New York jeweler shares Tiffany Trump engagement ring detailsarticle When Tiffany Trump, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, announced her engagement to billionaire boyfriend Michael Boulos this week, she played it cool, sharing just one photo of the couple — and not showing off the ring. |
Felipe Nasr accusing Rolex 24 competition of sandbaggingDAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – Action Express Racing drivers Felipe Nasr and Pipo Derani conquered and then called out the competition, accusing their Acura and Mazda competition of sandbagging ahead of the 59th Rolex 24 at Daytona. |
Joe Biden wore a $7,000 Rolex to his inauguration as US PresidentDear Reader, This section is about Living in UAE and essential information you cannot live without. Register to read and get full access to gulfnews.com |
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最想擁有的10件Hermès 2021春夏新品:這款愛馬仕絲巾髮圈Blackpink Lisa都是粉絲 |
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