The ‘Soirée Smokey Eye’ Is the New After-Dark Makeup Staple


What does a N°5 woman wear on a night out? An alluring fragrance, complemented by monochromatic tweed, a calfskin flap bag, and according to Chanel’s latest celebration, an elevated smokey eye.

In honour of the House’s iconic fragrance, N°5, and its 100th anniversary, Chanel’s intimate 100 Years of Celebrity evening provided a suite of nonchalant-goes-daring beauty muses—the perfect moodboard for flirting with nights out once again.

While vanities and skin have spent time in the comfort of skincare and minimalist makeup, Chanel Australia makeup artists Victoria Baron and Filomena Natoli revived the spirit of glamour and celebration with smokey eyes.

“It was an evening of directional looks and picking just one element—like a smokey eye or a flick—then celebrating it. I saw one woman with a white eyeliner and nothing else,” Victoria Baron shares with marie claire.

Adorning friends of the brand, the makeup direction modernized bronzed eyes with a minimal, lashline-focused placement of neutral and terracotta shades. Keeping attention firmly on creating sultry lashes, the technique requires patient layering and blending with a collection of complementary eyeshadow shades (made easy by Chanel’s pigmented and buttery Les 4 Ombres eyeshadow palettes) and deep brown eyeliner nestled in-between eyelashes.

Coupled with two of Chanel’s most innovative new foundation formulas, the waterweight Les Beiges Eau de Teint and the velvety Sublimage L’Essence de Teint, skin was left luminous with warming berry tones to match the soft-matte finish and colour palette of the eye makeup.

“The romantic low candlelight at Felix meant that I wanted skin to glow,” adds Victoria Baron. “It’s important to take note of the lighting” when creating makeup for after-dark, she advises; “I used Chanel’s Baume Essentiel in Sculpting, which is my all-time favourite for making an evening look shine.”

Below, find the stars that shone the brightest on the night, and shortcuts to achieving their looks with a handful of Chanel beauty staples.

Pretty Damn Good: the highlighter balm Lisa Potter-Dixon relies on for dewy-looking skin


You’ll have no doubt heard of Lisa Potter-Dixon.

In her 15+ years as a make-up artist, Lisa has ticked off a lot. Alongside working her way through the ranks at Benefit, where she became head make-up and trend artist before leaving in 2019, Lisa has lent her talent to countless photoshoots for well-respected publications.

And she has accumulated many more achievements along the way. Lisa is the author of three bestselling books: Easy On The Eyes, a guide to nailing eye make-up no matter how much time you have; The Make-Up Manual, a comprehensive look at everything from brows and eyes to skin and lips; and Back Chat Beauty. Co-authored with beauty director Sophie Beresiner, the book draws on both women’s careers to inform a no-nonsense beauty guide, packed full of advice tailored to real women.

妝容效果可以媲美 Chanel 同類產品!日本 ettusais 這款 Highlighter 被日本女生搶購!


很多女生在化妝時,都喜歡在使用胭脂之外,再塗上光影粉,讓輪廓更加突出,五官分明有致。說到好用又自然的光影產品,Chanel 的 Baume Essetiel Multi-Use Glow Stick 肯定榜上有名,是不少女生的化妝袋必備。不過,其實要做到同一種妝容效果,這款來自開架品牌 ettusais 的胭脂膏同樣做到!

之前也介紹過,韓國品牌 Hince 的光影棒不論在顏色或是質感上,也跟 Chanel 的 Glow Stick 很相似;原來日本品牌也有同類型的產品。來自 ettusais 的 Face Edition Color Stick 其實是一款胭脂膏,一共有 4 款顏色選擇,分別是打亮、櫻桃紅、蜜桃粉和珊瑚橙,而顧名思義打亮的那款就是具有紅潤感的珠光白色,用來提亮膚色。

這款胭脂膏同樣是棒狀配方,非常方便使用,而且成份中含有月見草油,可以有天然的保濕效果,同時讓妝容變得更貼服長效。另外,這款胭脂膏的質感幼滑易推,而且可以做到非常自然的光澤透肌效果,讓日本女生們愛不釋手!重點是這款胭脂膏的價錢也不過是港幣 $150,很值得入手吧!


效果可以媲美 Chanel!韓國品牌 Hince 這款光影棒一推出就被搶光!


