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Anya Taylor-Joy stars Tiffany and Co.’s latest campaign ‘Knot Your Typical City’


All eyes are on Hollywood actress Anya Taylor-Joy as she walks around New York City, bringing the best sparkle there is through Tiffany and Co.’s latest line of fine jewelry, the “Tiffany Knot.”

Anya Taylor-Joy

“The Queen’s Gambit” actress stars in the luxury label’s new ad titled “Knot Your Typical City,” a nod of respect to its hometown the Big Apple. Directed by Mario Sorrenti, whose recent collaborations include Burberry’s campaign with Adam Driver, Tiffany and Co.’s commercial captures Anya together with fellow brand ambassador Eileen Gu and male model Alton Mason on the streets of New York in the tune of singer Nasir Jones’ “N.Y. State of Mind.”

Tied with its long love and history with the city, the “Tiffany Knot” collection is all about curved and twisted metals and precious stones that ultimately “transforms industrial chain-links into a statement of raw elegance.” It features 18k yellow and rose gold with brilliant pavé diamonds made into a range of bangles, necklaces, rings, among others, for men and women.

Pieces from “Tiffany Knot” collection

The “Tiffany Knot” collection will be available on Sept. 7, 2021 in the US, the UK, and Canada. It will be globally launched in January 2022.

Watch the “Knot Your Typical City” campaign here:

Tiffany & Co.把經典Tiffany 藍變黃色!為一顆鑽石破天荒換品牌色背後故事解密


揉揉眼睛,你沒看錯 Tiffany & Co. 竟然把品牌最經典的Tiffany 藍換成了黃色!!早在4月1日那天,品牌就在IG上無預警發出預告Po 文表示 「Yellow is new blue 鮮黃是新的Tiffany 藍」引起粉絲掀起熱烈討論,原本當時以為是愚人節開的創意玩笑,畢竟說到Tiffany & Co. 大家一定會想到最經典的Tiffany 藍啊!不過這次竟然是來真的Tiffany & Co. 真的就在美國加州的比佛利山莊開了一間期間限定小黃快閃店,不只裝潢,連包裝都換成小黃盒,還舉行VIP活動。

不過為什麼這麼多顏色中,要選黃色呢?其實資深的珠寶迷或Tiffany 一定超懂這個幽默!因為黃色對品牌來說也有很重要的歷史意義,那就是來自那顆全世界最有名的鑽石項鍊之一的傳奇黃鑽!這次ELLE就要帶你一探在美國的Tiffany黃色快閃店,還有傳奇黃鑽背後的故事。