就像是走進花田中!Gucci Flora 香水系列為夏天帶來浪漫的感覺
香水跟鞋子一樣,女生永遠不會嫌多,香水也不一定於出門時才可以用,打開衣櫥噴上香水、或噴於書簽上、被鋪上,清新的香氣讓人立即感到幸福感滿滿。Gucci Flora 香水系列,以香水為主軸,以各式的花卉為女生們帶來不同的氣質。今個夏天,品牌為 Flora 香水系列帶來 3 款不同的限量版香氛,色彩繽紛的香水瓶復古又搶眼,讓人十分心動!
Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia 淡香氛
Gucci Flora Emerald Gardenia 淡香氛
Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia 淡香氛
喜歡經典花香的女生們,可選 Gucci Flora 香水或淡香水,香水以柑橘果實、玫瑰、桂花、廣藿香和檀香木香調調製而成,性感又充滿女人味。
Gucci最受喜愛的高顏值香水! Bloom花悅系列香水5款完整盤點介紹
Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele上任後帶來許多新氣象,像2017年他就親自參與推出全新香氛系列Gucci Bloom花悅系列,靈感源自繁花盛放的花園,光憑著方形粉紅瓶身與植物意象圖案的高顏值就擄獲不少香氛迷的心。一直到2020年已經推出了6款(5款常態+1罐限量版),就跟著《美麗佳人》一起來看看這系列香水的完整介紹。
by Chiao Hung - 15 OCT 2020 更新
Gucci Bloom花悅女性淡香精
2017年推出由Alessandro Michele參與設計的第一款香水Bloom,邀請了調香大師Alberto Morillas一同合作,屬於濃郁的花香調,特別是白花香氣,呈現女性誠懇和樂觀的美。
將來自印度的晚香玉與茉莉完美融合,以獨特萃取方法提煉的茉莉花蕊將天然茉莉花與人工分子融合,散發出清新的青草和花瓣香。另外,Gucci花悅女性淡香精更首次使用產自南印度的花卉「使君子」(又叫做金銀花),表達了香調新穎獨特的概念。當使君子綻放時,它的顏色會從白色漸變為粉色,最後在盛開之際變為紅色。花藤的清新芬芳,為Gucci Bloom帶來柔美氣息。
Gucci Bloom花悅女性淡香精
Gucci Bloom Acqua di Fiori花悅綠漾女性淡香水
2018年上市的Gucci Bloom Acqua di Fiori花悅綠漾女性淡香水,同樣是由Alberto Morillas調製而成,在原本的花香調之外加入大量翠綠清新氣息,帶有青草香,是充滿年輕喜悅和活力的氣息。
Gucci Bloom Acqua di Fiori花悅綠漾女性淡香水
Gucci Bloom Nettare Di Fiori花悅蜜意濃郁淡香精
在2018年上市,Gucci Bloom Nettare di Fiori花悅蜜意濃郁淡香精,和前兩支不同,濃度屬於濃郁淡香精(Eau de Parfum Intense)。在Gucci Bloom原有的馥郁花香的基調之上昇華綻放,演變成一瓶香濃的柑苔調,散發出女性神秘性感的個人魅力。
Gucci Bloom Nettare di Fiori花悅蜜意濃郁淡香精完美捕捉花園中繁花盛開的瞬間,空氣中充滿著最為誘人的沁人芬芳。Alberto Morillas把原有的Gucci Bloom花悅淡香精揉合成柑苔花香調。鮮明的花香配合前調的木味,濃郁的保加利亞玫瑰和桂花香在使君子、茉莉和晚香玉互相襯托下更能突顯女性的媚態。最後以廣藿香、麝香和桂花輕柔而神秘氣息作結。
Gucci Bloom Nettare Di Fiori花悅蜜意濃郁淡香精
Gucci Bloom Ambrosia di Fiori花悅馥意女性淡香精
2019年推出的Gucci Bloom Ambrosia di Fiori花悅馥意女性淡香精,以古希臘神話中諸神盛宴的美酒仙饌蜜酒(Ambrosia)為名,傳說中凡人喝下之後可長生不老,散發著神奇的魔力。
這款香氣以經典的Gucci Bloom花悅女性淡香精的香氣開場:茉莉花蕊精萃、晚香玉、使君子三種花香相互交融,並完美融合鳶尾草與大馬士革玫瑰兩個全新成份,增添成熟的女性風采與優雅氣韻。一改香氛以往的前調、中調和基調金字塔式香氛結構,而是將茉莉花蕊精萃、晚香玉、使君子、大馬士革玫瑰和天鵝絨鳶尾草這些高貴珍稀的花香調頃刻釋放,瞬間引領大家走入這座繁花盛放的花園。
Gucci Bloom Ambrosia di Fiori花悅馥意女性淡香精
和前三款的粉紅色瓶身不一樣,Gucci Bloom Ambrosia di Fiori花悅馥意女性淡香精是搶眼的勃根地深紅瓶身,裝飾著柔粉色的經典標誌。
Gucci Bloom Gocce di Fiori花悅春日淡香水限量版
Gucci Bloom在2019年曾推出限量身體保養系列,當中延伸出一款全新香氛「Gucci Bloom Gocce di Fiori花悅春日淡香水限量版」,是Gucci Bloom花悅淡香精更為細膩典雅的清新詮釋,為肌膚增添更加綿密的香氣,完美捕捉春日燦爛景致及清新香氣,傳遞出萬物復甦的光景。
Gucci Bloom Profumo di Fiori花悅沁郁淡香精
2020年上市,Gucci Bloom Profumo di Fiori花悅沁郁淡香精,保有Gucci Bloom 女性淡香精的主基調,再加入添加夜來香,帶來新鮮自然的綠意、豐富的花香和奶油般的深度,將Bloom系列首支白色花香調延伸至更明亮活力的氣息。
Gucci Bloom Profumo di Fiori花悅沁郁淡香精
Gucci Bloom經典瓶身換上了鮮豔的蜂蜜黃新包裝,明亮活力的視覺令人眼睛一亮。
Gucci Bloom花悅系列香水參考價錢
Bloom Acqua di Fiori花悅綠漾女性淡香水50ml,NT3,285、100ml NT4,230
Bloom Nettare Di Fiori花悅蜜意濃郁淡香精30ml,NT2,900、50ml,NT4,000、100ml NT5,200
Bloom Ambrosia di Fiori花悅馥意女性淡香精50ml,NT4,100、100ml NT5,300
Bloom Gocce di Fiori花悅春日淡香水限量版100ml,NT4,200
Bloom Profumo di Fiori花悅沁郁淡香精30ml,NT2700、50ml,NT3,750、100ml,NT4,800
What is the cheapest Gucci item in the world? Shocking prices here! ▷ South Africa news
The fashion industry is among the most prominent sectors globally, generating billions in revenues every year. There are several famous brands that have become so famous in the industry. Gucci is among the top brands known for its high-end items; however, it has some relatively cheap goods that you can easily acquire. Do you know the cheapest Gucci item in the market? Well, stick around to find out.
The GG brand name. Photo: @mariekitsova
Source: Instagram
Prada, Chanel, and House of Versace are among some of the bestselling brands in the world. Since its inception, Gucci continues to be a leader in the industry. Some of the brand’s main products include handbags, clothing lines, shoes, and watches, to name a few. The Gucci belt is one of the brand’s biggest sellers.
What is Gucci’s cheapest item?
The prices for certain commodities vary depending on the type and the stores they have been brought from. Therefore, it is important to note that the items listed may change from store to store. As you will see in the list below, most of these items are beauty products.
Gucci items under $50
The list below contains products from an online store. There are a few items that retail at $42.00, and they include:
Rouge à Lèvres Mat Matte Lipstick shades. Photo: @mymakeup_jm
Source: Instagram
Rouge à Lèvres Mat Matte Lipstick Rouge à Lèvres Satin Lipstick retails Rouge à Lèvres Voile Sheer Lipstick Baume à Lèvres Lip Balm Mascara L’Obscur is the cheapest Gucci item in the world, and it retails at $35.00 The Flora Gorgeous Gardenia Eau de Toilette For Her Mini Set goes for $39.00. however, it is valued at $49.00
Gucci items under $100
Many of the items within this pricing have a price range. The prices range between less than $100 to $150. The commodities include beauty products and perfumes and are priced based on the specific online store. Below are the items:
The GG collection of beauty products. Photo: @glidderandglossbeauty
Source: Instagram
Bloom Eau de Parfum price range: $64.60 – $114.75 Flora - Gorgeous Gardenia price range: $34.00 - $115.00 Poudre De Beauté Mat Naturel Beauty Setting Powder retails at $62.00 Poudre De Beauté Éclat Soleil Bronzing Powder retails at $62.00 Bloom Eau de Parfum For Her price range: $34.00 - $135.00 Fluide De Beauté Fini Naturel - Natural Finish Fluid Foundation retails at $68.00 Flora Eau de Parfum price range: $76.00 - $118.00 Flora Emerald Gardenia Eau de Toilette price range: $85.00 - $115.00 Guilty Intense price range: $78.00 - $132.00
What is the cheapest Gucci bag?
The Ophidia GG Supreme mini bag. Photo: @kiangsu00
Source: Instagram
The cheapest Gucci item in store for designer handbags is the Ophidia GG Supreme Canvas Zip Pouch. The bag retails at $630, making it the cheapest Gucci item ever. Other affordable bags in the Gucci line are the Super Mini Metallic Leather Crossbody Bag and the small GG Mormont bag.
The cheapest Gucci item on the list is a beauty product. For some, it may be costly, but for others, it is worthwhile. Nonetheless, the mascara is a great price option to choose from if you are into designer beauty products.
READ ALSO: Woman Transforms Louis Vuitton Shopping Bag Into Stunning Handbag
Briefly.co.za recently reported on a woman who transformed a Louis Vuitton shopping bag into a stunning handbag. Creativity can only be limited by your imagination, and this lady goes to prove that you can turn something ordinary and make it into an exquisite, classy item.
The talented young lady showcased her end product on social media and received great responses from people. Some even wanted her to teach them how to do it.
Source: Briefly.co.za