2021-08-07 03:44
Louis Vuitton’s Bernard Arnault becomes world’s richest person. Here’s what you need to know about him
Bernard Arnault (Image: Reuters)
French billionaire Bernard Arnault has become the world’s richest person, surpassing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.
The Chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) is also one the few “centibillionaires”, or those who have a net worth of over $100 billion. He currently has a net worth of $198 billion, according to the Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List.
Also read: 3 business success tips from the world’s richest person: Bernard Arnault of LVMH
LVMH manages a vast portfolio of 70 luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Sephora, Tiffany & Co, Stella McCartney, Gucci, Christian Dior, and Givenchy.
Arnault has been at the helm of LVMH since 1989, after becoming the majority shareholder of the company.
He began his career as an engineer at the Ferret-Savinel construction company, which was owned by his father Jean Léon Arnault. Bernard Arnault even headed the company from 1978 to 1984.
In 1984, he undertook the reorganization of the Financière Agache holding company.
According to Forbes, Arnault also spent $15 million from the family business to buy Christian Dior in 1985.
He has been married twice and have five children. He has two children - Delphine and Antoine - from his marriage with Anne Dewavrin. The couple eventually divorced, and Arnault married Canadian concert pianist Helene Mercier in 1991. Arnault and Mercier have three children - Alexandre, Frédéric, and Jean.
Four of Arnault’s children work with various brands across the LVMH empire.
He has been awarded the honorary titles of Grand Officier de la Légion d’Honneur and Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres, according to the LVMH website.
【世界首富2021】全球富豪榜就猶如有錢人間的「奧運」,全球各地的「健兒」以自己的資產爭奪榜首名次。雖然2021年福布斯全球富豪排名經已推出,但近日的排名似乎有所改變,貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)的首富之位不保,被法國大亨貝爾納(Bernard Arnault)取而代之。
亞馬遜公司(Amazon.com, Inc.)近日發表今年第2季的業績報告,獲利78億美元,營收增長27%至1,131億美元,但不如市場預期的1,152億美元。再加上最新被歐盟監管機構因其廣告違反私隱規定,罰款7.46億歐元。種種因素使亞馬遜股價當日已即跌7%,從而令貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)的資產在一夜之間縮水139億美元,繼而失去全球首富的名銜。
貝爾納(Bernard Arnault)是奢侈品龍頭集團LVMH(LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton)董事長,集團旗下有「Louis Vuitton」﹐ 「Moët & Chandon」,「Christian Dior」和「Tiffany & Co.」,雖然LVMH股價在上週五下跌了1.4%,令貝爾納的身家一度縮水29 億美元。但由於近期LVMH的股價存於平穩上升的趨勢,使擁有LVMH 47%股份的貝爾納資產穩步上升,
亞馬遜公司股價大跌,而LVMH的股價平穩上升,此消彼長下,令貝爾納(Bernard Arnault)晉升為世界首富。
根據福布期最新的統計,現時貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)的資產大概為1938億美元,而貝爾納(Bernard Arnault)的資產為1984億美元。
LVMH的財務總監(CFO)Jean Jacques Guiony表示現時全球對奢侈品的需求非常大,現時集團已經渡過去年疫情的影響,今年已經回復強勁的升勢,並靠利潤的增長助公司走出疫情的短期負面影響。
Bernard Arnault身世揭露
Bernard Arnault現是奢侈品龍頭LVMH(LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton)的行政總裁,是帶領全球奢侈品潮流的領軍人物。
Arnault的個人事業從1985年開始,當時其父親在建造業當中小有成就,Arnault利用家族資金,約1500萬美金收購Christian Dior,隨即開始他奢侈品王國的傳說。
在2019年,LVMH進軍豪華酒店行業,Bernard Arnault投入32億美元收購Belmond Limited。該公司旗下營運46間酒店,列車和遊輪事業。在今年一月,LVMH更以158億美元收購珠寶商Tiffany & Co,是有史以來最大的奢侈品牌交易。