


by Wa Chang - 07 JAN 2021 更新

Text/Jim Liao Edit/Wa Photo/Pinterest、LV


熱賣黑馬1、老花肩背袋Pochette Félicie

採用經典老花Monogram帆布製作,Pochette Félicie擁有俐落長方形外觀,包內附有2個可拆式內袋,可以自行搭配使用,除了可當作手提包之外,金屬鍊帶設計還能提供肩背攜帶的選擇。(NT37,900)

LV 老花肩背袋Pochette Félicie,NT37,900

熱賣黑馬2、老花水桶袋Nano Noé

靈感源自Gaston-Louis Vuitton於1932年設計的香檳袋,Nano Noé變得更迷你可愛,搭配經典Monogram老花圖案,身為小包控的女孩絕不能錯過。NT39,800)

LV 老花水桶袋Nano Noé,NT39,800

熱賣黑馬3、老花後背包Palm Springs Mini


LV 老花後背包Palm Springs Mini,NT68,000


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Keepall 旅行包

自 1930 年問世經過,有著90多年歷史的經典旅行包Keepall,可以說是最能展現LV旅行精神的包款,如同包款的取名,整個包型輕巧,柔軟,隨時整裝待發。

加上提供許多種尺寸選擇,可以因應不同旅人生活型態的需求,可說是旅行達人最愛用的包款,其中Keepall 45是系列中尺寸最小的,可容納過夜或短程旅遊的所有必備品,被許多拿來當做週末旅行包。袋身以 Monogram 帆布打造,配置握感舒適的皮革手柄及閃亮的黃銅掛鎖,以及一條供悠閒斜揹的肩帶。

Official Super Bowl Viewership Drops to Lowest Amount Since 2006


Official Super Bowl Viewership Drops to Lowest Amount Since 2006

Official Super Bowl viewership sank to its lowest level since 2006, with an average of nearly 92 million viewers watching CBS’ coverage of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ 31-9 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs, according to figures released Tuesday by Nielsen.

The viewership figure could increase when additional streaming numbers become available, according to Nielsen. The official viewership was the 14th largest for a Super Bowl or any U.S. television program.

The total viewership across all platforms for Sunday’s game was 96.4 million viewers, according to CBS, making the game the least watched since 2007.

Super Bowl LV, however, was the most streamed NFL game, with an average minute audience of 5.7 million viewers, a 65% increase over Super Bowl LIV. Super Bowl LV was the first NFL game to have more than one billion streaming minutes.

Super Bowl viewership began declining after Super Bowl XLIX in 2015 on NBC averaged a record 114.442 million viewers for the New England Patriots’ 28-24 victory over the Seattle Seahawks. It dropped for four consecutive years then rose 1.5% last year to 99.905 million viewers for Fox’s telecast of Kansas City’s 31-20 victory over the San Francisco 49ers. The total viewership last year was 102.1 million.

Viewership for most forms of programming has decreased in recent years, in part because of competition from streaming programs, including streams of the same programs shown on traditional television.