Louis Vuitton &展覽免費入場!集結藤原浩、草間彌生、川久保玲藝術家打造10個體驗空間,必看亮點整理給你


為紀念品牌誕生160年來與藝術家的精彩火花,特別於日本東京舉辦Louis Vuitton&展覽。

by Wa Chang - 24 MAR 2021 更新


以製箱工藝聞名於世的Louis Vuitton,長達167年的悠久歷史,與無數日本藝術家共同合作,為了連結巴黎與東京的藝術文化,同時紀念享譽盛名的藝術家Fragment Design創辦人藤原浩、草間彌生、Nigo®…路易威登特別打造Louis Vuitton &展覽,從製作行李箱的精湛工藝,到Takashi Murakami開創的「超扁平」藝術一次囊括,設置10個沉浸式體驗,有哪些不能錯過亮點快往下看:

Room1、Critical point

為了與藝術家合作的百年歷史,Louis Vuitton &展覽榮幸展出日本藝術家Ryoji Ikeda池田亮司的多媒體作品Critical point。

Louis Vuitton &展覽


找來了享譽盛名的當代肖像畫家嚴培明、Alex Katz與數位藝術家Refik Anadol詮釋創辦人Louis Vuitton年輕時的神韻。同時也擺放上路易威登先生打造的客制化行李箱。

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 3、藝術合作:造就傳統

展示Gaston-Louis Vuitton櫥窗設計的複製品,牆面則有小林健太五光十色的攝影作品,同步陳列路易威登工坊的經典行李箱與首批藝術合作作品。

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 4、絲綢上的藝術

1980年代後期,路易威登邀請Sol LeWitt、James Rosenquist、Gae Aulenti和Andrée Putman等才華洋溢的藝術家,共同創作「織品系列」展示在此。

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 5、重新演繹經典


Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 6、川久保玲眼中的威登世界

繼2008年、2014年雙方再度攜手合作,川久保玲專為展覽設計皮革材質的經典Bag With Holes。

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 7、空白畫布手袋


Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 8、路易威登與日本:皮件傳承


Louis Vuitton &展覽

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 9、藝術遇上時尚

路易威登在1998年推出時尚系列,藉由與藝術家的合作驚艷時尚界,將展示與Stephen Sprouse、Richard Prince、Jake、Dinos Chapman、Daniel Buren、草間彌生、Christopher Nemeth、Grace Coddington、Supreme的精彩作品。

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Room 10、路易威登與日本:時尚愛情故事

陳列時尚傳奇人物山本寬齋最具代表性的兩大作品,包括為David Bowie在Ziggy Stardust巡迴演唱會設計的經典連身褲,Ghesquière將這種色彩融入2018年Cruise系列的未來感造型。也同步展示路易威登與日本設計師共同設計的男性時裝系列,向是藤原浩與Kim Jones共同設計的Fragment(2017)。Nigo®設計的LV²的富士山飛行員外套(2020年)。路易威登男裝藝術總監Virgil Abloh在東京舉辦2021年春夏時裝秀。

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Louis Vuitton &展覽

Louis Vuitton &展覽從3月19日起到5月16日在東京澀谷區舉辦,展覽採預約就能免費參觀,有機會去訪日本的你,可別錯過難得一見的路易威登展。




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Louis Vuitton華麗變身 全新銀座專門店似水流律動


Jun Aoki wraps Louis Vuitton Ginza Namiki store in pearlescent facade


Japanese studio Jun Aoki & Associates has created a distinctive flagship store for Louis Vuitton in Tokyo’s Ginza shopping district with an undulating facade and interiors by architect Peter Marino.

Replacing the brand’s previous store, which has occupied the same corner since 1981, the seven-storey Louis Vuitton Ginza Namiki store is wrapped in a water-like facade.

Designed by Jun Aoki and Associates, this undulating pearlescent facade was created to give the building a modern look and reflect Ginza’s location near Tokyo Bay.

“The building’s highly modern appearance interprets the reflections of water as a material phenomenon,” said Louis Vuitton.

“Poetic yet playful; shimmering and rhythmic. Once a peninsula extending in Tokyo Bay, this evocation of water is expressed throughout as smooth, undulating surfaces – from the glass facade that transmits shifting colour to the feature staircase and fixtures.”

The facade was constructed from two layers of glass that curve and ripple like water, which was covered with a dichroic film to create a pearlescent colouring.

A clear opening at the corner of the ground floor showcases the latest collections and allows glimpses of the art-filled, natured inspired interiors by New York-based studio Peter Marino.

“Jun Aoki’s facade is at once monolithic and imbued with fluidity – his representation of a ‘pillar of water’,” said Louis Vuitton.

“At street level, the building reflects the dynamism of Ginza; higher up, neighbouring towers become wavy apparitions, while a skyscape sweeps across the glass, marking the passage of each day.”

The lower four floors of the store are dedicated to retail. Pale stone covers the floor of the ground level with curved panelling on ceilings to add a three-dimensional effect.

Related story Frank Gehry crowns Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul with glass sails

Throughout the retail spaces textured walls, curved surfaces and a wood and glass material palette fill the space adding a lightness to the interior while reinforcing the natural theme.

The retail floors are connected by a central staircase constructed from sculptural oak and glass that winds through the store surrounding by suspended jellyfish with monogram detailing.

A secondary staircase at the rear of the store employs a similar material palette and is framed by a four-storey feature wall that reinterprets a painting by Japanese artist Kimiko Fujimura and reflects the buildings organic aesthetic.

Furniture by Pierre Paulin was added to inject acidic hues to the tonal interior, bright pinks and oranges can be found throughout the women’s floors while reds, blues, and muted yellows fill the men’s.

The store also includes a permanent space to showcase new arrivals as well as a VIP area on the sixth floor and the Le Café V on the building’s top floor.

Jun Aoki & Associates has completed several other projects for the fashion house, including this a flagship store in Osaka wrapped in curved glass sails and the nearby Ginza store that has a perforated facade based on the Vuitton monogram.

Marino has similarly renovated the brand’s New Bond Street store in London that uses artworks by Tracy Emin and the Campana Brothers.

Photography is by Daici Ano.