《GUCCI豪門血案》首波預告片釋出!Lady Gaga「時尚黑寡婦」扮相超霸氣、「小丑」變肥禿老頭


「我寧願在勞斯萊斯上哭,也不要坐在腳踏車上笑。」這句話是出自於有著「時尚黑寡婦」之稱的派翠西亞雷吉亞尼(Patrizia Reggiani)。她是Gucci第三代掌門人莫里吉奧古馳(Maurizio Gucci)的前妻,因不滿丈夫外遇要將他掃地出門,無法放棄豪門生活的她決定買凶殺夫。最後派翠西亞被判了29年牢獄,她甚至還一度自殺,但被及時救下,他在2016年被釋放,共坐了18年的牢。

這件豪門血案被撰寫成小說《The House of Gucci:A Sensational Story of Murder,Madness,Glamour,and Greed》。米高梅電影 買下版權,由《異形》系列、《銀翼殺手》導演雷利史考特執導。1995年,GUCCI 第三代繼承人莫里吉奧古馳在辦公室門口被槍殺,目擊者是一名警衛,他也在這起事件中受傷。他事後表示莫里吉奧古馳頭部中彈後就倒地不起,鮮血直流。

《GUCCI 豪門血案》在今天釋出首波宣傳照與預告片,卡司為《一個巨星的誕生》Lady Gaga 飾演派翠西亞雷吉亞尼、《婚姻故事》亞當崔佛飾演被槍殺的莫里吉奧古馳、「教父」艾爾帕西諾飾演奧爾多古馳,他是保羅的爸爸、「小丑」傑瑞勒托飾演保羅古馳,他則是莫里吉奧古馳的堂哥、《正義聯盟》「阿福」傑瑞米艾恩斯飾演魯道夫古馳,是Gucci創辦人的二兒子,這個角色本來是由「影帝」勞勃狄尼洛飾演,後來改為傑瑞米艾恩斯接替、《英國恐怖故事》瑞夫卡尼將飾演年輕的Tom Ford,另外還有《殺手保鑣》莎瑪海耶克、Vincent Riotta、Mia McGovern Zaini等人。

預告片中可以看到派翠西亞跟莫里吉奧仍在熱戀,Gucci家族表面上看起來和平,實則暗潮洶湧。變老變肥又變禿的傑瑞勒托在劇中事實上是個狠角色,他曾因被趕出Gucci而報復自己的爸爸奧爾多古馳,舉發他逃漏稅一把年紀了被關進監獄。本來與堂弟莫里吉奧古馳聯手將自己的爸爸趕出公司,後來又再次故技重施想將莫里吉奧也關進監獄,非常陰險狡詐。《GUCCI 豪門血案》預計將在今年11月上映。


》「屍戰朝鮮:雅信傳」最亮眼的13歲小影后 演少女版全智賢的金詩雅,真面目清秀迷人但演技超強

Dressed to kill: Lady Gaga is the epitome of 90s glamour in new ‘House of Gucci’ trailer


Written by Leah Dolan, CNN

In the new trailer for Ridley Scott’s “House of Gucci,” Lady Gaga strides through an Italian side street shrouded in furs and dripping in gold. “It was a name that sounded so sweet,” she says in a vocal fry, “so seductive.”

Set in Italy in 1995, the fashion biopic centers around the story of Patrizia Reggiani, an Italian socialite played by Gaga, who after marrying into fashion royalty was sentenced to 29 years in prison for plotting the murder of husband Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver), heir to the Gucci empire.

It’s a familiar and irresistible tale of wealth, betrayal, maddening in-laws and murder. Out in US theaters November 24, the film – which is based on the book “The House Of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed,” by Sara Gay Forde – delves into “what a name means, what it’s worth, and how far a family will go for control,” according to production studio Universal Pictures.

Fur coats, lashings of jewelery, perfectly tailored suits and alpine-chic attire dominate through the new trailer. While Gaga looks dressed to kill, thanks to the work of costume designer Janty Yates, some members of the all-star cast are unrecognizable. Jared Leto has been drastically aged and sports a receding hairline and substantial facial prosthetics to help embody maverick Italian businessman and former Gucci vice-president, Paolo Gucci. Al Pacino plays Aldo Gucci, the son of Guccio Gucci, the luxury brand’s original founder.

Adam Driver in “House of Gucci” Credit: Courtesy of Universal Pictures

Jared Leto stars as Paolo Gucci. Credit: Courtesy of Universal Pictures

According to Variety, Yates was given full access to the Gucci archive to craft looks for the all-star cast, but the fashion on show appears to go well beyond the Gucci label. Early scenes reveal a mixture of vintage and contemporary ready-to-wear fashion from designers such as Sandro, Max Mara and Burberry.

Reggiani and Gucci were one of Italy’s first and most beloved celebrity couples during the 1970s and 80s, mingling with other high profile duos like Jackie Onassis and John F. Kennedy. The pair even had a personalized number plate made of their portmandeau: “Maurizia”.

Maurizio Gucci’s assassination became the scandal of the 1990s, and the potential motives of his hot-headed wife enthralled an entire country. Now, the fateful fashion feud has been resurrected for the benefit of a global audience.

House of Gucci’s True Story Explored: Who are Maurizio Gucci and Patrizia Reggiani?


The first trailer for Ridley Scott’s crime drama House of Gucci has been released, starring Adam Driver and Lady Gaga as Maurizio Gucci and Patrizia Reggiani.

House of Gucci is based on the book The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed by Sara Gay, depicting the events surrounding Gucci’s death.

The film is scheduled to be released November 24, and we take a look at the true story that fueled the narrative.

House of Gucci – Official Trailer BridTV 3862 House of Gucci – Official Trailer https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mv6o9icJGOQ/hqdefault.jpg 836745 836745 center 13872

Who are Maurizio Gucci and Patrizia Reggiani?

Maurizio Gucci was the son of Italian actor Sandra Ravel and Rodolfo Gucci – the son of Guccio Gucci who founded the Gucci fashion house in 1921, Florence.

After the death of his father, Maurizio took control of the Gucci house, using his 50% of the company to pry it out of the hands of his uncle, Aldo Gucci.

Patrizia Reggiani met Maurizio at a party and the latter is reported to have fallen in love with her quite quickly.

The pair married in 1972, however Gucci left the marriage suddenly in 1985 “without warning”, reported by Reggiani in an interview with The Guardian.


The Death of Gucci

Maurizio was shot dead outside of his Milan office on March 27, 1995 by a gunman who fled the scene of the crime by car. Gucci was 46 years old.

Reggiani became one of the suspects in Gucci’s murder trial with her arrest in 1997. This triggered a high-profile trial in 1998.

Reggiani was accused of planning her ex-husband’s murder in order to take over his estate. It was also reported that Reggiani orchestrated the murder because Gucci was about to marry another woman.

In 1998, Reggiani, along with four other accomplices, were taken into custody for the murder of Gucci and sentenced to 29 years in prison. Reggiani later got her sentence reduced to 26 years on appeal.

Reggiani later reflected on her time in prison as a “bad dream,” after she was released in 2016.

In other news, House of Gucci’s True Story Explored: Who are Maurizio Gucci and Patrizia Reggiani?