們教育程度不足以看懂(羅馬數字)」,更有法媒指義大利多家媒體對此表達抗議。

卡納瓦雷博物館訪客服務主管吉拉爾(Noémie Giard)指出,換用阿拉伯數字是館方整體簡化文字與標示的計畫之一,「我們對羅馬數字完全沒意見,但它們可能變成理解的障礙。我們都注意到,少有畫廊訪客會讀文字,特別是太長的時候,他們傾向從一個展品跳到另一個展品後隨便看看。我們也常見到家長打算為小孩讀解釋」。

拉丁語學家兼作者蓋拉德(Jacques Gaillard)批評,「我們已受到美國影響20年了,美國人不懂怎麼讀羅馬數字。古文化被打敗到謹慎撤退,知識被殲滅了」。但費加洛報對此表達質疑,指洛基系列電影標題都用羅馬數字,「席維斯.史特龍…不是巴黎人真是羞恥」。

Review: Winter Opera Saint Louis' Production of ‘Suor Angelica’


Opera: Suor Angelica

Company: Winter Opera Saint Louis

Venue: Kirkwood Performing Arts Center

Dates: Run concluded

Story: Life in a 17th century Italian convent is austere but rewarding for a group of nuns cloistered there who sing and work in their devotion to God. They especially are delighted by Sister Angelica’s green thumb and her ability to concoct herbal potions, which can provide soothing balm for sundry physical maladies.

Sister Angelica mostly keeps to herself, but rumors persist that she was banished seven years earlier to the convent after some scandal. It’s all supposition, though, as Sister Angelica declines to comment on the matter.

One day visitors arrive at the convent, and the Abbess announces that the royal family’s princess has come to see Angelica. The princess informs Sister Angelica that her sister is getting married and that Angelica needs to sign a document renouncing any claims by her to her royal inheritance. Sister Angelica replies that one stipulation in the agreement cannot be met: She will not renounce her illegitimate son, the reason for her banishment seven years earlier.

After some discussion, the Princess reveals that Angelica’s son died two years ago. Devastated by the news, Angelica signs the document and then decides to poison herself to join her son in death. As she is dying, she realizes that her suicide is a sin against God and begs the Virgin Mary for mercy. As she passes away, she sees the Virgin Mary and her son together as the latter runs to greet her.